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c, <br />NON - UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and wa as follows: �,. 1.04 66 8 <br />19 Amlera3iaw RestWka. %radar " lift taotice to Bmiowsr PdOr tti � -- ------ <br />os� Borrower'w <br />brtaebofsay cwesaat araore 13 wad 17 <br />ttadm wiseable law pewMn Wberwbte)a Tie sober dMA apec1b (a) bite dttFWt; (i1 the aetien M*dred to cane the <br />I faslt; (e) a data. act kn dm 3i) dart tlraes the dtiae do necks is ghm t+o >Ite mvriir, by ttrhiei the deiaait tarot be eaeid; <br />and (d) that faiiare to care flit dSEaalt as w before the dials sps"d is tie a om tsar remit to ae:oekeatim of the eaa s <br />sreeared bt tbit Seeseity Iseilreweat tmatt isle sf the Ptepe:3lr The stmtlne dwM *Mar INFO +w serromw of time right to <br />rciola t Mar wed add will the d&M to brla8 a emcee: acdoa to meet tdw of alit a Say ~- . <br />ddraaea[Mrreweris� wd ark. If the detash is seem on orbe6tenett1tsdate sped ledin the a ptim Imider <br />as i!a optiew eny rrt+gsiee ire payteest la fsQ w[ ail anma aocs+ad 61►;thfa.3etarttr taeaama,tst triMart f#xther <br />desasd awd my ft"** the "M ofottk Mid clay other taaaadiao pdtttd bi><a�iieaMa law. I�esiet ttbaY M esRitlai is <br />collect ail atpaaes hcarred is ptasmti8 the rlesedies p o itltd k dit p t - iilMb " iwelsdfs8. bst not bimited w <br />rtaaasablit atteraeya' fns asd t:aab of rite efideaoe. <br />If the Power stank it InveMt. TretMse ahoy elaoatd • swig of dttihait`iw bat h coaatf ii wide! oar part :ot tie <br />P1+apwty it Mated asd absY tm,ala t7Piea of atueb tuaNce it the tteasser paaes#beli icy applitaik btw q Blerr+swer sot a tie <br />other pwileas prateribad by ggll able low. Ardor the than rveetlmd by aepWaiik haw. Trsalee dmO8119 PWAk Notice of <br />oak t o tale persoees oat lathe staaner prpeeihett by applicable law. Tn oteee, Waft w detasa I on Borrower, Shamir Sell the <br />Property atptiW aatetioit ie the bigbeat Wier at the tim sad place sad auetder time terin dedpatai is the sotice 0111111k is <br />*sear tawre.)" milfo misy order Trswee ddersfaa. Tmiti to foamy pestpaete ale oral! or Say parcel of the Property by <br />ptaiiie sommOOMM`titr :tile time wad phmoe of Say prefiosaiy sebeittted ale. reader or its dedowe any pwchaae the <br />Prerty at toy Oak . <br />. � Upw receipt of p lymm of the price Mel. Trteatee doll +!diver to the psreiaaer TrwMe s teed eosveyla8 the <br />Property. The recitals is the Trat;Ws deed shall be prim fates ttfiie ice of the troth of the stattaeaH node titereia. <br />Trea n shall ajriy the praceeia of the ask is the foibwft order: (it) to iil'sttpamaea of the sale, wchdiitt8, be got Mu ted <br />ta.Taradn's fees a permilmd by applicable law am rraaassble (b) to aU sus Neese" by this security <br />liinttdr.e# eat; s.d (e) ate: euaa a the Persaa or parsons kgttUy utiHet Wi ff.� , . <br />20 Leader, in Poesesalm. Upon acceleratian under paragraph 19 a r abandonment of the hRxrty. Lender (in <br />person. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession'rif and manage the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of react; including, but not <br />limited to, receiver's feet'viretniums; on receiver's bonds and reasonablo attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />this Security Instrument- <br />2L !bet mvyaaci.i . Upon payment of all sums securo3 by this Sacuiior i'ttstrumentFLtrider shat request Trwee to <br />reconvr y tlt� lfi ?tsYestp shall surrendi-r this Security IAtintt>mi and all notes evidendm;; debt u=ztd by this amity <br />Instrument ' f+ stee T�attttae shall sezonvey the Piqvirty iviliurtit warranty and without .:'urge td du! person cTlwwns <br />legally entitled to it. S.u:li 1xn� son or persons shall pi-y. any i &orUtion costs. <br />22. Sabstitnle Tra iiote Lender, at its option. may from. titre to time remove Trustee and appoin:.-j iuccesscV trustee <br />to any Truuerr.M. minted hereunder by an instrument recordedi In site county in which this Security Instrument is ra o—rded. <br />Without conveyyzce of the Property. the successor trustee shill succeed to all the title, power and duties conferntit -upon <br />Trustee herein azd by applicable law. <br />23. RegnM for Nudees. Borrower requests that copses of the notice, of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />24.1thkrs to file Seem ill Instrumnt. if one or more Odin are executed by Borrower and recorded toget fuff with <br />this Security rn:rument, the covenants and agreem n m of We sittch rider Shall be incorporated into and shall aniatr d and <br />surplement Cite covenants and agreements of thin Security latiruincut as if the riders) were a lff rt of tam ` Security <br />bwtument. (Check applicable box(es)) <br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider E; Condominium, Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Roder <br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider <br />© other(s) (specify) ACknowledgwerit, <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and apnoea to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any riders) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />................................................... ............................... _.: .... .:%.. :J....,;:]!, :i!G...zc..' (�Ii <br />F r�a ,is Berney <br />................................................. ............................... ....... ... <br />Charlienne A. Berney <br />STATE uF NEBRASKA. Fal I County ss: <br />On this 31 day of August , 14 gg before nie, the undersigned. a Notary Pubh. <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. personally catre F rar lc is P. Berney and Char I ierine <br />A, Berney. Husband and Wife . to me known to be the <br />identical personts) whose namels) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, flehracl:a to caul s cwnty_ the <br />date aforesaid. <br />!l!y Cumniis ;wl w d low i±9' ► f j, <br />f2iB0itAli 1. wlrts <br />��♦� �► n .a tea.. v. �icr {�!. Put,, . <br />1t• IIll .• „It <br />Th1 uredf :ts,ync d 1c ttic• holder elf rho Mile or mites ke<ured by this deed vst frtist satil mar 1 +r twirt.. togCttu-r <br />lndchtrd nra: we ured by flits treed of Trutit, have begirt Paid tit futt 41+1: ate hcrihq filre•„tcil lit , ;rtes ; t < Jlkt <br />1.-.'c Of 1!, +tC..1nd fIn'. emcee u1 Ifu31. whiLi; are del ii. crcd h €rel•4. and tlr.rer.s.11vi!;. %%fth=+ce: AMI-1 It, v. a 1411; - •l.11 <br />C:•A .':Cl.: 114 D.slf lit'de: till. 11:ee1 of t1wt to f e tft-r4H11 1:{ Qt'r +.1 +1t +. fujalf� C-1;St1Cet 111C-e1,, <br />I.1 --Air <br />0 <br />r <br />