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SMft of Nebr"a W"10458 &ED OF l USr F321— we <br />MU Sr <br />220!501116 <br />IMM DEW CW IMUST,.( "Security lastnunerWl is made on AUGUST 29 <br />1999. The trAW is JIMr Ii- JOWSON -JR. AND .LISA L. JOWISON, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />( "Borr meet). Thu• trustee is <br />CKMM MNCIAL rZDWttltb SAVINGS i LOAN ASSOCIATION (- Trvilee "). The beaefici4q is <br />OCCIDMAL IUMPAtiltA ll'EDEW SAvnm BANK ,. which is orgaai:ed•and existing <br />umfer the kws sad wltuse address is <br />11704 W -CWWR RD OHM, XCERASKA (••1,eq�•,). <br />Widalaat llt: Thar the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter discribed and cheated, sad the sum <br />of Ore Dollar ($1), b hen in had paid by the Tnn t. the rmmipt of which a hereby arciwowledaed, does by their presents <br />grant, baron and sell, convey and confirm, unto the Trustee, forever. all of the following described real cote, situated <br />lying and bei% in the County of HALL , and Stale of Nebraska. to wit: <br />A= ELEVEN (11) , IN BL0M TWELVE (12) , IN COLLEGE ADDITI01 TfJ ME LAWN IN THE CITY' <br />'';,UF CRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />.: . <br />which has the address of 2310 NORTH GRAND ISLAND AVENUE GRAND ISLAND <br />W14y) <br />Nebraska 68803 (-WtW !9. Address"). <br />(tip C„de► <br />To Have turd To Hold the premises ikscribed. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all <br />heating• plumbing and lighting fixtures and ew;ptrlent now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate <br />u:«o thw TrusAw. and to its miccessci's, and ,=%1 n. s. forever. The Be rower represents tact, ien2 cove^a!s with, the Trustee. <br />that the Borrower has good right w• lAril and wAil;sy said premises; that they are fartm encumbrance; and that the Bor- <br />rower will warrant and defend the same againsr,tu lawful claims of all persotts whocitsoever; and the said Borrower hereby <br />reknquicires all rights of homestead, and all_mauutal rights, either in taw ��O.m equity And all other contingent ioterests of <br />the Borrower in and to the above- *wribed premises. the intention beingru; ebnve� laity an absolute title. in**simple, <br />including all rights of homestead, .xnd other rights and in ierxals as aforesaid. <br />Il'eavfoded Ahvays,,;utd these presents are executesd and cklivered unto the Trustee, in trust, however for the following <br />purpom. <br />Wrwm. the Borrower on dIC29TH , day. c -t,."UmUST ;. ,1'B9 . borrowed fccmi; the Lender <br />the sum e►ITHIRTE'EN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRL'D Tl;IA71 ONE AND-001100 ------- .,-- - - - - -- --------- <br />Dollars ($ 13.231.00 1, Lfor which sum the B! wwer has exevxed 24dtlivered to the Lender . ' <br />borrower's promissory note of even date, betwing interest at the rate of'EIGHT AND EIGHTY EIGHT ONE HUNDREDTHS <br />per centum ( 8.880 %) per atom on the unpaid balancas.until paid. The said principal and interest shall bi "payable at <br />die p}rWc v(OCCIDENTAL NLBXW,111 71 PEDERAL SAVZ'�M BAND -11704 w CENTER RD <br />in OMM• 8EBRASIA , or at such other place as the holder of the note may <br />designoie in writing, in monthly HUNDRED FIVE AND 32/ 100 • ---------------------------- <br />Dollarx (S ' 105.32 1, conMncin .' %u0 the, fcv day of <br />OCTOBER . 1%9 . <br />mod on she firm day of each month thereafter until dw.piita:ipal and interest are fully paid. except that the final payment <br />of principal and interest, if not sooner paid. shall be s10t, and payable on the firht day (ICEPTMER 2019 <br />on a+" anti 1ANder C- we and stree as follows: <br />1. Thim Borrower will pay the indebtedrkss, as hereinbefore provided_ privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole <br />or. in part on any installment due dolt_ <br />2. 1 hat, together with. and in addition to. the rmw ohly 11►symeni% tit principat and ►ntetot payable under the term% of <br />the "69C %Ccurrd hcrcby. the 13.xruwer will pay to the Lender. on doe first der of ciwb month until the said note is fully <br />pwd. the (Akmrinp sun w: <br />Form MAD- 92141DY Re 2'450 tile+ <br />t'ow 3 G4 s iCi is 17 7(�} <br />ai . 53? 5.1" <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br />, <br />i <br />{ <br />{ <br />i <br />i <br />i <br />, <br />I <br />i <br />7 <br />