89..., 104563
<br />!. Cortdormalion- The proceeds of any award or claim for damagesi, direct or consequential, in ccnnectiomwith any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or partthereof, et fot conveyance in Lieu of condemnab*n.ora heteby s-signed .
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the eventof a tats! Wrig of the Property, the procands shall be applied tithe-sums sawed by this deed Of mi&t: with
<br />the exceee. if any. paid to Borrower. In the event of a pausal taking olthe Pro�e�t�, unless Borrower and Lander otherwise
<br />saftipwriting, ewesftall bespplied to the sumsseeumd bylhisDeedot Trusisuch proportion of theprCCasdsasbequalto
<br />thatproftortionwhich theamountatthesumssaluted by thist?eed ofTtrustimrtledislely priortotraa dVnof ltsking bsarstothe
<br />fair irtarket value of tflr! pr rmmediabiy (rrior to the date of lakwg, with Ilk balance of the proceeds paid b BOrt0wer.
<br /># tits Property is abandon by 8rxrower, Or if. after ttotics by Lender to Sri M*er ahatthe condom" olfiers to make an
<br />award Or tetra a claim for demises. t3Orrower taus to respond b Lender within 30 days after the dab such notice is mailed.
<br />Lends l acetlorited to collect and apply the praceexb, at Lender`s option. either to restioration or repair of the Property or to
<br />tf>'e aunts secured b)► this Deed of Trust '
<br />UnieNSierrderarsde3orruwarouterwi3eagrraein wrifiing, aryl; uch& ppiicri§ W- Dtptoc6edstO POPcipalsha!tnotexWdor
<br />postpone the due date of the mOnthty instalments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or changethe amount of such
<br />Install.ne"I t.
<br />10. Mg+ ti ler NotllelosloW. Extensicnof the time forpaymentormodificationofamaNzationof the sums seca pidbythis
<br />Oeed iwrlt:;granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall riot operate b release. in any masher, the
<br />tieitiliry fit , ti�inatWxrowerandBor rowers successa sinterestLender. 0. 9ilnotberequiredbeammenceproceedings
<br />successr�rror; refuse to extend tine for payment or otherwise moot amortization of to sums secured by this
<br />by reasb -Wang demand made by the original Borrower acid eorrower's successors in inaersst
<br />t9. l rfrfa�seirarscs
<br />by LetWo tWelver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right cr remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise jirmded by appticabte fawc.shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise ot_ any such right or remedy. The
<br />procurwr Mofinsuranceoftftepaimentoftaxesorotherliensorchargesbytendershelfnet beawaiverofLender'srightto
<br />accelerate Ste maturity, of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />12. geeredies CuirwlNiw All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right or
<br />remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised cencigrent(y. independently or
<br />succes4y,
<br />13. ticliessors and A.saigns Bound; Joint and Seversf Unbiiity; Captions. The cauerartts and agreements herein
<br />contained 0all bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to, f ltacespective successors and assigns of Lenderand Borrower,
<br />suftjerct to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. Ail covenants d. ^d agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. The
<br />captions and headings althe paragraphs of this Deed of Tru3tare for com#wlitince only and are reft ba usedto Interpret or
<br />define thoprovisions t*W11.
<br />14. l Yee. Except forarynotice- n ?.quired under applicable law tobef iva iinanothermanner ,(a)anynoticetoBorrower
<br />provided. tilbisinthisDaedofTrustshiaff'i e. givenbymailingsuchnot iceby certified. maila)< rldMiasedtoBor ►,cwttrat this Property
<br />Addressayr ouchotheraddrsssAst3 ower maydestgrtatsbynoticeto Lender aspi. vlttadherein;&Pd(l.).argnoticeto
<br />fender sl��,i'r�e given by certified mail; Saturn receipt requested, to Lender'saddress stated herein or to truth carter address as
<br />Lender may iresipnate by notice to Borrower as lortrr dtgd herein. Any notice provided for in this Deed ctFruM shall be deemed
<br />to have traert given to Borrower or tender wheel^ gi�san in the manner designated herein.
<br />1b. Ui>aiflsrnre QMO of Trust; GovirMng tLauw, t3ewrab(lty.. The form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />national and ran- uniform covaatt:ts with limited variatre>< by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering sari: groperty. This Deed of'rr-Alsnall be governeC.Oy.ttte law of the jurisdiction in which the Property Is located. In
<br />the event Mall any pray:iaion or cfauserotthts Deed of Trust ot?ie Notes conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not
<br />affect other provisiorr�. vauris Deed of Trust orth0ate which can be given elor.t without the conflicting provisions, and tothis
<br />end the provisions of the Deed of Trust nerd the Noss are declared to be 54Nw -able.
<br />16. Do oww's Con. Borrower shal`be li mashed a conformed copy of the Nottftapdaf this Deed of Trust at the time of
<br />execution vii aflar recordation hereCl
<br />11. TfamWw of the Property; Aseurnptort. If all or any part rafAhe property or an intriveit•c:terein is sold or transferred by
<br />Borrower without Lender's prior written consent excluding (a; Il ar.reation of a lien or en oirrhrancesubordinate to this Deed
<br />of Trust, (b) the creation of a purchase money security interestforousehold appliances. lea a transfer bydevise descent or by
<br />operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant or (d)the grant of any lonwhold interesloit!?reeyews oQ Less not containing en
<br />option to purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option, declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trutt lea be Immediately due
<br />and postal:_* Lender shall have waived such option to accelerate if, prior to the sale oi. lt'snsfer, Uen, Ow and the person to
<br />whom Me Property is to be sold or translated reach agrewon.f in writing that the credit? r_•xatic? rArson is satislactory to
<br />Lenderarrd .flat the interest payable on the sums secured by tires Bead of Trust shall be et A iii 6ft re Lender shall request If
<br />Lender has waived "w option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17, Find it in interest has
<br />executed a written assumption agreement accepted in writing by Under. Lender shall release ECi"t4t Ater from all obligations
<br />under this Dead of Trust an d the Note.
