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• <br />.A <br />ills <br />tiY <br />m,, �vatant.nd 89-;w104607 <br />>n A" 'Ale l Pal ofand interest on the debt prepayment Borcower shall promPtlY pay when due <br />g� fK?axN sad I evtdettved by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. <br />to Lender on the day atpntht � Sub�eot to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />one-twrdith of: a y Ii+Yttsentt are due under the Note. until the Note h paid in full, a sum („Funds") equal to <br />( ) yearly taxes and arts which may attain <br />{� haaeioid Pay�U at ground ants on -the l>�tY over this Security Instrument; sums: ad (b) yearly <br />t mortye iorwraeoe peemi, if ausY• 1e it •Y: (c) yearly hazard insurance Premiums: and (d) yearly <br />basis ofarreat dada said reaso"be estimates of future acrow items. <br />mteau ., Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />TU Funds shall be held in an inatitutioa the depwits able �y (mchaliag Lester if or accounts arwhich are insured or guaranteed by a federal our <br />Lattdet miry tat charge for Leader is such as iastitutiat). Lender shall apply the Funds to <br />holding and applying the Funday Pas the escrow items... <br />Lresder Pays Borriww interim an the Fuada amtatya rti the accoutre or verifying the axrnw it <br />Leader aP�P6cabk last► ptarmitg Lando <br />to t. <br />my al m is waiting that intent s;�;! be � on the Fwsd Unless an agreement such a ch.:ae. <br />eagt[ie�es iatettsm to ix paid, Leander shall nut be bent is made or f= <br />shall glive to 8 sir to be, without c applicable Ist�r <br />rogttind to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Ls6djei <br />PtrPoaefor which each debit to t��uF nck i00Dun� �beFunds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the . <br />this Security Ines wneu, a made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Leader, tQae with the future month! <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall exceed the Y Payments of Funds payable prior to <br />Borrower's option. either sm!t wd r 0lluir d to Pay the escrow items when due, the excess shalt be, <br />at aaaottnt of the Faatta held f PUY mil tm.Batroiver or cd etliMi to Borrower airs month! <br />amount Leader is rat dent to pay the a itaas w, Y payments of Funds. If 11taC <br />negeasu7f Wintike up the due. Borrower shall pay to Lends any <br />deieiancy ern dme or more piYmentsm required by Leader. <br />Upon Per t in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, tender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />my Funds held b'9° Lender. If under Patwgtaph 19 the property <br />the° rmanedmatety to the ask of the or it is Gold or acquired by Lenders. Lender shalt apply; rte later <br />application as a deceit atgairmst the tY acquisition by Lender. any Funds fib` Ley Lender at the time of <br />sec UVO by this Security Instrument. <br />3 APPUCWaa Of PSYMM its. Uuksts appticabk lase provides otherwise all • <br />P�Phs I and 2 stall be e; M a to Into rats received by Lender under <br />Note; third, to amounts Payable Under gm' to rte charges due under the Not p eppyment c <br />P�graph 2; fourth. [o interest due; and last, ton haapesdue under the <br />4•.tJeraa, Borrower :hail Pay all taxes, asaeuments. ch P ncipaJdua <br />Property which etaY attain priority.over th' its Security Instrumm, ittid leasehold- and impositions r gr attributable treble: <br />Boerower shall po tiflese obligatioats im the rnaaaer Payments or ground rents, if arrr< <br />Pay than on time directly w the peraou awed �y f im P! V11 Z or if not paid in that manner. Borrower sly <br />to be paid under this parag>tapte . If Barr rmslcea `tt si .Promptly rum" to L M&I all notices of amortits <br />�Pa evidencing denting thepaytttaantat. imY�Ps d* -UtlY• Brower shall promptly fumish to Lemdtr <br />Borrower "promptly thstge �r lien which has <br />agreta in waiting to the Payment of the P�Y►er this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) <br />faith the Lien °� by the lies in amraamtaer <br />by. or deletes �.eofos�ateais of the Piet in acceptable to Lender: (i1) contests in good <br />prevent the enforce meat of the bm der forfdtttse of th . � added -- which in the Lender•: opinion operate to <br />y pot Ott <br />agreement satisfactory to Lende¢�PenY: or (c) seewes from the holdcv of the lien an <br />4 rare t� C0 [his Security Imtrumamt. If Lender determines tlr•,t an <br />t8 Property k object [o a lien which too a�a;a . pity over tix+as 5ilnst ty Ir t. If ens, mender may v y l� of <br />notice identifying the lien. Borrower "I aatisfy the lien or take one ew more of the actions set forth abov�wit, Borrower 0 days <br />of thegiving of notiice. <br />5. Hack by fire. ha &grower shall keep the irni�rnvemeda now existing or hereafter erected on the Arope„�t <br />insured against loss by Are. tuarards included within the team "extt"14Cgverage" and any other hazards for which i.endki . <br />t+equires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amrntiatSs and for the <br />insurance carrier providing the insurance shad be chosen b Barr periods that Lender requires, bile' <br />unreasonably withheld. Y owa�c subject to Lenders approval which shall not be <br />All insurance policies and rerrpwals steal! be <br />Leader s1u11 have the right to mold the polities and rac�ret Ut & to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. <br />All s Q(Psid piwduma and renewal enewmb. It Leatder requires. Borrower "promptly give to Lertd� the even, <br />Carriers" Lender. Leader may nuke Proort ifnot MA& promptly fiianower shall give Prompt notice to the insurance <br />Unku Lend'tr and f�Y Borrower. <br />of t Pro lm Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair <br />damaged, if the riantoration or repair is ecoitotraigll feasible and <br />ratoratign or repair u not econovt.k4d,y feasible or Y f etnder s security is riot lessened. It the <br />l4idit's Security would be lessened. the insurance proceeds shall be <br />applied to the awns secured by this Security Ttsatrument. whether or nor alien due. with any excess <br />Borrower abandons 1lfer Property, or does recd a�mwer within N1 days a metier from Larder that the gear to <br />ance carrier htks <br />otlkred to settle a claim. then Lender may co;lec: the insurance () dWd' Lender may use the r <br />Whhetn�ny noOf tice to pay sums seetuef by this security Instrument, whether or not then due. Ito r <br />eptir.or restore <br />notioe is given. Y PeliW will begin <br />Unless Latderand Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of <br />Postpone the due dace of the monthly Wysmea4n rtx"erred to in Proceeds to principal shall riot extend 4r <br />fr� W4V"h 19 the lrapetty i. aoquira+0 u, Leader. Paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br />daasage to the PhVerty prior to the acquisition Stall right to any insurance policies and proceeds rewltina <br />Itt:trutttent immed stel Pia to Lender to the extent of the sums secured b this Security <br />i. ��Y� � acquisition. y <br />change the Property, allow the Ptvaate ta< ' L' 0 Borrower shall not destroy, damage or substantially <br />lforrower shi llcam n to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold, <br />fee tide shall not ttteily with the provisions of the kale, and if Borrower acquires roe title to the properly. the leasehold and <br />Le unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br />7 c/a's fib art tie <br />O°v u aan0 agreentemu contained in this Security I M tPW r��. fBorfoerr fails triftpirfor The <br />f�•3 4a0 m the I'-GP"iY (Mich a= a Proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or to enforce taws or <br />nillUbliau). tiers Lender may doand pray for whatever is Pr <br />rat the Property. Lender's actions may include nO arY tc acct the value of the properly and bender's rights <br />Ittttruasent, y Paying any sums secured by a Item which has priority over this Security <br />apparring in coon, paying reasonable attonteys' feat and entering on the P <br />Leader may take action under this paragraph T. Lender does not have dodo ing spy to make repairs. Although <br />Any aanounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph T shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br />Sacunty It Unitttent. Unk" Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. these amounts shall hear interest from <br />the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with mnterest. upon not <br />iEr from Lender to Harrower <br />raquattng psyanent. <br />7 <br />F I <br />J <br />
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