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F <br />IN <br />59-- 104676 <br />made shall be added to the principal sum owing on the above <br />note. shalt be secured hereby. and shall bear interest at the rate set <br />forth in the said note, until paid. <br />7. That the Goriowtr hereby assigns, tinsfe s and sets over to <br />die Lender, to be applied toward the payment of tht note and all <br />sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of <br />any of the terms and conditions of this instrument or the said <br />note, all the rents, revenues and intone to be derived from the <br />said premises during such time as the indebtedness shall remain <br />unpaid, and the Lender shall have power to appoint any agent or <br />agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and <br />of renting the_same and collecting the rents, revenues and income. <br />and it may pay rout of said incomes all expenses of repairing said <br />premises and :&Npt ss y commissions and expenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and manapng.,he same attd of collecting rentals therefrom; <br />the balance remaining, if:4ih applied toward the discharge <br />of said indebtedness. <br />8. That the'k1i rower will keep the improvements now existing <br />or hereafter cry:. -d on the property, insured as may be required <br />time from time to me by the Lr.rdcr against Toss by, fire and other <br />hazards, casualties and ow, ?kggertcies in sueh amnunts'.turli for such <br />periods as may be recluire ('&y the Lender and will M prrompilr.. <br />when due. any premiums ot; Such insurance provision rot' paym= <br />of whkh has not been made hereinbeC,r�.•.?ell insurance %ball be <br />carried in companies approved by tbe:'L,msuirr and the policies and <br />renewals thereof shall be f;ed -•sty thir l�tiieiir and have attached <br />thereto loss payable clauses iii !ivor of and in form acceptable to <br />the Lender. In event of will give immediate notice <br />by mail to the Lender, who t ii, mal:•c ;;-t -aof of loss if not made.. <br />promptly by Borrower, and each init;rawr company concerned n <br />hereby authorized and Sueccex*; so masii,p.v,ment for such loss <br />directly to the Lender insis eel of to the Borrower and *.Ix tinder• <br />jointly, and the insurance.-pictxei.,ds, or am pan therec , nay be <br />applied by the Lender at its; option either to the reduCrron of the <br />indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or repair of the <br />property damaged. In event of foreclosure of this instrument or <br />other transfer of title to the,-nPrtgaged property in extinguishment <br />of the indebtedness sevvre•:� ,irx-by, all right, title and interest of <br />Ov Borrower in and to any•imurance policies then in force shall <br />pas-, to the purchaser or grantee. <br />9. 1 ls :, .-es:a4dnional and collateral -%e.unty for the paymcnt cif <br />the .. ^.at: L!E i.:ribed, and all suoit to beconic +Btu• undet mss instru- <br />ntzrir. il:e borrower hereby assigns to the Lender all ,•iir,fits, <br />revenues- :allies, rights and benefits accruing to tl!e• $t: viower <br />under art; ioid, all oil and gas leases on said premnsev. :iurh the <br />right to re,er:ve and rc.eipt for the wane and apply them to said <br />indebtedwev -0!, well before as after dcrs;c ?,r in the cordtions of <br />this insiru:nm— ;'and the Lender may ,dth'and, sue for and recover <br />t; -,:rch ,; ;e ;mints when due and parahie., but shall rot tie rc- <br />oimd ka i`:.,ah. This assignment is tc ~:r-•,t mate and become null <br />and +t! S ?)tr>rt ,r, tlease of this instrutncsp. <br />id. That the Borroi,ver will keep the buildings upon said premi,e-, <br />in good repair, and rrenber commit rest permit wast:r upon said <br />land, not suffer the said ptemi %o, to t+e used for an; "im-lawful <br />purpose. <br />11. That if the premises, or an ;car, tivtwl. tee condemned <br />undti the power of eminent dalm0h`.. ,:r al ;rod fvii a public use. <br />the damage awarded. the pr ^c,, ;'s ";A ;,��; "Akics? t+{. ;.r the con- <br />sideration for smh a :quisitiort, tc3 t'.x,G{:;.t of the �.'i amount of <br />indebtedness upon this instrument ants i:1ee note which it is green to <br />e rcrn�asnivi, wi }iiild. ate hucuy a,sigrtett by the Borrower to <br />the~Lenck-r. aAd shall be paid forthwith to said Lend" to be ap- <br />plied by the latter on account of the next maturing installments of <br />such indebtedness. <br />121. The Borrower further agrees