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TAS dF jMMT is. aft fts 24th August a <br />Martin Muenchau and Jea, enchau, husband Atid VIM <br />(114WOin $13M OW Bank N*§on@fA"o6kd6n. <br />FhZar <br />OM" NWm*jkj= -TNWW and Somkimy. FirOw Bm*.'*iorW Assoe"W, Om" M*rMkg. a <br />%�-pwam mWito and oxieft"under the laws of The UWW. SUWs of AmwkM oboes addrM IS 1700 <br />F**Wft SNOOK Offabs; Nabra", 68102-2183 QWGM "Lender"). <br />in consideration of the irid@13040M heMn recited and the trust herein created IffevocaNy <br />4" <br />' <br />1111111ftlmd.� Tnmftei in WuA with <br />of <br />Of Nebraska: <br />.,:.East Fourteen Feet (W) of Lot Two (2) and <br />all of Let One (1), Block Eight (8), Morris <br />Fifth, (#kh) Addition to the City of GranA'.'.; <br />Island- Wall rauntV. Nebraska. <br />which to* *4 address of 421 East 19th Grand i Island <br />I... (C" <br />Nebraska - 6L8O (herein "Property Aildreu")*. <br />Iftm Wo 10 Go" <br />TOGETHER with a4ldw improvements now or hereafter erected r�p the property. and all lights, <br />-- . - finances, rents (subject however to the rights and authorities g(ven herein to Lender to collect and apply <br />such mft), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits. water. wetter righlk and water smock, and all fixtures <br />row or WOW* aftched to the properly, M of which. including roplIscomoft and addilloft thereb. OW be <br />deemed to be and remain a pert olthe property covered by this Deed of Trust all of the foregoing, together <br />with said property (or the lesaftlif esisle if this Deed of Trust is on a lessholdi are heroin referred to as the <br />,I M. <br />TO SECURE to LENDER (W V* repsymenit of ft indebtedness evidenced %Swrowees note dated <br />Ausust 24, 1939 wain "Nolel in the principal *4rn of Ive thousand one <br />hundred and no/ 100($5,1 Doll�ca, with interest ftwn, providing for monthly installments <br />of principal and irdweek with the balance of the indebtedness. if not scow paid, due and payable on <br />Auitust 29, 1993 . .-- ; the payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced <br />in accordance hw*with lop ralec the security of this Deed of Trust and the performance of the covenants and <br />*W"mft of Borrower herein contained; and all renewals. extensions and modifications thersol; and (b) the <br />repayment of any f><rttxeadvances, with Interest initwoun, made toBorrower by Lander pursuant t(paragraph 21 <br />ivreall threin "Future AdvancosI. <br />BORNOWFA covenants mat Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has the ff tghl to <br />grant and convey the Property, that "* Property is unencumbered, Itirld that Borrower will warrant and defend <br />Vorwally " title to the Prop" against all Clung and demands. subject to any declarations. easeivients or <br />fewitimns 113%d in a schedule of exceptions to coverage in any title msufafte POIICV i"Suling Lender's interest <br />in the Property <br />I <br />1: .�Uf <br />- <br />