{. fFgf IW OewaYt. Landec n Mloby assigned all compensation, awards, damages and other payments or (#list (herOmatler "Procseds -) in connwili on with
<br />-
<br />condemnation W other takingofthe Properly 0r Part thereof. of for conveyancern lieu ofcondemnation Lender anaitofAral ttt datrts option toCommence .appear Angelo
<br />and also bit entitled to make any compromise of Settlement In conMClion with ouch taking Or darhage 10011411
<br />ptosecult In rte awn MAle any W-011 Of prac"drngt. Shalt
<br />event any pa►►oolon of IM Property, is so taken or damaged. Leander snail have the option m its sole and absolute discretion, to apply all such Proceeds. offer dedur►irrg .
<br />.
<br />thwofram ON coats one a■ww3 incurred by it or. connection with such proceed[. upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such ardor** Lender maydeferntlei• Ot to
<br />apply set such Procoada. after such deducti3ns. to the roMfotton of ins Property upon such conditions as Lender may dHafnirs Any apptic of P►otaads Ili
<br />indsbtWnaY that; not extend of puslpore the Quo dale of any payments under the Note. or cure any default thereunder or hereunder
<br />T Poortmo Mae y lender. In thetvenlaf BafrOwtra taaufe lO performeny otlffe covaritnis riereln ormakeanypaymenI.,"ulred hereby, a, tlanyact Wiliken0r
<br />jewprocMQ,ispcorni lencedWhichmatenallyoffeCtaLandir 'sinterestin theProperty tender may in its own dis crelron. but without obligation todo so. and without M014e
<br />to orderhanduPar "rower and wi thoutloleasingBorrowerfromanyobli gation, doanyactwhichtheBorrowerhasagreedbut fa rtstodoandmayalsodoanyothsractIt
<br />doe" ro gicauargtafNOlect Ina security hereof Barrowersnall. Immediately upon clemardthereforby Lender. PAY t6t.41144t 1111 CD$3&rcd*WPQnWiStftutf*d&nd so"*
<br />'
<br />expended byLattdwrn connection w lftlhae fiticisebyLtnderofthefor egoingrights. together with interest thereon attheffteprovidedlother NOW. vrhKhttlattbeaddthfto
<br />The assume ienby Lwrrder 504H not incur any personal liability because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br />,
<br />f) EtelnM M DOWAL Ilia following shall constduta an event of delautt under this Oted of Trust:
<br />)s) Failure to pay any installment of principal or interest at any other cum secured hereby when due. at failure to pay when do* any otrrwu ►dWfedrMfsof
<br />cc
<br />lorrwttt to Lender.
<br />!tole.
<br />: a:. .
<br />(b) A branch of or default under any prowsion contained in trio Note. this Deed of Trust, any document which secures the atW any omet
<br />encumbrance upon the Property.
<br />�. (c) A writ OfoxeCution Or &I?Sthment or any similar Vtocess shall to entered against Borrower wbuch shall become alien on the Property at any portion
<br />"wool 0, Interest tterain.
<br />(d) Triare shall be filed by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal. state or other statute. faw or regulation relating to
<br />bankruptcy, insalwawCy or otherffiaf for debtors: cr thart shall be appointed any (rustee. receiver or iiquidator of Borrower air of ail at any pall of thaPrOperty.Of
<br />the rents. issues of prahts thereat, or Barrower chau make any general assignment for the benafd of creartofs
<br />(e) Trio sale. transfer. assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any interest in the Property, either voluntarily or
<br />involuntarily, without the express written ccnsenl of Lender-. rt
<br />(1) it SarrovNris not art individual, the Let&,tra i4l ignment conveVlnceorencumbranceotmoreltia n -- percent of (its corporation) its.
<br />kftMW aide tWistamding stock or lit a partpa*_T.1 ;_L, 4Yrcent of par Intel ship interests = -; •,
<br />Event of KAepieraYOeUporDNaWLIneRk
<br />sans shall IMraupon becaue due and payable witpic A'rxQf' :resentment. demand. protest or notice of any kind Thereafter Lender may
<br />: , .:•
<br />" (a) Demand that TruslY- neseicisibIhOKW6AOF SALE granted herein and Irustee shall theroaltle r cause Borroweis interest in the Propertytobesdt9
<br />sold the proceeds to be dir:W, W :fad. all to trio manner prow•a j[4In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act.
<br />" (b) Either in pemori crsoy agent. with or without any action at proceeding, of by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard "0ltie
<br />adequacy of its security enter upon and take possessionP ''3te Pro per I ormiy part inetilot.in its awn name of in the name olthe Trustee. anddo Mw ractsiattich
<br />it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value. � arkelabihly or reintMil ty Of the Property or part thereof for rnterosi therein. increase the tricOme
<br />a therefrom Cot protect the security nereotand with of wit note taking possessa crfa Ina Property. sue lot otolherwlsecolleUtheronts .tssuesandprptfisthtffot.
