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sate .Of NOWASM D f True# `►t" C @wP% <br />�••rl 321 - 1349193 -'x03 <br />fo4s�� - <br />Tllia• <br />owd of TnW, ("Security instrument") is made on AUGUST 30TH <br />' :f, 89 . l he uustoe � F�?N K K?. AND KATHLEEN L. LILLIE, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />( "Burrower "). The trustee is <br />cMMU <. FEAF.RAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ( "T+nstee "). The beneficiary is <br />NORWY.ft BANK NEBRASKA. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Whitt is organized and cttisting <br />under the laws of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , and whose address is <br />202 WEST THIRD STREET, GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801 <br />wliwlaaww That the: Burrower inconsideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and the suns of One Dlollu <br />(%I). to him in hand paid .by the Trttstpr, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant. bargain and sell, <br />convey and confirm, into the Trutt -ot, f4irever. all of the following described real estate. situated lying and being in the Country of <br />!KALE . ,T.tnd Staio of lvebratlta. to wit: <br />THE _ <br />SEVENTEEN ((17 ),INtBLO NINE (9). I PARMILL ' THIRD SUBDIVIS $ AND AD D <br />ITION4To TEtE T <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, FALL COUNTY. NEBAa.WL. <br />"THIS IS A VURcHASE MONEY DW OF TRUST" <br />Tar RUEER TO THE DEED OF TRUST ATTACHED HERETO ARID aECUTtED OF EM. DATE HEREWITH IS <br />INCORPORATED HEREIN AND THE COVENANTS AND AGRESIM;TS TO THE RIDER SHALL AMEND AND <br />SUppLEiYENT THE COVENANTS AND AGREEKENT9 OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />which has the address of 2414:., WEST OKLAHOMA CRAND ISLAND <br />WIWI) GUY) <br />Nebraska 68803 t "irr5perty AdA �'ss`'): - ; <br />To Have and To HOW the pretn�wta. -above described, with all the appurtenances thcmut mo belonging and including all heating, <br />plumbing and lighting fixtures anil' -4�: r: pmcnt now or hereafter attached to or used in,«,Apnection with said real estate unto the <br />Truster, and to its succ ti' 'rs and'as ns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and ce'ag .gems with. the Trustee, that the Borrower <br />has good right to sell aril!,mavey said premises; that they are frte front encumbrance; apd that the Borrower will warrant and defend <br />the same against the IiiA+'.A claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homes' eacf.; and <br />all marital rights, either in law or in equity. and all other c43niingent interests of the Borrower in and to the above-described premises, <br />the intettilion being to conscy hcrnGsy .:'t absolute title, in fee s :rtu, lc, including all rights s7.homestead, and other rights and interests <br />as afcrrraid. <br />ProvWed Always. and these prewlils are exe. It ~t,1 and dehocrcd unto the Trustee, in trust, howcver.for the following purposes:. <br />w'rtereas. the Iorrower nn the 33Tli . day of AUGUST . l a-S , borrowed from this i' erider <br />the Burn of FIFTY TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00 /100-- - - - - -- ), for which <br />---- _- ------------- P011ars 1S 5 ?,650.00 <br />sum the Borrower has erect :rl,f , tui.iehrercd to the Lender Itotrowcr s promissory ante , :J to ,r ate;;¢, f ^caring <br />interest at the rate WEIGHT. r ceutuin 1 8.880 °•oi .�ti: �nr.'ain; ;r. the unpaid balance until paid. <br />��z�.- sso /Kaooe <br />I lie said principal and - inl+:j :et't +h.�191tc payable at the office of NORWEST BANK NEBRA5,144 ;vi:st UONAL ASSOCIATION <br />202 WEST T1Hj -RD STREG'S:. pftrt 1 , or al s;lch other place as the holder of the note <br />tit , a't'rn1?inllet- nlettt4�f -- — <br />mS- <br />may dcsly POh?R. HUNDRED NINETEEN, AND 10 100 - -- <br />__ Dollars 15 !;:-19.10 ), commenci :g c +n the first day of OCTOBER <br />-- �----- --'� -- <br />19 89 and on the first clay of ca.'t mtRntfn t1 :Ntr5�fter umw the 1�rinctpa) :,rid interest are fully paid, cecept that the final payment of <br />f.rlttulY;.t and interest, if not due and payable om the first day of SEPTEMBER <br />20 19 <br />This (urn Is used +n connection vrrth mortgages Insured under the one to four family program;, of the National Housing Ili whlC pro• <br />vide for perfolic Mortgage insurance premium payments -- <br />, form HUQgl141?OT 110-47 Ed.tann) <br />Page i of 5 -24CFW203 17(a) <br />.t <br />I r <br />