<br />Cm" 0STERMIER.' in- his own name and right; Grantor,
<br />...,,in considotation*6f terMUtatint'hie- tenant in'66mmon
<br />ownership .of the real estate described ir, this ','tee d, convey
<br />-rust
<br />mnet G. Odtermeier Revocable Trust.
<br />and transfer to the Clai
<br />Grantee, an undivided,one-half Interest In real estate in
<br />Nebroaka. described as:
<br />V The West'• Half of the Northeast. Quarter (W.1/2 NE 1/4),
<br />a the Zazt,Half of the Northwest 21/2 1WI/41
<br />nd -Quarter (
<br />of Section twenty-two. (22), Township Eleven (21)-: - North,
<br />ftnai�-.!,Un (10.) West of the 6th P.M. in Hall CoUnty..
<br />,Uebraiikii-e;FCePt a tract of land consist1ha of -,'Seven-
<br />teen (17) Adreb. located in" the, East Half , of the North-
<br />wegit Quarter (91/2...N.Wl/4) of Section Twenty-two
<br />(ii. !North, Range, Ten 110), West
<br />Township Eleven (11 of the
<br />6th P.M. in,H&ll,Cotnty',Nebraj3ka, more patti6ularly
<br />described" as follows:. Commencing at.the Northwest'
<br />corner of the
<br />East: Half of thi Nortbw6st Quarter (E1/2,'.;.
<br />NW110i of Section Twenty --Two (22) ', -above described.. then
<br />An. therAy .. direction at right angles along tits:
<br />westerly, a,�*J6.of the East Half of the Northwest, Quarter,..;:'..,,.
<br />(E2 /2 distqac of Eight Bundled Ninety-Two and."
<br />Two Tenths thence in. an easterly dii-ection
<br />t right. angles a"It
<br />a 0zance, of Eight KK�mdrsd Thirtko,'t,830).
<br />N1. Feet, thence -in an'twrthiprly direction at right es;..
<br />parallel to the West side ..Of the East Half of th.6, North: -.
<br />West Quarter (E1/2 MI/4), above described. a dist&nce
<br />of M Lht Hundred Ninety-Two and Two, Tenths Feet
<br />to. ..%Tkhtv- -North,- 7,1ne of -said Section Twenty-Two (221x,
<br />the6ae•in a,*esterly diroa�lon at right angles a
<br />distance of .5-1aht Hundred,?..TT
<br />,"
<br />pirty (830) Feet to the place
<br />of b"inning.'
<br />TO, HAVA AND TO, HOLZ,', real estate together wit.W.'all
<br />ieredttamentt-,,��
<br />tenements; _�- ,iid,s urtenances of the rfi►l e3ta"..,
<br />to the Grantee.
<br />(31; intee the Grantor id
<br />Graafth covenant'�wl
<br />lawfully',' ised of the% the real ,q,,*-tate is free
<br />from encumbrances; the is conveyed, 64!bject to
<br />cw.;Onamts, condition:.. 411*�tricftons. reservation's. and
<br />easements:.of record; Gr4it�tor has good right and
<br />author it*�.,.'to convey the i�6al estate; and Grantor warriait*8
<br />W10) :.140 U
<br />fi4d title to the real estate against thet lawful
<br />person6-
<br />11; Octobe
<br />-7—
<br />7'8TJ,0M'0*` MkFIRASKA, C611M
<br />"the foregoing ilistrU1600t." was acknowledged before me this
<br />OpUber _.ZL.:Lq90. bv- C*i6nce G. Ostermeler, in his own name
<br />4M t CrarAor. as his-voluntary act and deed.
<br />4wu
<br />