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If Leadet <br />-+e wat>Ce s�: rrditFdnl -oi maitit�t.,* i i{' Jl'c' Sit this Strsrity iastturucnt, <br />fa d� 90.4 vdip mgirit�tl6'tlrc- R>Isf* vnut ;s :tcb'iffl'ii? r lire r�cquimnettt fat.tits <br />_ t I it a wish grr9!v ,r -` said �t <br />:wtsttpa,�rc t 44 Iit;-'�tk rw. <br />or lc; sutcnt,ltisy rrali -rza3ibAi�tl enttritm s �i� c1f Me Pr <br />trrea(orptiocioinofs n ';�,] opetrty. L+ercler <br />'�i & ±4 ?7t .� �Uum'gt;rthe inspe twft.. <br />4 `ltM= rr. gk2ttttcoeds of airy awsrQ'th Bursts f& d;uuages, 41i6 d, t: '' Criseq{tmttit7, an CC=. kcc:j -In >;,s;;h. <br />any, s iiiat ors "t}id`'pt b 4f arty.s rf of ctrl? lr5rt�pti:+t)r,'or >* onveya►ice.iit, 111�i�. ccrademnWti �. ts-r. r p <br />ass+pudttiid!c fell Qeut.aidt�;, :'•. :. :.:.: :....,;,.• �.;... .AT" <br />1a flit a vrirt rt a+ foal 7akir� od pe , 9 .+rime shad .�c !>i ,to tTte'�tEtts 5010rori .k- 4 y <br />lfistr alt; Wvhether or not then, *Idhairy axces3; t fAtcio4er. is 191c es►,�tt ±4� arttaT tapir, P <br />iSrawar arils t Mderat •tzc 4g7 a in waiting, A- Y sums sxured by td3is . `: k, .� tnstrumcnrs6�t}fa reduc4d by <br />:' = t> ' t p iiYtt of the`¢tiOlC�eds mt; ad'4y_ Ike. follot►ing frhaiw,r ha? thel fetal;- ' .ul:t of file 'sums secured immediiPtel <br />` i s • ,flit ta�cittg,' dii<idid by.(6) , �: Aid value of l lie I'ropertp rrr�>iladt,4ti',t' ore the taking. Any balance, shall be <br />intCS'taffOWrt. , c <br />r;c <br />: rthe priipei, y i9 shart�l 1". B- Orrower, ar tf. aft, -r natiar by l,end�.t�l• •IS`b rpwer that the c nd<s nc>r csifers to <br />make an nwtird or.sgttle a claims rot;' � Iloirorser(j11r t #3 rtsrM1, -qd zn Len�rr�t "trih''3Q ciay� ,,!Rerthe Bite the notic Z ^A <br />gtvear, Lcfidet is ttiri3td to [abildc¢ iixw.u.yllX the preccz�s IIt el.�rer tr r:s7 *KE*rirssl�frarr �zf the Propett ±;r:,` <br />to the 5101 s st3C;� + 3+ this 3ecuriiy,lrts :rs ,,,f -$W whether ter slat thC:z,IM- <br />flatess l; rritKdl3arrnwetsaber s t. ,, cr :n Writs , 9. and i -pit -n dpr, coo tr L ss:; gash l o of extend or <br />p�srlr�r�'ha (ti;Ftiittctftlrt mr�nthty WYsnech r- f :rr:i3 iza tr :;�,iagrapkis 3 and rr� hiitettarnoant :nfi :i}ssraa lwyrttents. <br />" <br />ho N69 Released; Forbearaace".'Bs'1~ �Pe :,► ,' s <br />. a..A t! aivRr.., Isis , r% r}: ' .,he tsttt>w fns :payment or <br />nod ia6 t sri of 2'Gt4ttti]titm of the gums secured by tors��� r tar'U';tM- --rent K"F'a` �� i,'.'y #"et;eriC.2-C.12.yitCtCSSCtr in <br />tn:c s.iif #3i►rt" tit+4sliaHnot oprratP Q' ;i'r -4xtrse the liability of th�L,a 1*7.iial 13t:r:,7* -VCgr Lrar� :; sr, stis .it, interest. <br />to .4>?7rrc. Irureec3in a5 age tss'ys : :; .:: x;rat#witt :` i►rtert: cerise ,et: 'ri, �. :u�re for <br />'aj!"i►4lF`.[',�.` �!�1:`"1f7*F: t"t�Giff7EtT 1 :�f1F+7�iiC� 3 ?I t11e �1In15'ii4 tilt's �AlfttCr41� (l�sA7i�tflent by re7lSC,ti Of. afrjr.+ <br />by r R lnal lstcil�+ir ds stet islr er'ssuccessors in' infix :cvt: r3rtyf{zr�+pirancc V% ertn exercising any tight urset- _t3 <br />V,Ws cs�r : ?se a wFivt * ' : t><prlecliicSe the c:e;rcise of Any right or retttetlys <br />It• %ac esouts ad rlsa r1w Satan; daint and Several I1ahnity; Co- signe'r5 `1M.0, O'eilants z:tu agreements of <br />th ;s Security Instmm,"t0ah bond and benef its riosurcewirs and asupttca`Icadti ?110114MOVtC f.;uhjetImtheptc+l.tsttrnc <br />c•fillyVi til0itI t ill! rpwtt'' S and4ever41 Ar',yfirlrro %m 'Alin e-- signsthtsSe_unty <br />lnurumml but doe's nM execute the Norte (a) to (x)- signing Iivir lre-rit tmily r,i rr;r„Zp,, ?, print and cnn,.ea <br />that interest re the Prpn —en •un1 ^r If.'! 11i tn,nf qhi . wur_t$ I :r.;; :rurne, t, (t,► i, tart rcric :,llv ot�ligatct3 l„ {;.sy <br />012 Slur)" N! %;Ure:f by thIA 5ecurny (nsrri,rrt:ili, atl,l '101t-f Poo,-, yr w v a�rer to eARMII. <br />modify. forhear sir m9kc aiiii acCOrnm-;da111�i, • ti-J!, tl;,im, t': the tens;•. ,.i thl . Sccutity Imirmitem or the Mite v%irli'lilr <br />that lkare,u ter :;:onsem <br />lt. Laos C w*eg. it the loan rri. utrtf by fit r; SevUr't.y Instrument.6 subject to a la w• ultt,h %tt% rnaStn✓l :t) tvsu <br />charjes. And that f±w is ftr-aily rnterWctcO : * that tht• - nto!rc' :r c.