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<br />- �� ��• COVENANTB �9� �ac�o�,2 �y '
<br /> �'��, 1, p�yrnMb. Borrowu �yre�� to rt►+k� sll.qaym�nt� on t ,�►�d dsbt wMn due. Unleu 9orrower end Lender epree ot erw�e, •ny �n?'•:
<br /> p�ym�nt� L�ndlr ncNve�ftom Bo�ro�vM or ToF&NroWM'���t iM111 b��ppli�d fint to any amounU Borrower owac on the cecured dobt _ .
<br /> .' i. excluUw ol hit�re�t or principd, ���ond'td Intere�t, end tfiYw'1�!�elne�p��•If pertial prepeyment of the�ecured debt occure for�ny roeeon,It will - -
<br /> not reduce or sxcuts�ny�chedided.psyr#�ern untl�th�Mc�+!}�k�bt i�pdd In tull. ��'�"
<br /> { Y:__
<br /> 2,CI�N►u Ap�M�t TNI�.Borrov�or will p�y dl t�xe�,�net�mante,�nc1 other Charpl� �ttrlbutabls to the prop�rty when dus end wfll defend title
<br /> to tF►�prop�rty apalntt�ny cldm�whlch would imp�ir the Iien of thl�deed of trutt.Lender rt��y requirs 8orrower to eo�ipn any riphto,cl�lms or �;--".-,"-;-
<br />� �� d�f�nt��whlCh 6orrow�r m�y hav��p����t parties who�upply Isbor or metarlds to Improve or malnt�in tha prope�ty.
<br /> •-,_
<br /> 3. In�urencs, Ho�rower wfll keep the property In�ured under terme acceptable to Lender st Borrower'e expenae end for Lender'e benafit. All ,,,1_.
<br /> inwr�nc�policl��sh�ll Includ���Und�rd mortp�pe cl�uas in hvor ot Lender.Lendar will bo namod os loss payoo or tls tho Insurod on any such �` __
<br /> In�uranc�policy.Any In�unnc�proc�ads m�y be e�plled,within Lendsr'�dl�crstion,to�fth�r the raatoretion or r�p�ir ot the d�mnped property
<br /> �-�?1b'!�` or to th�secursd d�bt.If Under�equini morty�pe ntunnce,Borrower eprae�to mdntaln�uch insuronc�for e�lony�e Lender requirat. ,
<br />-.�y� 4.PropKty.Borrower wflt keep the property in pood condition and meke ell repsiro rea�onebly necec�ery. =
<br />=.'W��� 6.ExpMa��,Borrower epree�to p�y ell Lender's expen�e�,Includinp rea�an�blo�ttorneys'fee�,ff Borrower bresks any covenent�fn thi�deed
<br /> ��! of trun or in eny oblip�tion�ecured by thl�deed of tru�t.Borrower will pey these emount�to Lender a�provided in Covenant 9 of thie deed of _
<br /> ' t; trust.
<br /> � 6.Pria S�curky Ir►t�n�U.Unless Borrower firat obteina Lender's written consent,Borrower will not meke or permit eny changeo to any prior � -
<br /> � �� IncludinplBorrower'�c vsnenri�t maka p�ym nt��wh n�dueoblipetlon� under any prior mortpege, deed of trust or other sacurity egreement.
<br /> ' �F, 7.At�t t of Rmt��nd ProffU.Borrowar e�cipns to Lender the rentc and profits of the property.Unless Borrower end Lender heve eprxed
<br />- otherw�e in writinp, Borrower mey collect end retaln the rents ea lonp a�Borrower is not in defeult. If 8orrower defaulte,Lender, Lender's
<br /> agent, or e court eppointed receiver may teke posaesnion end manepe the property and collect the rents. Any rente Lender collecte ehall be
<br /> � I applied fint to the coit� of man�pin9 the property, includfng court coetn and attorneys' fees, commisslona to rental egents, end eny other
<br /> nece�sery ralsted expenaee.The remelning amount of rente wllt then epply to peymente on the secured debt es provided in Covenent 1.
<br /> a leaaeholda f his de d of t�ust is on e unipSn�a�condominBium orea pQannod n mdeve o�pment PBorrower willnperfoem�ellhof Bo rr ower s6dut ee "'
<br /> undsr the covenmtc,byI�w�,or repulationc of the condominium or plennsd unit davelopment.
