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_,,,. . . <br /> �.�:. . <br /> . �' , <br /> � . . „ ;;t,s.,p�;; , . °: <br /> . . ;��. ,.�;, ' ,. '.«.r .�,;- <br /> _ .._Y......*.�'.:_ - <br /> � � . .�..d._.�,... ...._.,...-�------ - ,. <br /> .L.A - _ .. - . _ . .. � . - ��'yw''''�. <br /> . v�' � i�����_� <br /> ��... ' ' <br /> fi• . • • , _..rY.... <br /> . ,� �. � 1G(N102 ''.__ <br /> . � �.=�f., <br />, �� habllitatbn LoAn AQreement. Borr�wer shell falfill all of Borrower's obligations urfder nny homc rchabilitation, .r;•:;,___ <br /> lA. Re <br />- �, � improvement, repair or other loan agreement which Borrowcr enters into with Lcnder. Lendcr,at Lendcrs option, may �°c'�r:` <br />-. �; � .;d;.'--' <br /> rcquire Borrower ta execute snd deliver to Lender, in a form acceptuble to Lender,an sssignment of any righu,claims or <br /> defenses which Borrower may have agains,parties who supply labor,mnterials or services in connection with improvements +,.,. <br /> • mede to the Property• �� <br /> .:,�� , <br /> 1S. Trnnsler o(the Property or p&neflcial Interat In Borrawer,As�umptinn. If all or any part of the Propeny or any _ <br />;��w� interest in it[s sold or transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bortower is not a natural — <br />='� person)withnut Lenders prior written consent,l,ender may,at Lender's option,for any reason,declare sli the sums secured <br /> ` by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due a�id payable, Howevcr,this option shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercise ! <br />- � is prohibited by Federa!law as of the date of this Deed of Tn�st. <br /> ' If Lender exercises thls option, Lender shall give 1BorroHer notice of aceeleration. 'I'he notice shall provide a psriod of <br /> no�less than 30 days from ehe date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by <br /> � this Deed of Tnut. If Bonower fails to pay in full these sums prior to the expiration of this period, L.ender may invoke <br /> .- � any remedies permitted by this Deed of Trust without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />- This Deed of Trust may not be assamed by a purchaser withaut the I.ender's wnscnt. If an assumption is aUowed,the ` <br /> Lender may charge an assumption fx and requirc the person(s)assuming the loan to pay additional chuges as authoriud _ <br /> ' ', by law. <br />��' <br />. AR'I'iCLE II <br />-.. -• � . <br />�_ NON-UMFORM COVENAIYTS. Bflrrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ± �•` 16. Accekrs�tlon;Remedies� Upon Ba'rower's breach ot pny cove�wnt or agreement of Borrower in thls Deed o[ <br /> -- -- �,t.^•cl::�:y�.l�^'=!�!mi�ption the coven�nts to pay when due ony swns under the Note secured by this Deed ot <br />-. �� �" h � qy�, I,mder, at I.en�ler's option, subJect to the tolbwing sentence, may declare au o[ine swns s�xa�e++u�tts� <br />�,...,. ,.�, '. � Deed o[1Yu�t to be 4nmediately due suid{wypble without demAnd or notke and mwy Invoke the power ot sale,wnd <br />�.•�_:` pny other eanedia permitted by �pplicsd►le Is►w. Prior to recading any notice o[ default Lender shall give <br />��•'��� � ` Borrower ndke of de[ouk�c requir�l by Is�w and,in the event ot a defoutt conststin8 on�Y o�Ba'r°wer's fpilure to <br />-4''n•',�•,.�r� �ided 6 low, twve twenty (20) ds►ys wfter such notke is <br /> �akr Q reqolrcd pYyment, Borrower shall a�ce, ws pru Y <br />� �� given to cure such det�uit by tendering the amount due at the time ot the tender, wkhout AccelerAtlon� plus onY <br />�'�:".,' ; ' �np�W ¢hw.�. ARer recording s� iatice o[default, Lender shall be entitled to coUect In such procee.�ling+►U <br />;�-��• .�:� ,' but not Wnkcd to, rcstiSawbEe attorneys' fees or trustee's and casts of <br />_ _- ,.,�.�,,„-' expenses oi forec{osurc, inciudin8: <br /> I> •'� -. � documentary evidence,abetrpcts w�d tkle reports. <br />'',-• '���N If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a nocice of default in each counry in which any pact of the Properry is <br /> '"�'+�°��;,;_ �acateci and shall mail copies of such notice in the manne�Prescribed by applicable law to l3orrower and to the other <br />'`'=`�"� '•'"� persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time requirod by applicable law, Trusta shall give public notice of sale <br />"'i�;�,•: '�' to the persons and(n the manner prescribed by applicable law. 7'nuta. wi�hout demand on Borrower, shall sell thc <br />;j�.^�';��'r. '` ' pcoperry at publie auetion to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sale <br /> • in one or rnore parcels and in any order 'Crustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />-� property by pubiic announcement at the tink and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender of its designee may — <br /> ' � ,� purclaase�he Properry at any sale. <br />=-�s.a».. .. Trustec shall apply the sale procads,first, to thc costs and expen,es of cxercising the power of sale and of the sale, - <br /> �-�.:..,, . <br /> -- �m^• • including the payment of rhe Trustee's fees actually incurnd not to exceed itfteen percent(15%)of the gross sale price, <br />=��'� -•.. second,ro payment uf the obligation�scured by this Deed of Trust,third,to the payment of junior tnut deeds, mortgages <br /> • - or other lienholdcrs,and the balance, if any,ro the person or persons legally entitled thereto. <br /> , '� 17, pssignment ot Ren1s; Appointment o(Receiver. As additional sccuriry here�nder, Borrower hereby assigns to � <br /> ' �, Lender the rcnts of the Property, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceleration w�der paragraph 16 hereof or _ <br /> f, abandonment of the Property,have the right ro collcct and retain such rents as they becomc d�r,and payable. �_ <br /> !"'::. <br /> � Upon acceleration under paragraph 16 hereof or abandonment of the Property,Lendtr shall be entitled to have a receiver — <br /> ' ' appointed by a eourt to enter upon, take possession of arxi manage the Pcoperry and to coUect d�e reuts of the Property <br /> including those pa�t due. All renis collected by d�e receiver shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management <br /> ` of the Propeny and collection of rents, including,but iwt limited to receiver's fecs, premiums on recciver's bonds and <br /> reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sunis secured by this Decd of Trusc. The receivcr shall be liable to account <br /> ___� only for thase rents actually received. <br /> � lg, I,a�n Charges. If the loan sccured by this Deec1 of Trust is subject ro a law v�hich sets maximum loan charges, and <br /> that law is fuially interpreted so thac the interest or odier loan chuges collected or to be colle�ted in cocuxction with ehe <br /> loan exceed permitted limits, dien: (I) any such loan charges shall be reduced by the amount neceuary to reduce the <br /> charge to tAe permitted limir ancl(2)any sums already colltcted from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be: <br /> refwxicd to Borrowcr. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> Po�t i �UI V11 NE I�R�AH�I YCL lkN � <br /> I70'V:iRe.U7l 6{IIOIIIN i <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> I <br />