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Stdo, of Nebraska D"d of TW9 FHA Cm No. <br />104625 321-1346214703 <br />'Yw amed ot rmd coo try inowwwrin to mum an August 30, <br />11189 Tm VWW is <br />LUKNOW"ft K kobwW WA Vtft. Woft <br />and auk In HwIr am dOK (-&mmpmr,). The trumm w FHW, Fes - .WKS;lido LOAN <br />GFUNCOLKI-Thmi"I.TWebomAdaryle <br />Ole LSNC" - iftit In orgm-1,e 4 and wistUq under ow imma The, Unhod ftow of <br />That *& "mm in corAideration of ft debt and VW 1 arrAmft, dm*RW and 1 and the Aum at ckW DOW (i11). to <br />Win hand paid by tea Tholve. ftmoW dwItich ishareby adinAWWOKI, due by#~prWW%ia'Qr** IHI-91 h and SAC011YOVand <br />oorhbss. tdo the Tambe In lust will pow of ask *XWM 011 Of VW NWA*q I romf @dmW Ablated 4" Ind being In to CCU* Of <br />HO and Sale of Nero" $3 "t <br />Let Eleven (11)• Castle Estates Subdivisibri, gall Cdqtml— Nebraska. <br />wt1kh has the Address lot 4042 R"W DdVO ...Grand <br />VilropOrty Ad*W.I), <br />00 etas) <br />To He* and TO'HW the premises above desabod, wkh an the appurtarmca thereunto belmoging and indudirig &I heating, Pkw"g and <br />soft 60m and equipment now or hereafter allvAod to or used In conm"m with said real "late Utft the Trustee. and to its successors <br />and gss%m. bram. The Borrow represents to, and mvetwti with. the Trume. OW the Sommer has good f%ft 10, 90 And WnVW said <br />kwu cieft of all persons <br />Wwniaw, that OW as *" from ancutribrance. and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the Sam against the <br />whorneowen, and Me said Borrower hereby rainquMas as rights of homestead, and all marital rights. either in law Or In equity. and ON other <br />ewwngert bWn% of the Borrower in and to the abovedembad prarrkn. and Intention being to cO'W@Y hereby On ONUS Vft. Irk 49 ahfpb, <br />ihdthdng al rights of homatood. and other rights W Wdreeft " OWSUM. <br />Provided Atwr^ and the" pmwls we executed and delivered unto the Trustee. In trust. however for the Wowing purposes: <br />Whereas, the Smvmw an the 30th . day of August .19 89 borrowed *Om the Lon(* <br />the sum of Fft'EW* Thousand Throo Hundred Fifty and no/100 <br />Ooftm (S 58.350.00 for which <br />am the Sonower hko swoUlod and doWered to the LwWw Swower's pfoffkmy nab of even date, bearing interest of the rat* of <br />Nitta sod om hilt per ov*mn ( 9.500 %) per annum on the unpaid behm until paid. <br />The *W ipol c1l; W i moral Mail be payable at Me dkw of First Fad" SavkW and Loan Asomlation of Lincoln <br />in Lksa*% Moors" or at such other place as Ow holder of the � %Iw &W doeVAs in writing, In nmft inslaNTmots of <br />ft Hundred Nine mind 31/100 <br />). common crop on the first dqY of Oclobor <br />is W: , and oo the 11rd day of each nwa Mrsaller until the principal and kAWW we k* paK except that the brag payment of <br />p*odW and kd~, #'(rct sooner paid. &W be due and payable on the I* day of SWOmber <br />This Foft is laced In conrmSoh with, mort"ma insured Ur4K tfW 04W to W•ilfrft PrOqW"% of the National HousInSA4 Pkkdng Section 203%0 <br />and rj) -whWh mqks m One-Time Matioge [nwWm fterrium parw4 in accordance with ihis regulations for those i7wWww. <br />Page I of 5 4 form HUD-9214134)T-11 ttft 4AW) <br />24 CFR 20.17(a) (forrih FOTI -ph) <br />OF <br />j <br />