<br />Uniform Covenant IS of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows_
<br />13. Illu ft+rn inenrfty daatramms; Govera ft Law; SrtvetrfbWty. This form of S at~risy Iestrt:,-aee. vcr, -* ,r0Wiiform tovertants for national use
<br />and rAwaniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifoem semTi;,,s irAttirntem covering read property. This
<br />Security Instrument shall be governed by federal lave and the taw of the juri3dittion Ps vey:0, the d ?rt+Wdy is located. In the event that any
<br />prevision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note conflicts isith applicable law. sunb cee,€iio •0.11: not affect other provisions of this
<br />Security trutrument or the Note which can be given effect w; ?hour the confl:e(ing peo►mSm, a 4 to tZ,4i end the provisions of this Security
<br />Instrurrimt and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br />Unifom Covenant 17 of the Security Instrurrectis 21rerdcd tz read L=s foL;aws_
<br />17. Trwiftr of the Property or a SeaefieW lattmi la &+ nranr. 1r,111 or any riot of ltc Myvr an interest Ebwn'm is sold or tmnsfetresri- .
<br />(or ij a bone €iciad interest is So +� iz so;c4 of tray sf¢arat a: *d i3crrahrn is rrE a c pr itG �3 ± iihout f r ' ,prior "Iten cottseai
<br />IAsder may. at t CJt$: is opCiaa:: . s:t ald clack l'.:rns recurs = y thi; Sttctri #'s. [ srttti vit�'t ,i+tr i mitt attfy i aya6ic.1F!woever, this'
<br />opda �haHnot'bpvm.:dsedhy ff� °r: ri£ cr tgtclT �.e:' � +nil: by F0Tdm 6*. Leer t rgya�azzt^r� e 7r ::se %i is pti �_ °(,i'r.
<br />of i Saro+t�r '
<br />[. iCS;"iJi; t"C StI�C� 2 G� IO d CE2LtiJ: ir,h'nitjdu' �'�Ui! eiJ:? 7dS�t L
<br />Wig-
<br />10 the lrli;fL9tl t3YtSSf c.F 'i.' 2 <�"M1iJR.4i%`r'SC 1Ti: ttt•Y$'` "
<br />tip- sp? i; t, i�derrtraa3 lltYdctete�izhat.bte,a'scz itytT,izoihei.ti4d+fiy the'stimaradindthaIlir:
<br />breach.i "if zN ruff irj Ys aEree��vt j L�:s sF� iV f3:;traniet:c isa.: epu l,Iwt,�:i erxke. W.
<br />Tothtee:xt v ;iyEt. Nrtsd b- of f^t� « -Ie l;tfa„ T, nder nr.: , t a: ie t•. r; a iit�t :e fee as accodir >'on to Ltinder's consent to the loge iunption.
<br />Lander may also fr: ::the tramAi r'ec to keep z0U the prUm. ;c!.:u u , .ear ^etits made im t:'lr. f` op, rand in this Security lnstntment.
<br />"if Lender exer.:kes such opti,crr to accelerate, le :'!:: ,' ." r . ,:: i1: r roger noce:e cg quec- ration its accordance %ith paragraph 14 hereof.
<br />Such notice shall provide a pericid, a ant ltr�s Cian KI i'a,t ;:P.- r, ; ;t'.: t ,e ort i:C if; rraf;ld hl lhi R tL "IIICh Borrower may pay the sums declared
<br />due. if Borrower fait, ro pat suer stun:; rr1.:•r ra Oc rnry, a, itnaut further notice or demand on Borrower,
<br />invoke any lfrTied:C5 f+.r�a!t[:,ib }'tht�SecUrlty. C�'; rUm.I:t
<br />"Not withsta rid) ag a ,atear iron r•r . Horrouer v.ill L,rrnn, r - - .-nhligated under the' w.:snit thii Security Instrument unless Lender has
<br />relatsed llrsrroK•s<r i n w n[ t ng •.
<br />If the In n wLkircd b:. the lieccs,ty Itlsuu icot "ut,ro t which sets mastm+rtu ! .a+, _ h ttF ., an:f ri ;,t ;,:h ,, tnudlr interpreted so
<br />that the inrett'St u! v!hcl irjail Lllar, .Stt9 Cellwed (•r t• , lu. , Ilr..r • .t ,rs , onocchon 1 ►1t11 the ludrII t't__Cd p:rrulited 11n1eK, (ho: (1) any such loan
<br />charge shall bt csJnc t, arc arnnt,rtrnei er ;r. ;r r to reiluo ftt: c•t:lfry to the permitted titan: and (2) any sums already collected from borrower
<br />which exceeded rwiatir.r:3hrntts"01 lie r.ef urdu +l to Honovicr. i rn:fet may zhome to 11fake 1111, refund by reduciugrite principal owed under the
<br />Note or by ma(ting:1 a'.lrict r ::)meat t,, ( ?cr r +H'r If a retu::cl tvdu.eti piin,ipal, the :cductuut,siil be ircatcd alit ptrtlal prepayment under the
<br />Note.
<br />1V 9AY1TFfi4 w'HF:HF:OF. Burrnwrr►rrsexecnitdrhl. Adjostahlr Uste Rider.
<br />L9"��!•"lp!?td:_
<br />�:.
<br />� -- (Sea)
<br />Unman L. Sod0f*W;%tikoWI:R
<br />7
<br />_�/(seal)
<br />• Barbara A. SodomWSWROWI R
<br />(Seal)
<br />11ORROWLR
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