Y.� '. . . .. � .
<br /> � ,i � ,�s::. .. . . •. . µ.>� � .�wr,�t(f,�diw_ -- ' �s..�_.
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<br /> . � 4. INSURANOE, Tru�tor,et k�sxp�ns�,will melntem with Insunro epprowd by Bon�ficiary, inwrancs wdh raapect to th• '°�r'%._
<br /> - � Improwm�nb and p�r�ond prop�rty,con�tAutinp ths Propuly, aqainst loss by firs,liehtnmg,romedo, and oth�r panlu and hnznrd�r
<br /> covored by stenderd axt�nded covarage endoreomont,in an amount equal to at leaet one hundrad porcent of the fuil replacomont j�.:
<br /> ��• vnlw Ih�r�o}end iniurnne�t+qelnst euch other hezard�and in �uch emounb as h cuetomarily carried hy own�re and opernton of -
<br /> ��' h. �Imiler prop�rti��or ea B�nsficiary mny requiro for fte proteclan.Tructorwfll comply with tuch oth�r reqwnmert�ee Benehciary may ��
<br /> 1rom lim�to tim�raqwst tor tho protoctlon by Inaurana ol lha Int�r�st�of th�rupectiv�pertlee.All inwranc�pohci��maintem�d +
<br /> purauent to thin DQSd of Trust ehall name Trustor and Banet�einry ee Imurede,ne th�ir raep�ctive inlerest�mey nppeer,and prowde �`k
<br /> • � .. ?�f (� that th�r��hall b�no canullAtbn or modilfcatfon without no Nss Ihnn 16 dey�prior writtm notificatbn to Trusl��end BenNiciary.In `�_
<br /> � Ihe ev�nt any policy hereunder la not renewed on or betore 16 d�fye prbr to ite expiretwn dals,Trustea or B�nefiapry mny procure � � '
<br /> ��,�j wch u�suranc�in accordance wdh liio ptuvieione of paragmpFi A.6 hcroof.Truotor nhall dolivar ta Bonoficmry the ongmnl pol�cies ol �'-�
<br />-• ,�++�p� insuranc�and nnewals lh�rcof or memo copies ot euch po�Ci�i and nn�wal�th�no}.Faflun to fumwh such inourance by Tru�tor, _
<br /> ������ ��E � or renewele ee raqwred h�reunder shall,at ths option of Beneficiary,conftituh a ddauB. � _
<br /> �, � S. TAXE8,A89ES9MENTS AND CHAROES.Truator tht�ll pay all taxt�, a�eeeem�nt�and other chargsa,inciuding,wilhout —
<br />�,.r., r: limitaibn, fine�4nd impocitiona atlributable to th• Propsrry, and lea��hold payment� or ymund r�nle, i}any, belore Ih� eem•
<br /> „ �, becomo delinqu�nt.Trustor ehall promptly furniuh to Benafkinry ell nolicae o1 amounte due under thla paraqrnph,and in the avenl _
<br /> Truelor ehell meke pnyment directly,Truetor ehnll promptlyfurnich to Benaficinry rec�ipte evid�ncfng euch paymantc.Tru�lor�hnll
<br /> pAy ell tnx�e nnd a�seaemenis which may be Isviod upon B�naficiary�intanet hereln or upon thie Deed o}Truet wahout re�ad lo � -
<br /> any law that�ay..���r}qcl�d fmpoaing paymont of th�whoi�or eny partlh�nof upon ths Bsneficiary.
