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<br />-��,<-�t� COVENANTB �9'�-1Ci�'iL�
<br /> "" '° 1, paym��t�, Borrowar aprae� to meks �II p�yments on tM aacured debt when due. Unle�� Borrower �nd Lander aprae otherwise, eny =--
<br /> • i. � p�ym�nto L�nder r�ceives from Borrowtr or for Borrower's Mnefit wiil be epplied f(nt to any amounts Borrower owae on tlie secured debt �y
<br /> . n o t'e d u c e o r�excusi��y'icMdulad p�ym�nttuntil the�ssc�ed de6t si pild in fuII�I�sp�yment of the eecured deht occurs tor�ny rea�on,it will -
<br />- `~���''' � 4,Cl�lms ApMrut Titl�.Bortowir will p�y dl t�xe�,�as�um�nts,�nd other cherQss�ttributsbie to the proparty when due end will defend titla
<br /> - ' de(enees�whlch�Borrowsr miy�have ep�In t pet I�Pwho�upply/ebor or materia i to improva o�Ynelnteln therp aperty����fln eny riphta,clelmt or =
<br /> .:n;r>..��- _ -
<br /> 3,Inwnnc�. Borrower will koep the property ineured under terme accepteble to Lender�t Borrower'� expense snd for Lender's benefit.All
<br />_ :;ti .�� �1 intur�nce policie�ah�ll include a ctandard mortpapo clnusa In fnvor of Londer.Lender will hs named�s lo�i P�Yoe or e�the Ineured on eny wch
<br /> wria�� fn�urance policy.Any inturance procesds m�y be applied,within Lender's di�cretlon,to eithar the re�torstion or rap�u of clie domayed property
<br />"'x'�!��l or to th�sacured debt.If Lender requires mortq�fle inaunnce,Borrower�grees to maint�in tuch Inturance,for�s lony��Lender requires.
<br /> `:�'
<br /> 4,prop�rty,Borrower will keep the proporty in pood conditlon�nd make all repaln re��onebly nece�eery.
<br /> 6,Expw►sn.Borrower�preea to p�y all Lender's sxp�n�es,including n��onable sttorneye'fea,if Borrower brseke eny covenmt�in thl�der.d
<br /> . � �� " �;� of tru�t or In sny oblip�tlon�ecured by thi�deed of truit,Borrower will pey theee amount�to Lender a provided(n Covenent 9 of thl�deed ot
<br /> ' 1fU6t.
<br />;. . 6,p�ia S�curity IM�rNU.Unless Borrower first obteins Lender's written consent, Borrower will not meke or permlt any chanpea to any prfor _
<br /> =•`� �.5"' tecurity Intsrs�ta Borrower will perform all of Borrower's obligatlona under eny prior mortgige, deed of trust or other security agreement,
<br /> � i Includiny Borrower'�coven�nU to make peymente when due.
<br />"�a�'' .
<br /> '�%•=„ 7.Aulprnn�ot of R�nt�Md Pto1k�.Borrower essigna to Lender the rents end profite of the property.Unlecs Borrower end Lender have eyread
<br /> otherwise in writinp, Borrower mey collect and retain the rents as lonp es Borrower is not in default. If Borrower defaults. Lender, Lender's
<br /> epent,or e court eppointed reCelver mey take possession angd menape the property end coltect tha rente. Any rente Lender callacts shell be
<br /> .';``s�:{�'� nece�atery related expenaes}The rem�eining emount of rentc will then apply to peymen�ts on the secur d deht as p ovided in Covenen dt eny ather
<br />�r , "°� t,L�Ntddr CaMaf�fnMun�7 P�rx�d U^K av�It+pnt�M�•�rrower��ree�to compIy with the provlslona of sny lea�e ff thl�dsed of truet Is on
<br /> � e lea�ehold. 1{this deed of trust I�on e unit In e condominium or e F+ianned unft devatopment, Borrowor will perform all of Borrower'a duties _
<br />:_-`:��,.�.; under the coven�nt�,by-I�w�,or repulations of the condominium or planned unit development.
