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•�� <br /> �� .. �. ,. , .. � , � .,;. <br /> .R.�r�i�tliesr•-.ti��. <br /> � 1jpu�+1.,{rt . _ �� _ _ -''Bi?�"� �_ <br /> n . ... . .. '-'n-'!Yf . . - .. .. F ,»..--- .... _• . . �_' ._._. _... .. —._ <br />_ , . 'l -- <br /> �:r <br /> Yj ' �4 � . <br /> �f�� COYENANT9 ���j�13 � <br /> � . �, p�ymMti. 9orrower eyroes to meko all pnyments on the eecured de6t when due. Unteee Borrowar end Lender egree otharwise, any �r-, <br /> , paym�nts Lender receivss from Borrawer or to► 8orrower'� b�nefiY will b��ppll�d iirst to eny amounts Borrower owes on the secured debt __ <br /> �xcludve o1 Interest or principal,�econd ta intere�t,��d then to prineipal.If pertlel prepayment of the sacured debt occuu for�ny re�son, it will �,.., <br /> •:� not reddce or excur,e eny acheduled peymentuntil the securod dabt i�peid In fulL ��n <br /> �� 2. Clalm�ApNn�t Titl�.Borrower will pey all taxea,essessments, and other cherges ettributeble to the property when due end will defend title � <br /> to the property epainet eny Cleimt which wauld impeir the Ilen of this deed o}trust.Lender mey repuire Borrower to ataign any i ights,clnime or �L� <br /> '' �:� defenies which Borrower m�y h�vs sq�inst pertfet who�upply labor or meterlels to improve or meintain the property. �•- <br /> '.,'�' 3. Insu�ance. Borrowor witl keap the property in�ured under terms ecceptable ta Lender ut Borrower's expense end lor Lender's benefit.All <br /> insur�nce poficiee ehdl Inciude e�t�nd�rd mort4 ape clau�e in fevor of Lendor.Lendor wili bo named as loss payee or as�he insurAd on sny such E��:° <br /> „�}� inaurence policy,Any Insurencs proceeds mW be epplisd,withln Lender'a diacretlon,to either the reatoration or repair ot the damegod praperty .. <br /> or to the eecured debt.If Lender requirei mortpape Insurance,Borrower agrees to maintein euch insurence for as long ae Le�der requires. <br /> � 4. Pro�ty.Borrower will keep the propertyin good conditfon and meke all repeirs reesonably neceasnry. <br />�." � of tFruet o��n anyrobllgetion securedYby tliis deAd of trust Borrowernwlll pey these atmounl to Lender es prov ded kn Covena t 9nof this de d of <br /> '� truet. <br /> B, Prior 9�curity Int�raU.Unleas Borrower first obteine Lender's written conaent, Borrower will not make or pormit any chenges to eny prior �_ <br /> ' fncludinp�Bnrrower epcovenant�t pmeke paym nta�when�dueoblipetiona under any prior mortgege, deed oF truat or o�her security agreement, <br /> �,p��i nt of R�nts�nd Profks. Borrower assfyns to Lender the rents end protite of the property.Unless Barrow�rand Lender have agreed <br />. :t�h�e�wQe�ncOUr�t appointed erc�ver mieeyCUkedpoeeesefon and menepe�the p ofpertyra�ndncoll ctthe IenteBAry rent�L nlder colects shell be <br />- nece�iisrY elated expenie��The remeinlLnp i ount of rent�wRl then apply tu payments on the��ecured debt�i prov ded in�Covenen d1eny other <br /> e lei�eho da��h�dee�o}�ttuit��o e����n n condomi num ar�s plenned�unitmdeve o�pmtent pBorrower wil�l parfo�imlel{hol Bonowor's�dutlee ---- <br /> undv the coven�nt�,by��w�,nr r�pul�tion�of the condomin�um or plennnd unit develapment. <br /> Y, Autho�fty of L�ndK to P�rform fa SottowK.If borrawa talla to�erform �ny of Borrower'e dutie� und�r thl� dNd of tru�t, Lsnd�r m�y <br /> f �� p�rlorm th� dutN�or c�u��tlNm to b� pKform�d. L�nd�r m�y Nqn orrow�r't nema or pey eny�mount If naa�sarv�ar performence. If any <br /> M•. con�trUction on th�prop�rty I�dlscontinu�d or not c�rri�d on In�rsuon�bl�m�nner, Lsndsr m�y do wh�tsver i�necN�ery to protect Lender'� <br /> security Inters�t In!h�proputy.Thl�m�y Inclucl�compl�tiny the con�tructlon. <br /> • � Lenda'�f�ilure to psrtorm will not pnclud�4�nd�r irom ex�rclsinp any of Itt other ripht�under the I�w or thle deed ollrust. <br />: end wf 1 beer�lntereit fromt he deie�of the pWment unill paldtin full at�lthe�fntereetd ste In�eff ect onttlie iecured debt u���will be due on demend <br /> � 70. D�fwlt �nd Ace�iK�tlon. �f Borrower feil�to make eny payment when due or braek� any covenentt undar tNs deed nf truat or any <br /> obliQ�tion secured by thl�deed of tru�t or�ny prfor mortp�Qa or deed of truat, Lender may eccelerete the meturity ot the secured debt end <br /> � dem�nd Immediete psymsnt and may fnvak�the power of sele and any other remedie�pormitted by applic�ble law. <br /> �-'--__ Y i,,,,� of defeult end eele be eent to euh person who Is e party <br /> • ' . .• ., -- 71.R�quut for Nodo�ot u�i�uit. it is herou �aq.�os;sd that�ap A•^, <br /> � ' heroto,et the eddro�a of eech wch person,es aet forth herein. <br /> y:- ,. <br /> 72,Pow�r of S�I�.If the Lender Invoke�tM power of�ete,the Trustee shell first record In the office of the repisterof deede of eech county <br /> i� ' wherein the trwt property or�ome put or parcel thereof le eituated e notice of defeult contelnin9 the Informstlon requred by Iew. The Truetee <br /> ' shall al�o meil copien of the notice of defeult to the Borrower, to eech pereon who Is a perty hereto, end to other persons es pre�cribed by <br />�:-i:.:;',�,�q��• applicable lew. Not lest than one month�fter the Tructee records the notice of default, or two montha if the trust property is not in any <br /> incorper�ted city or vflleQe and is uaed in Ierminp operetian�cerried on by the truetor,the Truetee shall give public nollce of eele to the persone <br /> ' '� and In the manner preecribed by eppplicabb law.7ru�tee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell the property�t puGic.euctlon to��ceble lewt <br /> ' � bidder. If required by the Ferm Hor+neiteed Protection Act,Trustee shell offer the property in two seperete sales as r�qu�red by epp <br />�1+•�+n�'����• Trwtee mey po�tpone sele of all or�ny p+rcel of the property by public announcement et the tlme end plece of eny prevfously acheduled sele. <br /> ;�y,...�,_� Lender or its deslpnee mey purchase the property et eny sele. <br /> - -�°Y , Upon recelpt of puyment of the price bld,Trustae shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the property.Tt�e recftiels conteined in <br /> ''°•a'.:-.r Trustee'e deed shall be prime fecle evidience of the truth of the statements conteined thereln.Truetee ehall epply the proceeds of the sale in the <br />�;;�•,, �' followiny order: (a) to ell expensee of tho eale, �ncludinp, but not Iimitad to, reeeonable Trustee's teea, reeson+ble ettorney'e feee and <br /> -�•,�r,„ �,,, relnetatament feee;(b)to ell eums secured by this deed of trust,end(c)the balonco,if eny,to the persons lepally entiVed to receive(t. <br /> �"'-�:�'� 13.Fonclosun.At Lender'c optlon,thia deed of trust mey be foreclosed In the manner provide by applicable lew fa toreclosure of mortpages <br />��"ti�'�"}'� on reel property, <br />�,.-,,,:....�•a'v. <br /> .;.�:.:.:;;.•� <br />�,�.�,t•.}� 14.In�p�ctlon, Lender m�y enter the property to inapect it it Lender gives Borrower notice beforohend.The notice muat�tats t e reasona <br /> ,,,. .,�,:�,_�. ceuse for Lender'e inspectlon. <br /> C?�-.<<�ir.