NaN•UNIFOIIM COVENANTS. fdottom Red Lender further co+neneet and agree as'CaE lows: 104556
<br />1% Amdorslbaq fRst■siiaa ta■da shall $We sWa M fDartson prfier M swelorOw h4sa 9artewer1s
<br />Isrsatergey c va■eat waprsama■t is tYtSae■trih hoNgo" Mw no Vftr %ongiloron herder psrapaprs 12ttmd I?
<br />a dodo applicable be prevides atlaewli a Zia esd a aiar apsd4: W t1e "t t (b) die cedes toplred to we tie
<br />6olko t; (e) a isle, eat bo nice 7111dtll kee tie dale tie me" to fvaa N sertewse, by wlWei tie tidteit tttlrtt be estra�
<br />1 , atM td) t1sR titittee M ate lie dtirslt w as MUrrelba talc spseMei ih tie ttatiea leap raaalt t. � ai elk nmtr
<br />saem+ad bZ /Iii Saesrld llatmsalaet sad stile a[ tie Pnperty. The slaliea eiwld Mfitar Wirti 1larrawar ei ere ripMt bo
<br />ndo mm ante aeedustaa =I do rigbl is king a ewe! stdiea to mom tie a<amtlxitlsaoe at a dehMk or my oho r
<br />dolu el llaaawarieaae+alaealiattsntatia Lora dd wkiaeatcwod merMalm o era dOemediai is do nedcr Lo ler
<br />Y flu aNMM nape raupaiet immaiials pymaalt i• tdell et ail ettms aetwtai bs tiffs Sagteity iaatramaY wifie i firrtbsr
<br />dlttlraadaad Ittalr fiatolts ere pawsroEsakaadsap atMr rwdies patasMW bpi applirabk ialr. traiee sW1 k attitkd m
<br />eeiset sill expoinut iae■rs 1 -k psesaisg do ressaiiaa pre idad iit::llie parsprapr Its i■lle fttd. Mt no liffibod W. .
<br />ewtaeeiftttMaraal s 'fitaentMgJMt.r [ tititaNtlaac+e. ,•'':: - .. ...•r.;. ,:;- .;`:';;�, -:,.•:
<br />It tie raM±�e; eels is itR rle ail! t.�yL!MMirs iiiitel:4;is.d ie whet sap part 0tl }°
<br />, ' in appiksiie lisig i1111ir d1t e i Blew, Tr■me d aY d" pa me "timer
<br />:: ":;, .:. ;:`,;:_;': sa�etr��ie psrassw ilitsi bt Ire ttte■■er presaibed Illy �� iaw.'iirastat� witreat deaaad as Borrower, ubtaU sell the
<br />1Pleoptset>r atpttMie attetars *elrari�aat biiisrYeiefl�ssld pfiacestai cedar ere Nrt■sdesipealtdbeers modesofsale is
<br />oae all tsars parai wad is asp wider Treslae MltxtaiaaR Trseloa om psstpaae sale stall army pad a[tw PropM by
<br />Owle amoseneemat at the tine sad Oleos army ptnordeady oebadtdtd sale. lewder or Its dsdlpn may parebeee rte
<br />Property st am wale.
<br />Upew radipe of psOp, of fire price ben. Ttstttaae " deliver a ere pltt bow TrstoMe's dead eeav"ift tk
<br />Ptepetty. Tit roduk in Ira Tremolo dead well be prima fads It $& es of tia eta *sit eta swunsi a Basle ererds.
<br />Trome"apply do preeaedtatMa sdo iw Ibe Nflawiag atrtst: (a) NaY e:pe■ees ottthe sale. Mchldiag. bat sal IiraflM
<br />tee. Trafte s Rees apartaIlW by Mpli t 11 low sad rsaeewwbie Yleessyel ifreaC O) h ell som sltettead by trla SKWity
<br />iasfrsmaat sad (r)awp etrtwt ante psreea all ptrrsaat lapslty aatkie !hit. ,
<br />20 Leader k PenowleL upon accefleration under ponigrapts 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied drat to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents. including, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />21. Roeseveyaaee. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />re+convey the Property and shall surrender this Security instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />kplly entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cats.
<br />22. S Aditate Trlrslee. Lender, at its option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any 'Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument rawded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and duties osnferrod upon
<br />Trustee herein areal by applicable law.,
<br />2'�. Relserl
<br />for Nodco 1. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and, sale be sent to BorroRres
<br />addrt is which is the Properry A4dreas.
<br />lit R(irrs to ttia Saesrky laatrttmrat. If ow or nee riders are execoAt by Borrower and reconled, rogether with
<br />this S curity Instrument, the covenants and agreements c (exch shrift; r.'rder shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instsvrrtent as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br />Inaminent. (Check applicable box(a))
<br />[❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ coodbainium Rider ❑ 2-; Family Rids r
<br />❑ Graduated Psynient Rider ❑ Planned Unit Otwelopmeat Rider
<br />Other(s) (specify) Acknowledgement
<br />BY SIGNING 8EWw, forrower accepts wd agrees to rate terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br />Instruw nt and ist any rrider(s) executed by &'=c+rroiw and recorded** * it.
<br />rryye� r �f
<br />.......................................... ............................... /!1 l!,! . fit. �.TT ..Lr weal)
<br />Mary�argare A Zlomkj(*ta 'a0'f0N"
<br />Hall
<br />........................................... ............................... .(Seal)
<br />-4 b" Mw
<br />County ss:
<br />On this 21 st day of August .19 89 . before me. the undersigned. a Notary Publtc
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came Mary Margaret A Zlornke,
<br />a single person , to me known to be the
<br />409ic4d persaedia) whose name(s) are subscribed '.o -,"Se fmft, -;in1 instru =ent and acknowledged the execration
<br />t t,to be !fir volur+rtmp act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and r-warial sealkkvt Grathd ksi nr , sa>:a9T`s ri': ry in said county. the
<br />dot alflawesaid.
<br />...:....l /�!r .. ......
<br />/.. ...u..........
<br />ur
<br />Nop Vubttc
<br />rsiM►Rtet�llr RE:(1UES'1' 1 u'11t .. RFC....ONVLYANCE
<br />i't►'i'MI�`►fFi
<br />'the uEtdelsixited t- the holder of the note or notes secuted by this Ikea of 'ttugt. Situ' note tit ttu,tt•w, togcthrr
<br />ti.ethall uuht r i ride htedneco secured lhy this eked of T#ts5t, have heen I+aid in fall You are herehv dirreted a► a € ym-l'atd
<br />rate Of tu=rec Jfrd thm freed of t'r1151, vyhlch ,are delivered hereby, and 1v tcu±ncrv, M..rhtlut .%arr,ttrrv, .111 111i "fati
<br />h "Id sty silty utttler chit tked of /clj,l to tits gets'M or 11t;rum%legally tvtlt0ed 114r:tet,*
<br />! ►.cu r
<br />`i
<br />