that should this instrument and <br />the note secured hereby not be eligible for insurance under the Na- <br />tional Housing Act within eight months from the date hereof <br />(written statement of any, officer of the Deputmmt of Hawing <br />and Urban Dcvetopnient or authotiited agent of the Seucia?y of <br />Housing and Urban Development dated subsbquent to the eight <br />months time from the date of this instrument, declining to insure <br />said note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of <br />such ineligibility), the Leader or holder of the note may, at its op- <br />tion. declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing. this option tray not be exercised <br />by the Lender or the holder of the note when the ineligibility for <br />insurance under the National Housing Act is due to the Lender's <br />failure to remit the mortgage insurance premium to: the Depart- <br />ment of Housing and Urban Deveoprrent. <br />13. That if the Borrower fails to make any payments of money <br />when the same become dare, or fails to conform to and comply . <br />with any of the conduit. er agreements contained. in this inunt- <br />meat, or the note which. :.=ures, then the entire griwipal sum <br />and accrued_ interest shaf;a 1__e become due and: k^Ir=361e. at the <br />election of the Lender. <br />Lender shall give notice t,- Ec:..,oa m prior to acceleration <br />'foll owing Borrower's ',re: --t.-of -any covenant or agreement in this:. <br />instrument (but nor *:.acceleration under paragraph 12 <br />unless applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify_ <br />(a) the default. (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a <br />date, not less than ?d days from the date the notice is given to <br />Borrower. by which tq Default must be cured; and (d) that failurq <br />as cure the default. on.�ar.Ceefore the date specified in the notice <br />-May result in acceteta^iatr_ -of the sums secured by thl& instrument <br />and sale of the Property. he notice shall further mb.-g H Borrower <br />of the right to reinstate after accelrax.;i.'F<. and the iiihi to bring a <br />court action to assert the non - exists crk�r a default or any other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration •ail :3ale. If the default is not <br />cured on or before the d&!: specified in the notice, Lender at its <br />option may require imme.sic c. ate payment in full of all sums secured <br />, <br />by this v;.'-_ :ment dies further demand and may invoke the . <br />power t fi.sslf and any ;Xx tier remedies permitted by applicable },awl <br />Lender shad be entitled• 4i� collect all expenses incurred in purlii rtg <br />the remedies provided vii. ::cis paragraph 13. including, but not <br />limited to, reasonable fees and costs of title evidence. <br />If the power of sale is invoked. Trustee shall record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any pan of the Property is lowed <br />and %ball mail copies of such potice in the manner prescribed Ir} <br />applicable law to Borrower and to the other personas precribed 1r; <br />applicable la-+s. After the rime required by applicatf;v to +kt Trustee <br />shall give public notice of sale to the persons and .ct ;';e ;� trtneT• <br />prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demand .; ci 3tar- <br />rower, shah sell the Property at public auction to the %. ighes�,tMd, . <br />der at the time and place and under the terms desiVated in the <br />notice of sale in one or awre pa -eels and in any otdo ,Trustee <br />determines. Trustee vu; postpone sale of all or any. pay.e1 of the <br />Property by public announcement at the time and jif4e of any <br />previously scheduled sale. lender or its designee may purchase t1v <br />Property at any sale. <br />Upon rec.cipt of payajont of the price bid, "Truetfhr i tall deliver <br />td the {purchaser Truwt r' :i deed conveying the Fr, yfw t '. The <br />recitals in t'ite T'ran+,teu's, piped shall be prima facie evAt -not of 11 <br />truth sett {u r►3triat'+1tr, made therein. Trustee shall apt ig.ttter pre_•- <br />ceeds of the sale its tlie•O.11owine, order: (a) to all t %posses of'thit <br />sale. including, but not, limited to. Trustee's fees as-ltermitted by <br />apple :able law and rc4;inable attorneys fees; (bt to all sums <br />soured by this Security instrument; and tcl any ex --vets to the per- <br />son t,r persons legally entitled to it <br />Page 3 0 5 _ HM92143DY <br />L <br />*r. <br />f"� <br />