<br /> psrf or�m�tM�dutiis o�pc�ua�tM�m to b�periormedt Lendsr�may�Npn�eorrower'e�n�me o�r pay��ny�mlourt If nec�i��ry f o�pnf�imineelf any
<br /> ' , �. iecurity Intereit In the p�ropertyaThls�m y Includs compteti p th�constructonmannar,Lender m�y do wh�tever Is r»c�su►y to prohct L�nd�r'�
<br /> � Und�r'a fdlure to puform wfll not preclud�Lender from exercialnp any of iti other rlyhts under ths I�w or thi�deed of tru�t.
<br />- ind wi I b�u Intere,tytrom th td�te�of th�i p Vmint until pdd;in full t�lthiint�rsstriti In��ftict onfthi iicurid dibt unte will be due on demand
<br />' 10. D�fwk �nd AceN�r�tlon, If Borrower fall� to m�ke �ny p�ymant when due or brask� �ny cowmnt� undor thl� d��d of trwt or �ny
<br /> � dim�ind mm�diiti piYm��ntind m y Inv k�thi po ver of tielsind�ny othir rem�dis�psrmitt�d 6y ipplicib I�wurity of tM secund d�bt �nd
<br /> �^' � rti �� i�■nf ih�notics�nf de}�ult�nd��la ha aent to sach p�non who I��perty
<br />-�-': • 71. Ilsqw�t fa liotie�oi�iwwii.ii t: rsta's•':aGuaslOt! ...e! __D.._
<br /> Mnto,�t th��ddrn�of��ch auch p�rson,a��et forth hereln.
<br /> , , .. 12.Pow�r of S�le.Ii ths Lendsr invok��ths power o}t�l�, tha Tru�tee shell firct ncord in ths offic�of tM rspietu of dNds of each county
<br />�. � wF►�nln tM trwt prop�rty or tom�put or psresl thenof i�situ�ted a notice of def�ult contdninp the Inform�tlon nquind by law,TM Tru�t��
<br /> �hdl dso mNl copl��of th�notics o}d�fnult to the Borrower,to e�ch per�on who i� a puty h�nto, �nd to otMr pvsoru a�pn�crib�d by
<br /> �,:.;. _,;. . �pplicabl� I�w• Not I��� th�n oro month aftar tM Tru�tee rscords th� notice of default, or two month� H the tru�t prop�rty I• not in �ny
<br /> incorporated city or vlllap�and i�usad in fuminp opention�csrried on by the trwtor,the Truttee�hall pivs public notice o}�ds to thn prrsons
<br />- �nd in thr m�nner pre�cribed by�RPPlicable I�w.Truatee,without demend on Borrower,shNl�eil the property at public auctlon to tM hlyh��t
<br /> bldder.If requirad by tM Farm floma�tead Protectlon Act,1YU�tee ahell oNer the property in two�epu�ts seles a�requlrad by�pplic�bls law.
<br /> +,,� . Tru�t��m�y pottpone sde of all or eny p�rcel of the property by public ennouncement et the time end plece of eny prevlowly�cheduled sels,
<br /> Lenrier or itt deNpnee msy purcheae the property at eny eele.
<br /> , - • �•'� Upon rsceipt of psym�nt of the prlce bid,Trustee shell deliver to the purcheser Truetee's deod conveyinp the property.The recitiels conteined in
<br /> - Truatee'�deed�hall be prime focie evfdience of the truth of the etatemente conteined thereln,Trustes shell�pply the proceeds of the enl�in th�
<br /> � relrnWatement feei�Ib)to Iall sumt iacu ed by ihis�deed of�truct�ind Ic1l hetbalence�if any b�o he pe��on�leyelly entltled to receive it,}ees and
<br />}�;;;;.•,�.�� 13.F«�ebwn.At Lender'�optlon,thi�deed of tru�t mey be foroclo�ed in the mannsr provide by applic�ble lew tor foroclosure of mortyeQe�
<br /> v�-, �.�..�..n..
<br /> on real property,
<br /> " 14.Insp�ctlon.Lender mey enter the property to inspect it If Lender gives 2orrower notice beforeh�nd.The notice muat etete the ree�onab e
<br />� �'� � ceu�e for Lender'e Impection.
