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r Nor <br />�L <br />1 <br />89-6'� 104646 <br />If lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security In- <br />strument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required ro maintain the insurance in effect until such time as a requirement for <br />the insurance terminates in accordance with Burrowers and lenders written agreement or applicable law. <br />S. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasunableentries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br />give Borrower notice at the time gf'or prior'to an irnpesxit!n specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9 Condemnation. The procV., Uf any awarrJejr :.' �;fiti' for damages, direct or consequential, in Connectiot; wirfi ails <br />Condemnation or other raking of any part of the Prrtpet ty iii for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assign.d'snri., <br />:shall be paid to lender }' <br />In the event of a arial takiq i>f _t he Property, the ptiy. "ds shall be applied to the sums srasred by this Securi <br />ty <br />lastrumenr, wbeiherer itat then due, wi:h any excess paid io Hat-riiwer. In theeventof a partic! taking6f the Property, unless <br />Borroweru kletn3er��rJii viseagit� nwricing`ttt��urit sticrsmaf' hythisSecuritylnstrum vittshallbeifducedby the amount ` • -..:,t .t.' <br />of the proceeds mu.ri3s1: e4, b.y the following frwtii m? (lij. file tol amount tit. the sums secured irtt}yts liurely before taking, <br />divided by tb} the fa'r: twit let value of the Prop,. by iYltttrr tt}tt61y before the taking. Any balance slash ibr paid to Borrower. , <br />if this property ii-2.�4ndonedby B)rrower;or if, after ffMli1: by Lender to Borrower that all ea ct mnotoffets cu make '• . :• <br />an award or settle a claim fui dalmwpp, Burrower fails to resp:,uA to, Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given. <br />Lender is authorized to ciillece ant apply the proceeds, at us ('jp ch)n, either to restoration or repair of the Properry or to tht' , <br />sums secured by this Smuzity Instrument, whether ur not then due. <br />Unless Lender wji� Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of prixeeds to pril2ce dal shall not extend or <br />postpone r u_.due date oar the monthly payments referred to in: paragraphs I and 2 or ch_ -ame the amount of;:uch payments. ` <br />I(1. f&;)frower Not Releas ai; Forbearance By L,etubw Not a Waivee. Extm ua.3 of the time for payment or <br />modificatit ^ of amurtizatiun of the su :als secured by this Sect:.6b.ptnstrument granted Lwh_4ier to any successor in imerestof <br />Burrower shall not operate uo rele:.�rhe liability of the origirrzAi Borrower or Borrowers'successors in interest. Ixndershah <br />not be required to commence prt.Kce4snFs against any successur-�a interest or refuse to extend time ft i. piayment ur otherwise <br />modify amortization of the sums secured by thisSecunty Instt -umire tt by reason of any demand made by Ole original Borrower <br />or Borrowers successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lenu`r,,r exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or <br />preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. The covenants and agreements of this <br />Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br />paragraph 17. Birrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any %wrower who cu -signs this Security <br />Instrument but does not execute the Noce: l al is co- signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br />Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this ,14tm;lrity Instrument, (b) ivv, faint perstrnally obligated to pay the <br />sums secar:tid(by this Security Instr. M. and tcf agrees that imider and any tither B/ : :1c a cs may agree to extend. modify, <br />forbear cv r."ake any avcommtrdatiuns with regard tit the terms of ilai'. Security l :r;rr.,.;,vjriric tit, t, %e Note without that <br />Burnowtcr : %'r,;•lnsert. , <br />lil.:. moan Charges. if the Wa a secured by this Security Instrument is subjctir +:: a' low which sets maximum loan <br />t? :usnd that law is finally intt:r�. etcdsuthattheinterestortitherl oancharges<,[ fac+ +.