<br />including those past due and unpaid. and apply lnesame lebscosi s and eapcsg:ks of operation and colter. tiomncludfngattorneys 'tees.uponanyrnALtltadness
<br />seCUfed hereby 611 m 6uch older as L ender may det?rmme 'r pe enteung upan and laking n?ssession of the property. Ilia collection of if jell r0idt. ttsuea and
<br />profits andtheappI cats nt hereof asalore set d.s iaunatc tea- warwaanydefautturnat,ct rtlife! auIt net e unite I, at. if validate any act donoon rfripantetosu h.
<br />default or pursuant to such notice of default and not+a'itt71:$3 -I Jn..a Ina continuance ire p ric)3iJif :js at the Property or aha ts4,cuian. roee+pl and applioatian w,
<br />fonts. issuesat profits. Trustee or Lender shaft to entitled tCl2: »etC,sC every fight ptti,adFi�rNiJ't /i.9G ;� of list. Lgan Insirumenlivr by titw upon(. urence of any
<br />event of default Including the light to e■ercc,ertgepower rN sale and
<br />!
<br />(c) Commence an action 10 foreclose this Deed of To IASI as a ma ;1 roll; d,rr_ a�py; ui spY:'jimallpof Iforce any of ;hl) uafF&FAtilk Mereat,
<br />•
<br />�,
<br />- No comedy hereinconlerreduponatreservedtoTrusteeorLenaetisintendedtobee■ ri s_ if ieofany. uitnlr Ili: meaynotal itorbyfkvpie v.de]dwarrmilted.buteachShaltCo
<br />cumulative. shall be to addition to ever y other remedy given nereunder of now at hereafter et.sting at;zw of ill eilulty or by $1.1111110 and Tlrptiaeaercised Concurrtnllyr.
<br />independently or surcessively
<br />to Trent". Trig rustee may resign at any fame wdnout cause and Lender may at any lm,e ano wdho..t cause appoml a ;ucCr51a11 it suasidule Trustee Trustee
<br />shall not be Islas lot any loss or damage unless due to actionable negligence Or willful nescr liduc) and shall fool lie feilinswi IU'2,1 tl ail! %action in Connection with the
<br />°I lhe:ew,th In addition. Trustee may
<br />enforcement of this Dead of Trust unless mdemndied m writing for an costa compensatiun of a ipenses which uray be aswt •sit .
<br />beeomaapuichaserat any sale 01 the Property lludical or under inopowet of sale granted here inn Postpone lite sate of all of ally ria•1tbn0tfffepropetly asprovidedbylaw.
<br />or Sol ilia Prepony as a whole, or to separate parcels or lots
<br />t: hllwsAdYanees . Upon request ofBorrower tunduirriay ar.t•.uption Suchadvaneesih-ro
<br />Truss At nl, tame snail trio pnncip.O efa`uunt its (fie uidebt ^u7f eSC secured by this Deed of Tearl. x1;430
<br />readvances. with interest Ihllson. shall ba secured by IntkOeed Ail ,
<br />wniC.r[i°vE4ii�
<br />eluding sums advanced ;J,rf oftcl lne Security of this fJmrynflousl e■ ceetitneonginz. rG, 1t :SPardrnaurJstatedratre +rr.nrL y /50.0 +00 — _
<br />gloater
<br />12 INscoNonse w otovbkm.
<br />(a) /ORatRr NatMifol"atd. E ■tension ut the lime for payment at mod,tn,atiOil C' rilaticn of thu Sun1s Srcurad'��j ;.ns Deed of Trust granleGbu
<br />tender to any succeS501 Pli iMIONs101 Bar rower shall not operate to Ieft.ase Ili any trial) aj i• !iii habddy Gt ire anginal Borrower acid Borruwer's suct,"sois to
<br />interest Lendei shallnott t1 eQu.r edtOCammenC spiereedmgsagainstsucr ms�c.cessur_..r rat„ setue■ ieridhme ter payment ofothefw ise modify amortization
<br />yl the sums secured by fn» Geed of Trust by reasun of any ddmands rnai'rr,;. ti the CA ,o - gaff ewer and 8MCA ut 5 sncr.essor4 m mtcreSC•
<br />(b) LeMet•s /40M.Without atfecl,riglholiabitdy of any Other peP ;1.- !JL12'.a!,IN!payment of any 01, gal ion herein rnenfaont4, -! :Vo Mahout affecting
<br />(rte i40orcharge at this GttaiS.)Cf Trust upon any pot lion of ! tin Property nun Met) or the ,�+la!!i'; teieased as scl uaiy fur life full ammint •.a' 10- o"atind obligations.
