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Son over and I.trtder eovea ttt ttttd agree as tollov! sa <br />1. That Borrower will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore <br />petrvitled. Privilege is resmrd to pay the debt in whole or in part <br />on anj installment due date. <br />2. Thai, together with. and in addition to, the monthly <br />pa)v"lt of principal and interest payable under the terms of the <br />note secured tereby, the Borrower will pay to the Lender. on the <br />Pint day of arch month until the said note is fully paid, the <br />following slims: <br />(a) Amount sufficient to provide the holder hereof with funds <br />to pay the next mortgage insurance pre4i i6 if this instrument and <br />the note secured hereby are insured, on at.t:',`titir * charge (in lieu <br />al p mortgage insurance p: ernium) if the ,,-,are held 5y; the <br />Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as follows: <br />(1) If and so long as said nose of icyca date and this instru <br />ment are hmiu ird or are reinsured urdw. dke provisions of the Na. <br />tional Houdng Act, an account suffis;:rnri.10 accumulate in the <br />hands of the holder one ¢t) month prior to its due date the annual <br />mortgage insurance prerniusti in order.:o provide such holder with <br />funds to pay such premium to tt,e Sect;4�Ary of Housing and Ur- <br />ban Development pursuant to the tumid Housing Act. as <br />amended, and applicable Itegutitions , S,Ydr under; or <br />(1l) if and so lone M. �cd note of even date and this instru- <br />ment are held by the Sv'eiML—y of liousing and Urban Develop- <br />ment, a monthly charge jr.7 lieu of a mortgage inmiacri premium) <br />which shall be in an amount equal to ("Ju iweifth W,12) of one- <br />half (1/2) per c entum of the average cOd-WAi tg balance due on <br />the note computed withwx taking into 'i►count.delits ucncies or <br />prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to tt 'Ap=,nd rents, if any, next due. plus the <br />premiums that will ne.m.1hatome due azil. Cwyable en policies of <br />fire and other hazard insu rance coverizjt tits property, plus tares <br />aril assessments next du: on the propsti 'j (all as efumared Ln the <br />Leader) less all sums alteady paid therefor divided b ' the number <br />of months to elapse before. one (1) month prior to On date when <br />such ground rents. ; --itiums, taxes and assessments w.11 become <br />delinquent. such sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay said <br />ground rents, premiums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of <br />this paragraph and all Mr ants to be made under the note <br />secured hereby shall be a4W together, and the aggregate amount <br />thereof shall be paid by the Borrower each month in a single pay- <br />ment to be applied by the Lender to +bb.t•.linllowing items in the <br />order set forth: <br />(1) premium charges under the contract of !,app ance with <br />the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development +m: ,Monthly <br />charge (ir. 1% <br />�..of mortgage insurance premium), as the case may <br />be; <br />(11) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard <br />insurance premiums; <br />(111) interest on Qvi r 0c secured hereby; <br />(IV) amortization of the primn,,ju` :of said note; and <br />(V) late charges. . <br />more than fifteen (15) days in arrears to cover the extra ext <br />involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the payments made bg the r3oirmiet <br />tinder (b) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed t`);e dtnount of <br />pa }mcnts artually made by the tender for ground it-M. taxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may fx. such ex- <br />cess. if the loan is current, at the option of the )1et� ,;*0. shall be <br />credited by the Lender on subsequent payments w be made Icy; the <br />Borrower, or refunded to the Borrower lf, hewever, the tllaill tip: <br />payments made by the Borrower under (b) Cr pa!xagap}t " <br />preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground mitts, taxes and <br />assesurients or insurance premiums. as the cars mall ire. when the <br />same shall become due and payable, then the Borrower shall pay. <br />to the Lender any amount necessary to maker 4#'stir deficiency, on <br />or before the date when payment of such.0)rhi ii"Mts, taxes, <br />assessments. or insurance premiums shall Per: this Jf, at any time <br />the Borrower shall tender to ilia L.ends7, i� :#+'fiiWii ce with the <br />Provisions of the note secured hereby!, fulf j;ayti t*..-iQf the entire <br />indebtedness represented thereby, the Lender sir. k, u computing <br />the amount. of such indebtedness. t.�redlL W the'accirunt of the Bor- <br />rower a)1'pti-)'ments made under the ppidslons of (a) of paragraph <br />2 hereof :,4, -Nat the Lender has nar become obligated io pay to the <br />Secretary of Housing.,rnd Urban. Development and any balance re- <br />maining in the funds`bsatmulautd under the provisions of (b) of <br />paragraph 2 hereof. Iti' there shall. he a default under any of the <br />provisions of this instrument resu(tjn)v in a public sale of the <br />premises covered hereby, or if tlW.U4flt acquires the property <br />otherwise after default, the tender sh-A apply, at the time of the <br />commencement of Such. preceedings. or at the, time the property i. <br />othenviLe acquired. the balance then remaining in the funds ac- <br />cumulated under (b) of paragraph•2 preceding. as a credit agaost <br />the amdttnt'of principal then a.mgitting unpaid under said note; : <br />and shail,pr[speri} +.adjust any payments which shall have beer- <br />made under (a) of. paragraph. 2. <br />4. That the Ilum'stvar.will!pay ground rents, taxes, assessments. <br />water rates, and other Qap,,rrnmental or municipal charges, fines, <br />or impositions, for which; pig vision has not been made <br />hereinbefore, and in default thereirihr Lender may pay the same; <br />and that the Borrower will prompny'deliver the official receipts <br />therefor to the Lender. <br />S. 'rho Borrower will pay all taxes which may be,•t ;vied upon <br />the Ltnde,r's interest in said real estate and improvements, anti,. <br />which may be levied upon this instrument or the debt secured;: <br />hereby (but only to the extent that such is not prohibited by lay <br />and only to the extent that such will not make this loan usurious). <br />but excluo;.ag any income tax, State .or Federal. imposed on <br />Lender. a °tut will file the official ; tiiq t. showing such paymerr <br />with the lender. Upon violation of iL s•underiaking, or if the <br />Borrower is prohibited by any law nc;w or hereafter existing from <br />paying the whole or any portion of the aforesaid;'t;, or upon <br />the rendering of any court decree prohibiting therttvittent by the <br />Borrower of any such taxes, or if such law or det:r" provides that <br />any amount so paid by the Borrower shalt be credited on the debt, <br />itte I ender shall have the right to give ninety days' written nw ce <br />to the owner of the premises, requiring the payment of the debt. <br />If such notice be given, the said debt shall become due. payable <br />and collectible at the expiration of said ninety days. <br />Any deficiency in the atntsunt of such aggreg2:as minithly pay- 6. That should the Borrower fail to pay any sum or keep. a'ny <br />ment shall. unless trade' free by the Borrower psi,et' to the due covenant provided for in this irstr•urnent, then the Lender, at't:i <br />date of me next such payt'aeni, constit:ae an evert 4f.defau)t option, may pay or perform the sztjte, and all expenditures so <br />under t1:is r�iimgage. The Lender nta 'u�liect a '•late charge" nut <br />to exceed four ants (dd), for each dollar (Sl) of each payment ' <br />i <br />Page 2 of 5 HUD- 921430T <br />U <br />r. <br />•Y . <br />C <br />