<br /> 8. ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEfICIAFlY'S SECURIT'`f.Truetor ehall make all peymente of Interoet and
<br />�° principel nnd paymente of eny other chergea, (ee� end�xpensss contractad to bo pnid to any �xiatinp lien hold�n or pnor
<br />�y � ben�ficinrie�unrJer eny prlor deed of truet or mortgags befo�s ih�dnte Ihsy an detlnquent end promptly pny and diacharge eny and
<br /> y.� ell olhar liens,claim�or charqee which mny�aoperdize th�t�curity prant�d h�nin.If Tru�tor fnfls to mak�any such paym�nt or 1nd�
<br /> to p�dorm any of tho cownanb end agreemmta contnined in thi�Ds�d of Truat,or in eny prior mortgap�or d��d of truet or d nny
<br />' acthn or proc�eding le commenced which mntenally aHecta Beneficiary'e Intereet in tha Proporty, mcludinp, �ut not I�mitsA to, �_
<br /> ' . �minmt domnin procQed�nge,or procesdinpe involving n d�ced�nt,or HTruetor faile to pny Trustor'e dabte gen�rally ee th�y becomo
<br />- du�,Ihen Beneficiery, at Beneficiery'c option and without notica to or demand upon Trustor and without r�I�neinp Truetor from any
<br /> oblipatlon hereund�r, may make cuch eppearancet, di�hurs� nuch sume and tak� euch actfon as ie necestary to prot�ct
<br /> . " B�n�ficiary'� int�reet, includinp, but not limited to, disbunsmmt of r�asonable attorn�y� f�s�, peyment, purcha��, cont��t or
<br /> compromies of any ancumbrance,chargs or lien,nnd sntry upon the Prop�rty to make repnire.In the ev4nt thnt Tru�tor�hall tail to
<br /> . ,::�- procur�(neurance or to pay teza�,aes�esmente,or any olhsr chnrgee or t�make any paymenta to any exfetin0 prfor lien hold�re or
<br /> " ben�Gciariea,Beneficiary may procure euch inswanco and make such payment.Any amounts diabure�d by Beneficiary punuant to
<br /> a� • " ` thia Paraqreph A.8 shall become nddltlonal inde6tsdnass ol Truetor eecurad by thfs Desd ot Trust. Such nmounU ehall ba paynblo
<br /> upon notice lrom Beneficie+ry tn Truetor roquesting pnyment thereof,and shnll benr intereet irom the datn of diebure�msnt al th�
<br />- � rnt�payeble from timA to time on outstendinp principal und�r th�Not�unlse�paymont oT inters�t at such rata would b�contrary lo
<br /> nppliceble Inw, in which event euch amounte shell baer Intetest et the higheat rat� p�rmleeible undar apphcnbl� lew. Nolhing
<br /> � • � conlninQd in this Perapreph A.6 Bhall require Beneficiary to neur any axpanea or teka any action hereundsr.
<br />_ —�{---
<br /> y�� � 1. ASSIQNMENT OF RENTS.Bsneficiary shell hav�the right,power nnd authorily during the continuanc�01 thi�Da�d o1 Trust
<br /> ir" . to collact the rant�,Isewf e�nd proUle o1 the Prop�rty nnd ot any parsonel proparry locabd thareon with or wdhout taking poss��tlon
<br /> ". . �' of ths proparty e8�cted hereby, and Truetor hereby ebsolutely nnd unconditlonally neelpne all such rante, leeua� and profite to
<br /> " Beneficiary.Benef�cinry,huwwar,hereby coneente to the Truntor's co�lect(on nnd retention ot auch rents, iaeuee and prqlite ee Ihey
<br /> � . nccrue end beeome peyeble to long as Truetor le not,at euch Iime,In defeult with respect to pe►yment o}any indebtednese a�cured
<br /> ,, h�r�by,or in tho performanc�of Any agreement hereundu.Upon any auch dotault,Beneficlary mny et nny time,sithsr in pereon,by
<br />�= .,.,F''� ay�nt, or by a roceiver to be appolnted by a coud, wlhout notice nnd without repnrd to the adequncy ot nny security tor lh•
<br />'«_�� , . ind�btodn�sa hereby s�cured,(e)enter upon and take posseaeion ofthe Property or eny part thoreof,and in ite own nam�su�tor o�
<br />-,��,,; � oth�rwia coll�ct wch nnts,iseuoe and profite,includinp ihos�paet due and unpaid,end epply lhe eem�,I�ss coet�end�xp�n��■
<br />�;w.,_. .
<br /> ot opsration and colledion,Including reeaonebla ettorneys te�a, upon any indebtedness ser,ured hereby, end in auch ordar ea
<br />_.�.�._,., `, H�n�ficiary may d�termine;(b)p�r�orm euch ecte of repeu or protectlon ae mny bu neceaeary or proper to conew�lhb value of the
<br />— , , Prop�rty; (c)I�au th��nm�or any part thereof for such rental, term, end upon eueh conditions a�its�udpm�nt may diclet�or
<br />�-y,'w +-._.� hrmineh, or adJwt th�tarme end conditione af exisNnp lee�see. Unbes Trustor nnd Beneficinry thereof egrso otherwiw in wnting,
<br />�.�M,-..,.,....•:, ' nny epplfcntWn o1 rente,iseuos or profitn to nny Ind�btodneee eecuud h�reby ehall not ext�nd ar poetpon�lhe du• dat�of th�
<br /> a'" �' '"' � , in�tellm�nt peyments a�provided in ee►id promissory nou or chnnp� th� emount o} euch in�tellmsnte.Th• •ntsrinp upon and
<br /> � . tekinp posea�lon of th�Proparty,the eollaction o}such nnte,i�au��and profite,and the applicetion thereof ee eforeseid,shell not
<br /> � we�vs or cun any dsteult or notfce ot detnult h�raunder or invalidet�any act dona pursuent to�uch notic�.Trustor also eseiyn�to
<br />�1�,;'; B�nrficlary,as furthar c�curity for th�performenca of the oblpatlon�securad hereby, all prepeld rents and ell monist which may
<br />- � hew b�en or may heroaR�r be deposited with snid Trustor by any lessee of tha Property,to necure the p�ym�nt o1 eny nnt or
<br />- � damag�s,or upon ddault In lhe parformencs of eny ot ths provision�hereot,'fruetor ngreea to deliver such renU and depo�ite to
<br />� �`".;'t...� Bm�ficlnry.Delivery of written notice of Beneficlery's ox�rcise of tha righte prnnted herein,to eny tenant occupyfng snid promisea
<br />��'...rZ�d�.`�"�• ehell ba suNcient to requlre seid tennnt to pay rent to th�Benaficiery until further notice.