<br /> 9. Aud�orHy of L�rdK to P�rfwm for BwrowK. If 8arrower fail�to perform sn� of Borrower's dut�es under this deed of truct, Lender m�y
<br />:';�, : perform ths duties or ceuae them to be performed.Lender may cipn Borrower'� nome or psy�ny amount if neceasery for psrformance. If any
<br /> -_-'�;�y."`� consvuotion on thaproperty is discontinued or not cerried on in �reesoneble menner,Lender mey do whatever is necuiery to protect Lender's
<br />+�'�'�°-:,• �ecurity inters�t i�tf�e propsrqr•This msy include completinp the conatruction.
<br /> .. �..
<br />'`''�"-=" Lender's faflure to psrform will not prociude Lender from exercisinQ any of its other r(phte under the Inw or this deed of trust.
<br />,�-,-���
<br />.-'�``'`'�`' end will beer It ereit from t�hetde�e of the peyment untfl pald in full at�ltheelnterest�rate in�eftect onfthe cecured debt unts will be due on demend
<br /> ` '' 1p, p�fwit�nd Accd�r�tlon. I} Borrower falle to meke any peyment when due or breake any covenents under thls deed of truat or any
<br /> -�' '�•�'•. oblipetlon secured by this deed o}truet or eny prior mortgega or deed of trust, Lender mey eccelerete the meturity of the cecured debt and
<br /> dem�nd Immedl�te payment��d m�y invoke the powor of sele ond eny other remediei permitted by eppliceble lew.
<br /> `.''e�'•--`� � _�.�������z...}n.f«dt.It Is herehy requeated that copfee of the noticea ot default end sele be sent to eech person who i�a partY
<br /> '.-;n,T.
<br />•'�:'- '��'� hereto,�t the��drsss of e�ch such person,��set torth harsin.
<br /> ;., ,.::.
<br /> �=�`F'"� 12.Poww of SrN.If the Lender Invoka�the power of sele,the Trustee shsll first rocord in the office ofi tha royiater o}deeds of each county
<br /> `='��;:�`�' wherofn the trust property or soms part or p�rcel thereof le citueted e notice of defeuit contelnin9 the Informstion required by lew.The Truatee
<br /> "h.a����''� th�ll also mail coples of tM notics of default to the Borrower,to s�ch person wha is�party Mroto, and to other peraono es p►escribed by
<br /> u'-'�r-°�" �p p l f c a b l e l a w. Nat le�s then one month efter the Trustee recorde the ratice of default, or two monthc H the truat propsrty Is rwt fn any
<br /> - �.:
<br /> �'�,,�4., Incorpor�ted city or villa9e and is uasd in farminp operetiom csrded on by the trustor,t he Trus ts e s h i l l p i v e p u b li c n otice of c�le to t e p ersons
<br /> -J,,...�r� �nd in tM menner proscribed by�aPPPliceble law.Truatee,without demand on Borrower,ehell sell the property et public auction to the hiphest
<br /> --;y�'^� bicider. If requlred by the Fum Homesteed Protection Act,T�+b e ublic enfnuuncement et the Ume end plece lof anyrpr�eviouaby acheduled sele.
<br /> �=-''�• T�uttbe may postpona eele of all or any percel of the property Y P
<br />_.,_�:-;_ Lender or its desipnee m�y purchaae the property�t eny sale.
<br /> �-:}. Tho rocitials cont�ined in
<br /> Upon rac�tpt of paYment of the prlca bid,Trusiaa shall deltver to the purcf��ser Trustee'e dsed conv9ying ths property
<br /> -° ~ ` `"� Trustee'�deed shell be pr�ms fecie evidience of the truth of the etstemente contoined theroin.Trustee ehall epply the procecds of the aelo in tM
<br />_^�,i,'F��� followinp order: (s) to dl expensae of the s�le, includinp, but not Iimited to, reesoneble Trustee's fees, reason�ble attorney's fees and
<br /> °;,�:,.;_ roimt�tement fees;(b)to�II sums secured by thie deed nf trust,end Ic) the b�iance,If eny, to tha penons leQelly entitled to roceivo ft.
<br /> ""`-�_'_;:��_�, 13.�orw�lowr�.At Lsnder't option,thfs deed of truat mey be forecbaed in the manner provide by epplic�ble lew for foroclosure of mortpepe�
<br />_L.�kT..��,� on real propertY•
<br /> "1'!C."i"��� 14.Mip�cdon• �ender mey enter the property to inspect It ii Lender givea Bo�rower notice beforehand.TFw notice must state the reesoneble
<br /> __��;_;-s� caum fa Lsnder'e Inepectlon.