<br />If Lender exercises such option to accelerate. Lender shall mail Borrower notice cif acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof Such notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the d'ad>frThe notice Is mailed within which
<br />Borrower may pay the sums declared due It Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period. Lender
<br />may, without further notice nr demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />NON - UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower wwui Lender f nVw covenant and &eras as foBowac
<br />18. AccebraVon; Rl S olka. Except as prdodecl in paragraph 17 hereof, upon. Borrower's breech of any covenant or
<br />agreement of Borrower in this Deed of Trust. F notudicg the crnvna;►ts to pay when due anp'sct_ms secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Lender pik o, foacceteration shall mail notice toBorc oreffe, : lu,, suidedin paragraph 14homf specifying: (1 )thebrow�wAihe
<br />action rocoived to cure such breach; (3) adate, n,4•r.it#s than � days, from the date the mr illce is mailed b Borrower,
<br />such brooch must bill =fired, and (4) that failure 'ra aive such tireaeh on or glare the dates- oecified ill-1110 notice may result In
<br />accMerstionofthem of+isocuredby this Deed ofTirc sland sale of the Pr. xry. The noticeshallfurtherinformBor rowerofthe
<br />right tore jostate aniv %imeteration and the rigHto bring a court action to assert the nod #existenceMla default or any other
<br />defense of f9orrowet to acceNratfda and sate. t the breach is not cured on or before ttte d4fe specified in the notice, Lender at
<br />Lender.zs option may declare all of Ow sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediWabi l.ue and payable without further
<br />demand and may invoke ttte power of sale an® elr.y other remedies permitted by applArAtteft law. Lender shall be entitled to
<br />collect all reasonable costs and expenses rncuviod in pursuing the remedies provided trAr%* paragraph 18, including, but not
<br />fill i b, I saeo aMOrnneayy s fees.
<br />N tM power of sale is involiad, Trustee shall record a nobco of default in each county in which the Property or some part
<br />thereof ie tocalsd and Owl mail copies of su ch notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the otter
<br />:4es""Pr prscr as maybe required by iapplicable law, Trustee shall give
<br />lic y applicable law. Trt:iat+se, without demand on Borrower.
<br />operty atpublic aucnon tvttte hiOhest bfdderat tfte tame and pfaceand under theNrms desprtatedin"notice
<br />01 sale in one of more percale and in such order as Trustee may determine. Trustee may postpone sate of all or any parcel of
<br />1M ropwty by public announcisme►►t at the tirine and place o /any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Larder's designee
<br />may: urchase the Property al any safe.
<br />pf•'tri::.::� of .rte :elGcaE.fire.Trcrs stssfi3::.vc:ivtP: pas:., •••.Tre z,4-- 'efted r ill t *pro told.
<br />Th orecrtalaintfaetrwlM' sdoodshallbeprinrafacreevidenceofthetnitholthestaMmentsmadethereln. rustee shall apply
<br />the proceeds of the We In the following order (*)to aH reasorrabte costea nd expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to,
<br />INustee'ef "co noriwooan ___ _% olthe gross iialla pf ice. reascirableatforneys fees and costs of btt* evidence.
<br />(b) o iii Burns secucod by this Dead of Trust: and (c) rte excess. if any, to the pwson or persons legally entitled t1welo.
<br />1f. Berrewer's Nola lMa IIYUiMe. NotwMilargh" Lender's acceleration of the sums eecurod by this Dow of Trust.
<br />Wrtorrer rlhsll be" lt+erightlo have any ptocoodirVebegunby Lenderto enforce Me Reed of Teusidiscontinuedatanytime
<br />prlor to tare earlier to octur al(i) the fifth clay WoieBns sale of Me Property pursuanttothe power of safe contained in the Deed
<br />of Trust (ai) entry of s ludWont enforcing this Used of Trust if, (#) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then duo
<br />under MIS feed Of Trust the Norte and rotas yetuting Future Advances, it any, tiad rio acceleration occured.(b) Dorrower
<br />cut" rtii bre#chfs of WY 101hat f:rrverrafits !ir ttgteetriehls fit Hoff ower Lontainet# in this Deed of Tru3t. (c) Borrower pays all
<br />tpastY•at'tf exfoivsel rticurredt;y renderflnTrfustee enforcing Ilia cavetitaritsaradaVeentatiMof (Iartower contained in this
<br />t)eWJ Of MAI sad in tlt OWL rrtd LtiPdel s till T►ie;w_e'g remrld'esHJ{trcvidedin paragratih IF; hareol.:rciudinrg. tut riot litnited
<br />t,r Icasuri,%hval. >:,tr(: jeryeg Brij (dsFwIt , Me: f; tkeJsuchnctionasLentSermayreasonar ,;vrequac- tostars! that trio lien of
<br />M.!; 1i:tC:1 0 To,,,;! t r.rttlet 911`461831 111 Pte) Pror.1ltif 8rrd LL-31 OrirOt S r`t;L{lWtcn to 'd by lh,s Deed Ut T'ru5t
<br />sratrt<ur,:n,e,,rrrr,�a,:rf� ilp[t:tSuchLeyrrrertenrti .uteri /firrrraM[±r tai: �t) eL, tatfrirrttir: r�tr, n <<t,i,rtaLrrs.�rrrricaherflbtt
<br />•- !:;>t:t tQr!la. %* r!' hr:s t%itto as:jOfthLP 8S tt r,tr rit,r,G:t!r;tLrn f,;11 L:'„E•erircfl
<br />4-15t
<br />d'
<br />