<br /> .^i•- -
<br /> - °�•• 2. CONDEMNATION.tl titie lo any pnrt of the Property ehall be leken m condemnation procaadings,by right of sminent doma n
<br />�.�:: -
<br /> �� or oimiler eelion,or ahetl b�aold under thrent o1 condemnetfon,nll ewarda,demages end proceads an heraby aesigned nnd ehell be
<br /> peld to Bendfciary who shall apply such nwarde,dnmagee and proceods to the aum eecured by thla Deod of Trust with lhe excesa. _
<br /> . it eny, peid ro Truetor.11 Trustor raceivae eny notice or olher Intormatlon regarding such actions or proceedings,Truetor shall give .
<br /> ,. r� prompt written notico lhsroot to Bsneficiary Baneficiary thali be anulled,at ite option,to commence,appoer in end prosecule m its
<br /> � own nnme eny euch attlon or procendinpe end shell be mtitbd to meke any compromise or settlement In connection with eny such
<br /> �, nclion or proceedinge.
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCES. Upon request of Trustor,Beneflciary et Beneliciary'o option,prior to roconvaynnce of the Property to
<br /> E Trustor, may meke tuWre adve+ncea to Trustor.Such future edvances, with intereSt thereon,ehell be seeured by this Trusl Deed
<br /> t when ewdenced by promiRSOry notes stahng that sad notes ere sewrod hereby;provided that et no hme shall the eecured pnncipal,
<br /> � fulure advances,not hcluding sums edvencud to protect the secunry, excoed Two Hundred perconl(200%)01 the onginal pnndpal
<br /> pmounle secured hereby.
<br /> 4. RF.MEOIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustee nnd BenaLciary, and each ot them, shali be enl�tled to nn►orce payment nnd
<br />_ pertormance of eny indebtednese or obligetions secured lienby nnd to axerc�se eli nghts end powore under this Deod of 7rust or
<br /> ---._. . ._--•-••--•
<br /> .._��__........,.��....�.�..W��h�.wn�irw�now or hareeftar in torce,nolwilhstanding Fome or all 01 the
<br /> -�-��� "--"�'�' unaer any oinar ayron���e���e..o..�.o..�.
<br /> ..............._...._._....... _- ,
<br />- such indebtedness und obhpations secured hereby maynowor hereafter be othdrwise sacured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust.
<br /> _ piedge,lien,etesignment or othorwise.Nefther lhe ecceptnnce of this Deed oi Trust nor de enlorcoment whelher by court e+cUOn or
<br /> pursuant to the powe�of eale or other powers herein conteined, ehall pre�udice or�n eny manner nBect Trustee'c�r Beneficiary's
<br /> _ r�ght to reahze upon or eniorce eny other security now or hanafter held by Trustee or Beneficiary,it being ngreed thot Trustee o�nd
<br /> i Benefcisry, and each ot Ihom, ahall be entftled to enlorca this Deed ot Trust end any other cecurity now or herearier hetd by
<br /> � Benet�ciary or 7rustee In such order and manner es thiy or either o}them may m their absolute discretwn determme. No romedy
<br /> I herem conlorred upon or reserved ro Trustoe or Bene6clary is mtended to he excluewe o1 nny other remody heroin or by law
<br /> p�ovided or permitted,but ench ehall be cumulatrve end shnll be in nddltion to overy other romody given herounder or now o�
<br /> hereaftor oxisting nt law or in eqwty or by stntute. Every power or remedy provided horeunder lhis Deod of 7rust to Truslee or
<br /> _ Bene4cinry or to which either of them may be otherwise enUpad, may be exeraced.concurrontly or mdepandently,trom Gme ro t�me
<br /> end as often ae may be deemed expedient by Tructee or F3eneficinry and edher ot thom mny pursue mconci3tent ramodioe.Nothing
<br /> y horem ohnll bo construed as prohib�dng Beneficiary trom seeking a doficiency judgment ngoinst the Trustor to the oxtent euth actron
<br /> �s pormitted by Inw.
<br /> � oo�,2u o�
<br /> - 601671 Nebmlke
<br /> - . ... _ . . _. . . .
<br /> . 1 . . _ ..._.�. . � ..._._.__ ... . _ ..
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