<br /> -``�--'�� �5,Cotd�rr�tlon.Borrower attfgn�to Lender the proceeds of eny eward or clelm for demaaei connected with a condemnation or other takinp
<br /> •�,: of�II or�ny p�rt of the prop�rty.5uch procead�will be applied as provided in Covenant 1. This�ssiqnment I�subject to the terms of sny prior
<br /> ''.^����� securityaproement.
<br /> "�'�' tg,W�Iv�r.By exerdsin9 eny remedy evaflable to Lender,Le�der does not piva up eny riphte to leter use eny othsr remedy.By not exerciain9 _
<br />- i: - :
<br /> �!!,n��r.�l�' � eny remedy upon Borrower's defeult,Lender does not waive any right to leter consldor the event a defeult if it heppena epein.
<br />---«.-t�",._
<br /> _�,�� 77,Jakit �nd S�wrM Li�; Co•�lyn��t Succ�s�a� �nd Atslynt Bound. All duties under thli deed of truat ere joint snd ceveraL �y
<br />-�;.,_�;,;; Borrowsr who co•slyns this eed of trust but doei not co-eipn tM undedyinp debt instrumentpl tJoes eo only to �rant �nd convey th�t
<br />_.�,�, __ _,_ Borrower's interast tn the property to the Trustee undor the terms of thit deed of trust.In addition,such�Borrower�prees thet the Lender snd
<br /> , ,..�:• �� eny other Borrower under thts dead oi trust m�y extend,modify or make any other chenpe�in the terme of thi�deed of trust or the cecured
<br /> =«,;,,�,:;:
<br /> debt without thet Borrovrer's consent and without releasing that Borrower fram the terma of thie deed of trust,
<br /> • � Tha duties�nd benetits of this deed of lrust shell bind and bene(it the successors end essigne of Lender end Borrower.
<br /> 78.Notic��Unless otherwise required by law,eny notice to Botrower shell be given by deliver(ng it or by,mailing it by certified mall addrossed to -
<br /> � Borrower at the prnperty eddress or eny other eddress that Borrowcr hee piven to Londer.8orrower will pive eny notice to Lender by certified _
<br /> m�fl to Lander's addreoe on page 1 of this deed of trust,or to eny other eddress which Lender hes designated.Any other notice to Le�xler sh�ll
<br /> be tent to Lender's�ddreu es�tated on page 1 of this deed of truat.
<br /> 5 Any notics�hall be deemed to have been given to Barrower or Lender when piven in the manner stated above.
<br /> T'
<br />' 19.Tnnst�r ot tM Propety u►e Barnflc��l Int�nst In th�BorrowK. If elt or any pert ot the property or ony Interest In It is sold or transferred
<br /> without Lender's prfor written consont, Landor may demond Immodiatn paymont of the secured dobt. Londar msy also demand Immndiate
<br /> . i
<br /> demendtpaymeM in the ebfove situetions i}itfs6prohibted by fede ell lewres of the d eerof t es deed�of trust nsiorred. Howeve�, Lender may not
<br /> + 20.R�coev�yane�•When the obligation cecurad by this deed of trust hea been paid,and Lender hes no turther obligation to make advances
<br /> I under the instruments or egreemants secured by this deed of trust,tlie Trustee shall,upon written reyuest by the Lender, reconvay the trust
<br /> ,=I proqerty.The Lender shall deliver to the Borrower, or to Borrower's successor In interest, the trust deed and the note or other evidence of the
<br /> obl�oation so satisfied.Borrower shell pay eny recordation costs.
<br /> _ _ _--�=-�
<br /> 21. Succasw Tru�tM. Lender, at Lender's option, mey remove T�ustee end eppoint e successor trustee by tust, memng e copy o, ino
<br /> substitution of truates es required by�pp�icable I•aw,end thin,by fiiing the substitutinn of trustee for record In the office of the reg�stor of deeds
<br /> I succead to ell the porwer tdutiess authonty end title of the Trust e named in the deed o}trust end ot eny�successor trustea,of the property,shall
<br /> I �
<br /> I I
<br /> � I
<br /> IP+ge 2 0l 21
<br /> 9AHKEHS S�STEMS.INC..ST.ClOUD,MN 66301 11�800�]97•23111 FURM OCP MTGNE 6l19/J7 ____ _____
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