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89-- 104558 <br />'S. To the extent that any of the property described or <br />,referred to herein and in the Mortgage is governed by the <br />provisions the vnifom Commercial Code, the Mortgage and this <br />Supplement to Mortgage, collectively, are hereby deem" a <br />"security agreement" under the Uniform Commercial Code, and this <br />Supplement to Mortgage is also hereby declared to " a "financing <br />statement ", under the Qnifo= Commercial Code for said socygcity <br />agreement. The mailing address of the liortgagor.and debtor is as <br />stated in the testisonium clause hereof,., and the mailing <br />addresses of the • Nortgagees and somrod. parties are, respec- <br />tively, Rural• electrification Administration; Washington, D.C. <br />20250 -1500, and Rural Telephone Bank c/o ,Rural. Electrification <br />Administration, Washington, D.C. 20250 -15aG0 <br />G. All of the terms, provisio -as .aad'..'dovenants of tie <br />mortgage, except as expressly modified•' bAiv .', shall be and <br />remain in full force and effect. <br />7. The invalidity of any one or claue+ssr. ; <br />sentences, paragraphs or provisions of tbis Supplement t6 <br />Mortgage shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions <br />hereof. <br />S. This-Supplement to Mortgage may, be • simultaneously- <br />executed in any number' of countes tit,_ and all- of eland counter - <br />part* - executed and delivtxed, , each 0 an rrig«<nal, shall <br />constitute but one and ti *_'..Risie inntruaMlint� <br />IN NITNi88 MMRSOF, THS NSEPASKA CENTFAL TLLRPHOM <br />CCI AUY, 22 Labarre Street, P.O. Box 701-,.-Gibbon, Nebraska 68840, <br />as Mortgagor, has caused this Supplement--to Mortgage to be signed <br />in its name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and <br />attested by its officers thex ,unto duly - ;avzthorized, RuRRL. <br />'!lRMHONi MM, as . Mortgagee, has cast #red this Supplement to <br />Mortgage to be signed in its am* -and its corporate seal to be <br />hereunto affixed and attested by',its officers tboteunto duly <br />L <br />w <br />sr- <br />a <br />l' <br />t <br />