=. <br />- ' 16.CwidNnn�tlon.Borrower easig ne to lender the proceeds of eny eward or claim for dama9as connected with e condemnetion or other teking <br /> =`�: of ell or eny pert of the properly. Such proceeda will be applied es provlded In Covenont 1.Thia assipnment is subjectta the terms of any prior <br /> - aecurity e0reement. <br />='��Y � � 18,W�v�r.By exerelaing any ramedy awileble to Lender,Lender does not givo up eny righte to leter use any otherromedy. By not exercising - <br /> eny remedy upon Borrower'e defeult Lender doe4 not weivo eny rlflht to leter conelder the event e defeult if it happem egein. <br />+ �y�- + 17, Jdnt �nd S�v�r�l Ll�bility; Co•dp�x�; Succ�s�as �d Ruipn� Bound. All duties under this deed of truet ere joint end severol. Any <br /> '--a'+:'�'*""" Borrower who co•slgna thie deed of trust but does not co•slpn the underlyIng debt Instrumentls) does so only to grent and convey thet <br /> "r� � Borrower's intere�t In the propertV to the Trusteo under the terms of thia deed of truet.In eddition,tuch e Borrowdr�prees ihet the�ender end <br /> ' :� any otMr Borrower under thle deed of trust mey extend,modify or mekq any other changes in the terme of this deecl ol trust or the eecured <br /> ; debt without thet Borrower's corisent end without releasinp that Barrower irom the terme of this deed of trwt. <br /> ;, The duties and benefits of thia deed of truat shall bind end benefit tho successors and assigns of Lender end Borrower. _ <br /> .. j <br /> p 18.Notlee.Unlese otherwise required bylaw,eny notice to Borrower shall be efven by delivering It or by meflinp it bycertifiad meil eddreeeed to <br /> Boirower et the property eddreaa or eny other eddress that Borrower hes pfven to Lender.Borrower wfll givo eny notice to Lender by certified <br /> � • mall to Lender's eddress on pepe 1 of thia deed of truat,or to eny other addrese which Lender hex desipneted.Anyother notice to Lender shall <br /> be sent to Lender's eddrees ee stated on paee 1 of this deed of trust. <br /> P Any notice shall be deemed to have been gfven to Borrowor or Lendar vihen given in tlie manner steted ebove. <br /> 19. Tnnst�r of th�Propsrty o►• 9�n�fk�Y �nt�nst In th�Borrow�r.Ii all or eny part of the property or any interest in it is sold or treneferred <br /> without Lender'a prior written consent,Londer mey demend Immediate payment of tlio securad debt. Londer rnay also demand immndiate <br /> � payment if the Borrower le not a naturel pereon and a boneficial Interoat in tho Borrower fe sold or transfarred.Howevar, Londer may not <br /> � demand payment In the ebove situations it it le prohibitod by federel lew as of the date of thie deed of trust. <br /> 20. R�conv�y�nc�.\Nhan the obligetion 5ecured by this deed ot trust hos boon paid, and Lendor has no further obliga�lon to make advancos <br /> under the instrumente or egreements 5ecured by this doed of truet, the 7rustee shall, upon written roauest by thelender, reconvey the trust <br /> property. The_Lender�soall�dWhseah�ll na nnv's succassor In intorest,the trust dned and tlie note or other ovidence of tho <br />--i ; -. . _ ..._.-__� oui�ydi����BJ o..:�o.......__.._..'- - ' - • • <br /> 21. SuccHta Tru�t��. Lender; et,Lender's optlon, mey romovo Trustee and appoint o succossor trusteo by lest, maillnp a,copy of the <br /> subs4itution of trusteo as requirot�br epplicabla law,and then,by fitfn�the substitution ot trustea for record in tho nllico of the regietor of deeds <br /> � of each county in whlch tho tnist property, or some part theroof,is s tuotod.Tho succassur trustoe,without convoya�co of tho propnrty, shall I <br /> succeed to ell the power,duties, authority and title of the Trustee namod in tho d�ed of trust end of bny succossor Oustee. <br /> 1 <br /> I I <br /> I <br /> Ivape 2 0/2/ <br /> � OANKENS SVSTEMS,INC..5T.CLOUO,MN 58�01 11�600�997�43411 FORh1 OCP•MTO NE 0119f91 ,____ .__-- <br /> , <br /> I <br /> I <br /> �i .. .. . __ _ . .. _. . . . . <br />