�dortobeurllectedincunnectiun <br />►.an the loan exceed the permitted limits, then- (;a) any such loan charge shall be reducL d by the amount necessary- ro reduce . <br />the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any s(tinr. already coll ectedfrors(. ice nswer which exceeded permitted limits willbe <br />refunded its Burrower. lender may choose to refund by reducfngtj :t� lsrincipa!,.;wed under the Note or by making :a <br />direct payment to Borrower. if a refund reduces principal. the rol fiction to .!:1 be treats +l a;> a partial prepayment wish, ur airy <br />prepayment charge under the Note, <br />13. Llegislation Affecting Lendees Rights. if enact"war a of expiration of ,dPV E :.t' .3le laws has the effect a vulr-t;;r. ^Ting. <br />any provision of the Note ter this Security Instrument unenforceableaccurding to its renns, Lender, at its option, may rey,;ire <br />immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and utay invoke any remedies permitted by <br />paragraph 111. If Lender exercises this option. Lender shat take the steps specified it,t Ou second paragraph of paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any notice ro lit►rrower provided for in this Security Insrniment :!if :all be given by delivering it ur by <br />mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires usetof another nivitod. Thy novice shall be directed to the Property <br />Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. A ny it, wtice to lender shall be given by first class mail <br />to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Burrower Any notice provided for in <br />this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Btrrtlwcr for lender when given es provided in this paragraph. <br />!S. Governing Lawn; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the <br />jurrsaicsivil in which the Property is lucated In the event that any pnn•osionor clause (if this Seuincy Instrument or the Note <br />tt►nflitts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect tether preovisiuns tit this Security Instnnncni or the Note which can <br />be given effect without the ulnflitting provistun To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument said the Note are <br />declared ht Ire severable. <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Horrowct shall be given one cunfurnrcd 4.41py ill site Note end of this Security Instrument, <br />17. Transfer of the Property of a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all tit illy pert of the I'tupe•rry or any <br />Interest 111 it is sf dd or transferred tut if a beneficial interest lit burrower is sold l Ir transferred end Hormwer is not a natural <br />perstint. without Lender 's prior written convent. I.ender may, ar its tlptton, require immediate payment u► full of 111 sums <br />seturedbyth isSectirltylnstrumcnt However. this oplo oil shall lit , diet •xcruscdl+yLcndt•ritviterti %v v, prohibited by federal <br />Iaw as of the date of this Security Instrtuncut <br />if lriiderrleercisrs thtsuptiun. Lender shill salve H111r4Awrr notice of auelcratiou The• notice shill pros idea a perrild elf <br />riot less than i0 days frurtt the dme the nutite n delivered or maded w ithin %hit h itorrotcc•r mlm all sums sti tired by this <br />becuttty histrotnent If Bltrower fills to pay these %ono% ptuu to the expiration ill rhw Ixriml• Ientler m,ty invoke any <br />renledtts permittt•t! by this Smutay Insttuntent %ithuur further unite 4ir dell anal 4111 ltortt tv.t•t <br />18. Btrtruw-er's Right it) Reinstate. If Illlrrower meets tertain Londltanl,., lkurtmer shall ha,.c the tight lit h,lue <br />eufuttenretif of till'. Sviurity Instrument d6tn1111fl1d'd at 111y rune prior ro rile cathtr tit (.1I s .lays (sit silts utllt r htrn,,t as <br />applttAlle law m.ry'.ixt ify for rellmaternent i belt ore'.alr of the Ytopc•rty puraulnt ft' .111i, pi titer (it Salt• titiltallud 1 it tills to <br />cunty Ln+ttuntt•ot, tar the entry ti) a lutIgntent Ynftrrt nlg 1111% !+cet,nty Illstultrlent 7 ho,c u,ltdluou, .tic• rhea iflitl.sucr ,I'll <br />llayy lindet all'iU111'. Wllltll theii W1l11iJkt JtJrtl1lJcr filli4etorlty Illortimu It afArl :c'Ntitefrati nor I,tE'fE'r,ltllirli ittitft 1. A,1 <br />ttlttt.lflr,ltfaulr of 1nr; trrhYr u,letcrtsttttiut agtcrntentc. �t r p.t}s.tllcYlx rtx�,n. +tired weoliuuu�; t}llti tie.w at itlsrtuett nr. <br />,114110111k, teat! nitr huot(;J ru, leasttU. :File s1Mltney4 t(t alit) M rein; such .14rn11i 1 fit.!( r• 1t.1;,.11.Ibli, rc.lti n it -.s•. <br />sure rhea tilt i,Ytt id truo 4Ytutity to ,.ttunitvit.lttldtt s ►Ia;ht4 ire alit Pttyi: rat .in.t Nt,1,,,,sr r • 1�lu;arri•n t,1 I,.•. lu . u•1• <br />4ttiltiAto, fill,. %tarrlr. lotmillit•lif 01,111ti,moltit.mlikili};tJ I I.-I114:11.1 =.rt ill( lit hs 11,,,1.1tst1 Ir,l. 'At ,tit ,t4 11101utfit.,t <br />Jar.! lilt - f-WIgatts.11, %C't unvil litsch) 4,14 ill ri licilrt rolir c fit, rti r is it o., .fitt•tttafl •t1 +,; ' • , i, r,t •+ If,•1st,i r slsi 1 ;,i r r• <br />rt lnarete ~trait Cntt Opply ur rhr t.lrr tit 11tf irtilli,U anal t y,a -.,f?a iodic ' { 11r I " <br />sa <br />i. <br />r <br />r <br />R - <br />