<br />Lender may, from time to It, .MO flood wnihnul nuke, a (I) reiva%A, ikvi, pet eon so battle fit ser niatulay fir alter an to of the terms of of i;, it pbtigalrons,(Mp,
<br />grant other indulgences. Ofining- .4saeatreconwe, vets+, sC'% ij.'+ t' released orreconveycJX. 4py-a s" leatLunde fsuphuns ally Gan,el,portt011u 11Vtf Ina PrGpyeU.-
<br />for) ►aktor tolesse secuuty real(,yobligationhetcinmc•ntioned OF ;' w•+. Qi rd■ ecumpu:, munsnruthelan ¢reyfrra +eatsM•;' /: +jdubl :rntd rNSC,ci•
<br />thereto
<br />It.) rome wicahy Letlde f NOf a Waht#r Any forbearance try t ender ui erert;/S. ng any ngnt of remedy hercu rider or of hut wise f:li9gCr1_5 by applicable
<br />,
<br />Ia W. Shall not bea waiver ofofpffciUde the exer t.,seofanysuch right ottemet•,: TW pfocoserilDni oll, mai ance fir Me payment of taxes of toiler, f.itns at charges
<br />by Lender shell not be a Wanwst Of Landers trgril to aGC,etelattl the maturity of the indebtnZoe,s secured by this Deed (it Trust
<br />`
<br />(d) iYOCeetata alit/ Aswrow Bound; JOltlf and sawn 11.18"Ith captlane. The GC +atat0ins and agrnrmenta herein confaured shall bind and the ri '114,
<br />'
<br />hereunder Shoji Muff lo. the raspechve successors and m ut}i9.y of t ender and eon owe( ;7 ,1ahu : to f ns prouL -erns of Garagtaph B let nereot All Cove(IRAM and .
<br />agloemenia0lBOtrOwer shall be)omi end several The Uk: 'forsandl+ead,ngs.(;IUtfipafdgrd Nhs 011hls UUegol t'tulit sref]r corlventence emy and are not R?) h
<br />uWd to sntafpaei ut owh;rtr *e p*uwu,u.'s
<br />(t) IleWYe ltoMoNcee .TriopattiesIFBidbyreques, Col? 1aropyot . :+VuusticeOfdalauuhereunder u, . d. x,. opyof any ratit :ecllaid be mailed to
<br />Dead 61theaddressSolearthafici; Iei'• thetnanliel0 10SCnbedt+ydpOuobldfdt,' Eacept lot any cifternobCOtlautredu flrferappttcabfa
<br />each party to this ofIoust
<br />law to be given in another manner, any notice provided friViri ltlis [teed of Trust than be guff.,) Oil mailing such notiLet; V Gentled rta0 addressed 10 Into 014.11
<br />pets#" at the address set forth above
<br />Any notioaprowided for in this oted of Yf•s1 ehool her n.nmed to haw been given to BOatowsr of lender when given In the manner designsfed hertln
<br />(11 WWMVM. Lender they make or cause to be mods tossartabis entries upon and inspections oft he Pr opet ty. provided that Land(ft.1141111 %ivs BW(Ow@f
<br />notice proof to any such Inspection specifying raasonabte Cause fneNtor retated to Lender's interest in the Property
<br />121 11isNMyMlee, upon pay Intent Wall Sums s tcutedby this Deed ofIrust LenderShai) requestTrusteeto( OCOnveyth0Propertyaridshallsultan des
<br />this DeWof Trust and all r. Oles evidencing indebledressassufedbythi s Deed (if T oust toIluslee Trusfeeshailneconvey the Ptopef ty without wauanlyand
<br />wlMfalA Charge to the p@IW of persons legally entitled thereto Suth pers6n or persons shalt pay all ousts pf recordation; A any►
<br />(h) hreMNPre/ erly ./eswMyAlitiellwsLASadtldioOMA) WutaIV ldrlfropatymentolthalloteaifhaturesequipment ,mad1thorpersonalpropellyUsed
<br />In.COnneclson with UIa teat estaN or fmproveffl/nts totaled IMraon, end fool olrlerensedectared or deemeG to be a pare of thereat #s:ald /eCured hereby. shall tie
<br />sulaWlICA& "Curdy interest i nfatiotof the Lordil rundefIng Nebraska UnddamCOmmt Wet Cadt Thu. nstiumv, nl Shall bacontmitidasa Security Agreement
<br />I.ArAlsor saki Coda. and" Lander shall have all tise tipts and ramvlies of$ secured party under saisf Cudr3 in edodron to trio tapiti end remedies created under
<br />"
<br />6" accorded the tower pureusnl to this t)tM of Trust
<br />(i) titose 000ft In the ~I that any provision ofthis Des-3 of Trust conflict with applicable is W Or are decfared invalid of othei wise unenforceable. sucn
<br />r., r;g4 p:- r'..:.- t: AC eM isL_ —,^of'! Full i• *!hCr4tge*r,.rh ran" aiwanetfa.t withnui that conlbctmo Clewiston. and to this
<br />MD Min plinl/irins of Mrs tleed of Trust and that Note are dectamd to be severable
<br />Hdrrotier has eaec~ Ins► DeW W Trust the date written above
<br />err. 4, li i L. .,t�r,l��z r_�icr l�1�1�X1�4rI� ' t� ,e.'ir,�- r.�->�
<br />L +
<br />buituAet
<br />11 ff �
<br />► ,� :£• t. �.: .,'.1 t'3 `��! .- :,i Sit . /�'�"!L :l f � r "_ ,. L� f i.� :.a !: /♦'
<br />H�„ti veer
<br />