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ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 89-- 1045u ri <br />(I YearTreasury index -Rate Caps) , <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER ismade this 29 ._.dayof August_, <br />and is incorporated into and shalt be dtttrneal to amend and supplement the Nfortgage, Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (tlte "Security <br />Ingrate m,,) of the &attic date given by the undertillmd (the "Borrower ") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note) to HOME <br />ttl . RAYING# A LOAN AILROCIAT)Ol! OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA (the "Lawler") of the same date and covering the <br />property described in the Swurity instrument aid iacatad at: <br />216 W. Phoenix, Grand Island, Nebreaslca <br />(Property Address) <br />Tags :halt coalow pervisNrs Aewbg for China Is my lateral raw OW try iaisalmy <br />psyn"N. Tbb Nat elan Bolls flit somm 031 laurel rant can damp at stay ante tiw vial <br />- aitii ti1i aiir{ t'�i "� :.le l i.rl jtsy. ,. <br />! ADDITIONAL COVENANITS. to *A%tion to the covenants and agreement§ trade in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender <br />fttcther covenanat sad a,�easfollosrs: .� � • . <br />A. IN11MM RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES - <br />Tke Nate pc oa for on initial interest rate of 8.50 N. Section 4 of the Note provides for cu*'. S. &'the iritmtwxate and the, <br />` monthly pathst�teatts. as follows: 4 <br />a. INTE iP-..l TT; eCND MO.'VTHLY PAVWENT CHANGES <br />(A) CliaW[lawns <br />The interest rate i oill pay may change on the first day of Septemhar —,19 qn and on that day every <br />twelve mimths thereafter. Each date on which my interest rate could change is called a "Change Date." <br />(a) TIMiallex <br />Beginning with the*z, a Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an index. The "Index" is the weekly average yield onUnitt d Stag <br />Treasury w- -urities adjusted to a commits maturity of I year. as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure <br />availabieasof the dateM days bd`an -m& Change Date is called the "Current Index." f <br />if the index is no *"We. the Note Holder will choose a new index-which is based upon comparable information. The Note•.. , <br />(iialder will give tote tsoHoe qf: tr�s.•.'disil^e. , <br />t� ifaiealalfaaatalles two and one /half <br />aefexreweh Change Date, the mkt ifolder will calculate my new interest rate by adding per+ Bit <br />points ( 2.5 ffs) to the Ctr:;.itst Index and rounding to the nearest l /Sth of 1%. subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) below. <br />This rounded am ou st will be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the principal l am <br />expected to we on that Change Date ire substantially equal payments by the maturi ty date at my crew interest rate. The result of this calculation <br />will be the new amount of my monthly, -r Xwnt. <br />W Lftails oa Ittlow I Path ti'IiasRtte : �}'{� ay� <br />The interest rate VtiAim requi:ar2 ra pay at i�:ir first Change Date w-0 net be greater them � It3..51 :_ • ri or less s(ktats <br />6.5r7 ra, The•rm'? er. my ixi ;e�rst rate will never be increased or decrease ��an any single Change ecrut tw_..�. D �� nt <br />(2.0) from the rate of inheres lr4ve been paying for the preceding twelve months. The minimum interestt rate on tw,!W —v will never be <br />S. .1sand the noilsimum interest rate will noer be greater than <br />t'Ls " iJfidi +e R1atMiir�P�attNt+a <br />My new interest r*wvk3 become effective on eAe 6(—hange Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly wayment beginning on theffvt . . , <br />monthly dote a110 etc Ciwiiig i'34tte until t i; attiou :,t of ;uy monthly papr.c, change.: strain. <br />Wk t!; ttlet of ti ba+sga . <br />The %cte Holder w W trail or deliver to me a notice before each C :liange Bate. "i he notice µill advise me of: <br />li) the new! it .,rest rate on my loan as of the change Date; <br />t :i) the amount of my motithly.payment following the Change I)atc. <br />Iniip any additional maitenjl A. -ich the Note Holder is «gr�red to diwla :•;, and <br />IN). the address of the as*;MAV -on you could contact rep datg any yue9ftris al,o -alt the adjustment notice. <br />L CHAR(WS. LIU*$ <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of Me 5ecur:Ay lnstrurnew is amended to tead as follows: <br />4. C Mn a: Use. Borrower shall pay ad taxes, assessments. and other charges, fines, and impositions attributable to the Pre{ trey which may <br />attain a priority over this Security Insiramen1, and leasehold payments of ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under wowarh Z hereof <br />cc. if trot paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due. directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish Lender <br />all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender teceipts evidencing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument: <br />however. Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so long as Burowa: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obligation muted by such lien in the manner acceptable to Ltader. (b) shall in good faith contest such lien by. or defend against enforcement of <br />mach liian in, legal proceeding.% which in the opinion of Lender operate to prevent the enforcerrsent of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />part thereof; of (c) shall secure from the holder of swb lien an agreement In a firm satisfactciry to Lender subordinating such lien to this <br />Siernrity lwnsatatai. <br />It LeWkv dnermiaes that all or any Vert of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien which may attain a priority over this Security Instrument, <br />(ender triton give Sorrowtt a tnvikv iuentifyitrg smh hire. &Nruvmv shwl.nri,ly such lrr, i t" itlkw v�re Of irt,.ie CA the wilons wt lv*.h abort; <br />within ten days U the giving of the notice. <br />C. %W K:L <br />tlni ftwm ( of amm 14 of the Security Instrument is anttndcd to teed as follows. <br />U. %&Wv. I'r -epi fm any notice required under appli.ahle law to be given ill another manner, (a) any trance to Mmoaet vio, ided for to this <br />!eturtev fit %I invent halt hep -irn by deer eying it of by mailing it by first class matt to Mir to* cr at the Yriiperty Andrei. ur at SULh i,thtr addtrt. <br />to Bctrrui.eI m-4y dnttnatt• 9y n(d,.e tai 1 ender m rfloak l lirrcIfi, aryl th) ahi fit itu a rt, I ender shall he git -n sty to st .la,. mail iLi I cndc-'•• <br />a�kjte's31a!r3rteretriurti• tier. hcalxrallrt= sasLtedtrtiiarllest3natei• iitl: ltlCtirf3l +rri +�er:t�pti+t+d ^,dhf[t+n j1mn .•il.. ^[�r„t ;:i.ttft�rt,t1 :,�� <br />4A%w; It win % ao- wn td Sal) fxdter;c dt: itta. chrr- tgr:. cri !,t WI; r+r;Acrtertct :ltrVht :tgit : zI" ttcn: :utr :rrc'e�,:i:a!ttthtic :i <br />li <br />