<br />_ ' ':.4� �5,Cond�tlon.Borrower e�eiyna to Lender the proceeda of eny ewerd or claim for demepes connected with e condemmtlon or othar tekiny
<br /> - ,. of ell or eny p�rt of th�property.Such proceeda wlll be epplied es provided In Coven�nt 1.7h1�et�ipnmeni 1�aubject to the termn of�ny prior
<br /> security apreoment.
<br /> 1g,Wdwr.By exercislnp eny remedV aveileble to Lender,Lender does not eive up eny riphto to leter use any other remedy. By not exercisiny -
<br /> •�.!� eny remedy upon Borrower'e dflfeult,Lender doee not weive eny ripht to leter consider the event a defeult if ft heppens epeln.
<br /> 17. Jdrtt�nd S�vKM LI��: �o•�o�►ne% Sueea�a� �nd Aaipn� Bound. All dutle� under thle daed of truet ere joint end eeverel. Any
<br />�'�+�r Barrower who co•�Ipns thl� eed oi trwt but doe� not co-eipn the urxferlyinp debt In�trumentlU does w only to pnnt and convey that 4
<br />�`' '^` ' Borrower'e intereet In the propertv to the Truetee under the terma of thia deed of trust. In additlon,eueh e Borrower epreet thet the Lender and
<br />_ '` :, � � eny other 8orrower under this dead of trust mey extend,modify or make eny other chanye� in the terme o}thle deed of tru�c or the tecured
<br /> I � � debt without thet Borrower'e conaent end without releesiny thet Borrower'from the terme of thle deed of truat,
<br /> .. I The dutie�and benefite of thle deed of truat ehell bind ond benefit the succeeson end asnipne of Lender e�id Borrower. !.
<br /> � 18.Notic�.Unlesa otherwfse required by lew,eny nottce to Borrower ehell be given by dellverinp it or by meilinp It by certified meil eddressed to ,�
<br /> �' Borrower et the property eddre�t or eny other addre6s thot Borrower has pIven to Lander.Borrower will piva eny notice t0 Lender by certifled -
<br /> ` � � � mefl to Lender's eddrees on pege'I of thf�deed ot trust,ar to eny other eddroee whtch Lender hee designated,Any other notice to Lender ehell =
<br /> � � be�ent to LendeYe eddree�ee�teted on pege 1 of this deed of truet. _
<br /> : � Any notice ehall be deemed to heve been piven to 8orrower or Lender when eiven In the menner 4teted ebove.
<br /> ; 19.Tr��f�r o}tl»Prop�rtY or�B�n�Acl�l Intsn�t In th�Borrow�r,If ell or eny pert of the property or any intereat in it is sold or treneferred -
<br /> , , 1 without Lender's prlor written con�ent, Lender may demend immediete payment of the sacured debt. Lender mey aiuu deu�and Immediete
<br /> } payment if the Borrower le not e neturel person end e beneficiel Interest �n the Borrower la sold or traneferred, However, 4ender mey not
<br /> demend payment�n the ebove eftuetione if it le prohlbited by federel lew as of the dete of thie deed of truet.
<br /> 20,R�eonv�y�nc�. When the obligation eecured by this deed of trust hes been pafd, end Lender has no further obBgation to meke edvance�
<br /> under the inetrumente or eqveements secured by this deed of trust,the Trustee shall, upon written raquest by the Lender, reconvey the truat
<br /> pro erty.The La�d��sa�l�r�w�weshelltoe 8eny ecordetionc o(ta er's successor In Interest,tha trust deed and the noto or other ovidance oi the
<br /> �.P__
<br /> --.._.—.—.- a.,��„a::o-ca a�:._..--�--
<br /> i 21. Suce�s�or Tru�t��. lender, et Lender's option, mey remove Trustee and appofnt e aucceasor truatee hy firet, melling a copy of tha
<br /> substitution of trustoe es requfred by app��cebte lew,end then,by iilinQ the subatitution of trustne for record In tha office of the regletor af doeda
<br /> i 6UCCB d touall the po�wer tdutiesgauthority end tltle oft ho Trust e named Ine�the deed of Vu t and of a YISIUCC9660f trustee,of tho proporty� 8f1911
<br /> ' i `
<br /> ' i
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