<br />89,.. 104558
<br />' 12. A certain tract of land described in a certain deed, dated January 10, 1953, bp
<br />Arthsr Louuil2, Al tovsll ae� Riebaxd W. Lo�1' Sr., u grantors to the Mortgagor,
<br />as grantee, and recorded on Jatrnart Ilia 1953, In the office of �s 590;of Deeds of
<br />Buff ale CoaatT,.is the State of Nebsaskas; in Deed Book 153, on pa;
<br />13 • A certain tra.:t of iand described wet fnto thetMo:tdusot oast ar"ta,7and. recorded
<br />Crowwwr Tslepbous COOPW -1 eg of pt
<br />di lebruary 6, 1954, lu - theBaoi i13S.f on pate 133; Deeds of Custer County, ice the
<br />State o! Nebraska. in Dsid
<br />in a certain deed, dated Sapteiabsr b. 1996,!
<br />14• A certaie esaiet OC 'Z'e'�!a d to the riostgaaor, as' arae►tei, and ra:.as3� on
<br />larsere and HarehsetV xae as greater ter of Deeds of Cwtes County, in the Stets
<br />September 29, 1936, itt s3ee office of '
<br />Of Nsbrseiea, in Dead •3007 13T, as leis
<br />sibed in a certain dead, dated Sspts■bsY 26. 19580;:.
<br />15 - A eestais tract a laud antes, and recorded osf:'•.j<
<br />by security state Satics.. u • to d1e Meof Dsos. f Custer CoaatI q in the
<br />October 30, 1938, % .tcb ofd e# teeter of Deeds
<br />of M*raama In Deed met I4,2 1a8e •
<br />16. A certain tract of land described in a certain deed, dated tiavaebss 19,
<br />by CtoTd 0. Curtig and ilslete L• Curtiab. hie wife, ae grantors tt his tbrtgasor..as r'
<br />20, 8971, ice the office of Rfg0to ~of :_P.'$ ede of
<br />grantee, and recorded on January
<br />Custer County, in the State of Nebraska, in Dead nook 171, on paB 52;
<br />bh`
<br />17• A certain tract of land described in a cartalu'deed. dated.1tias 30' 1977 ,
<br />Phillip H. Dauridsoa,. as grantor to the Mortgagor, an grantee, sad recorded on Jtkxi•
<br />8, 1971. is the offitt of Uglatsr of Deeds of Custer Canner, is the Scats of
<br />Nebraska, in Deed Bc4k . 181, on pass 279; q.
<br />18• A certain tssct" f land described in a the mortgagor, r,das as 1954, by
<br />Village of Ascadis,.N+cbraska. as grantor to t
<br />on Psbreary 14. 1956, in the office of Resister of Deeds of Valley County, in the
<br />Stste of Nebraska, in Dead Book 54, on pas
<br />A certain tract; of land described in a certain deed, dated May 39 1983.
<br />19.
<br />by Joan Moores as 8rarrtor, to the pbsegagee, as grantee, and recorded on MaY ,
<br />1983, in the Ofticc"oY 88 onisster 9 6�eds o! Custer County, i�a the State of
<br />Nebraska, in Deed Boo a
<br />208 A certain tract of land described in a certain deed, dated May 26, 19839
<br />t Lester G. Aocks�al and Kola A..Raod�catool, his wits, 68
<br />he Otticeaolttbehc
<br />Mortgages, u g�'eU%", and reeorded.curs May 27, 19839 in
<br />Mortgages
<br />star a! Deeds o! Custer County, in the State of Nebraska, in Deed Book
<br />1899 on Me
<br />U4
<br />J
<br />