-r other Irian charges coHe, *.elf nr ru tvr �ollctaed in <br />connection with for l:,�tn a ;teed the permir, ts., limits, t1t *n• t:,) any such Man, charge shc,ll bw re laced by the amount <br />necessary to reduce die .barge to the pemtir :,',i Whit; u1d 8b) any sums ahvwyl collected Dons Hurruwcr whrfi exceeded <br />permitted limits will be reij,ruJ d to Borrower. Letrder rings choose to make Atilt: refund by MUHLl'. ehc prmcipal owed <br />under the Note or by tttakstiu .: thract payment to Borrower. ifa refund reduces pnocipal. the reduction 1-4W) t-e treated as a <br />Partial ptepaymmt without any prepayment charge under the Note. <br />13, 140"M011 AMM ti LM*r'a RAIW If enactment or expiration of applicable I.rws has the effect of <br />rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenforceable Sce ording to its terms, Lender, at its option. <br />may rNWfe immediate payment in full of all sums secured by thitr Security? Instrument and may inwoAr any remedies <br />paragrap by paragnsnh 19 ill f e!!dtr eetxeistt chi, option. d c:.:s: S , R tr M the st.: ;Pe�� in the s ro w y�snEraph ref <br />paragraph 17. <br />14• Naomi Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secinity instrument shall he given by delivering it or by <br />mailing it by first chat mail unless applicable law requires use of attl:.ther method The notice shall be cfjrat;Q to the <br />Propeny Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender %W .be given by <br />fit" cltawtt -msil to bender's address sated heron or any other addros Lender designates by notice to Ilorrownt!r, Any notice <br />provk*d for in this �Sfturity tnstnWAUt shall be decried to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided <br />in this paragraph. <br />15. Gsiag LMr,, SaIM210UH This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal taw and the law of the <br />jurisdiction in .which the Property is boated. In the event that•any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br />Note conflicts with applicable law. web conflict shall not lased other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />which can be given e%ct without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the <br />Note are declared to be severable. <br />16, Sarr*"'a CAM Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br />17, TMNWbr at Ne lrtaparty tar a Beinflclal INC" at is Swrower. If all or any part of the Property or any <br />intern? in it is WW or trattsfeared (or if a benc6cial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br />pets m) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums <br />secured by this Security instrument. However. this option Shall nut be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br />Ceclerai law 890f tint date of this Security instrument. <br />rf 4a ruder eserrtsea this option, LOW" shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The no <br />tit:t sPtall prarvidc a period <br />cif rats kcs than 304ays from the date the notice is delivered o r mailed within which Burrower must pay alt soar: secured by <br />thre��iity Itwrtusest, If Borrrtwelr fails to pay these suers prior to the expiration of this period,. Lender rray invoice an, <br />prrrsnittad by this Security Instrument without furthrer <br />. n otiei sdemand nn Wrrtiu-er . <br />enfrc if Borrower fcs certa► Citndittnns, Borower s9 <br />twll ira). r. t'hk t-rght io have emeat <br />of this Sacunty instrument discotittnued at anytime prior to•Itre earner o1 (a) S days (or suc1t °(tiArr pctiud as <br />applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this <br />Sacunty InUri teat; or Ib) entry of ayudginent enforcing this Security Instrument Those condutons are that flnrrowcr. <br />(a) pays Lstader all suns which then would be due under this Security Instrumett and the Note had ito acceleration <br />occurred. (b) curls any default of any other covenants or ttgracricnts; (c) pays all expenses incurred an enforcing this <br />Security irisrrtrtnnent, rncludrng, but cwt lytnrtod to, reasonable attorneys' fees: and Of takes such action as I ender may <br />reasonably ttWra to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument. Len s rights in the P(operiy And W)rfowcr'% . <br />Obligation to pay the suMs Secured by this Security lnstrumlrtt s.11211 continue unchanged Upon reinstatement by <br />1lkitrower, this Security insttummt and the ob"llatitrnis secured h efft $hall remain fully effective as if no ucelerstr,!n flat: <br />tI:$urred, this filth to reinstate shall nut apply m theca-se of acceleration tinder paragraphs I ? tit I? <br />f <br />P <br />1. p <br />y <br />i <br />