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Satre New- DEED OF TRUST r""�2i 1320130748 <br />220601113 89� 104547 <br />TES DM OF TRUST, ( "Security Ittsuunleat ") is made on AUGUST 28 . <br />19 89 The ttustoris HARTTN B• CAV'ITT AND *MRRJORIE L. CAVITT, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />( "Borrower "). The trustee is <br />OCCIDElCd'AL N29VASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK (••Trustee "). The 600C.My is <br />O=IflEtRM NMU SKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK , which is organized tssd exiso ttg <br />uatder the laws of . NEBRASKA , and whose address is <br />11704 M CENTER RD OMAHA, NEBRASKA (••••). <br />i6�eaadit: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt std trust hereinafter described and created, attd the sutra <br />of t5w- Dollw(03. to him in stand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby kkiiewledged, does by dibse presents <br />V auit; bssi :ai#id sell. cmvey and confirm, unto the Trustee. forever. all of the folbwieg described real. estate, situated <br />ly4 afid 641111 the Courtly of . HALL . and State of Nsbltir.", to wit: <br />L `LIG N (18) AND NINETEEN (19) IN HAWTHORNE PLACE BEING A Si2t9 MSION OF PART <br />F'Jl`tt'E1WEST QUARTER. (:h 4) Or SECTION TWENTY TWO (22) , <br />vWh,, R,,N", NIt..' (9) f3 tFTF SL9 PRNCIPAL MERIDIAN, T OliEIaAIkItk# Tm aLEVEN (11) <br />HALL <br />NEBRASIKA. <br />ZI <br />which has the address of 940 SOUTH SYCAMdffti �02AND ISLAND <br />IS�rcr►1 Wily) <br />NebraAi a 68801 ( "property Address—); <br />4 ZAP CO& l <br />To Hoe attd To Haiti the premises above described, with all the appurtewiwes thereunto belonging and including all <br />heating. plumbing and lighting fixturts anal equipment now or hereafter attached to or used is ro>•nnection with said real estate <br />unto the Trustee, and to its successovii wid• assign%. forever. The Borrower represents to: aild covenams with, the Trustee. <br />that the Borrower has good right ti, :wi1fata) convey said premises; that they are free and that the Bor- <br />rower will waram and defend the same: Jgainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the 4; 61, Borrower hereby <br />relenyuishes all rights of homestead. and all marital rights, either in law or in equity. and all other oc iWitgent interests of <br />the Borrower in and to the above- dew:•ritcd premises, the intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple. <br />including all rights of homestead, w4 other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />Pm -ided Always, and Owse Oesents are executed and delivered unto theJ ustee, in trust. howe, es,. R)j , the following <br />purposes: <br />Wlunraa, the Borrower on the 2M , day of AUGUST . 19 69, borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR AND 00 /100 ------------------ <br />poltars (S 34, 484.00 ). for which sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the Lender <br />Borrower's promissory ife of even date. bearing interest at the rate of TEN <br />per ceataan t 10-000 %) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. The said Rtincip;d rued interest shalt be payable at <br />the office of OCCIDF.ti'i'AL NEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK -11704 W CENTER RD <br />in OPAR • NEBRASKA . nr at such other place as the holder of the note may <br />designate in writing, ig monthly installments of THREE HUNDRED TWO AND 62/100---------------- - - - - -- <br />Dollars (S 302.62 ), commencing on the first day of OCTOBER , 19 89. <br />and on the first day of each trtonth thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid; except that the final payn►cni <br />or princod and interest, it not sooner paid. shall be due and payable on the first day of SEPTEMBEPr 2019 <br />4. <br />harawer mW Lender cow lard agree an folkros: <br />1. That St'llower wall pay the intlebwdrntss, as hercantx:fuNe provided. Pravilege is reserved to pay the debt as whole <br />ox in part on any installment due date.. <br />2. 1ttat, together with, aril in addition ti►, the iironthly tlryn;entc of principal and interest payah'e under ttic terms sit <br />the rulte secured herchw. the Ekirrower will pay itt the txtk ct. on the first day of each ttunUt until iftc %aid mute a: 1i111% <br />plkf. t14e fV110-Wing !�u►tt <br />f _ _. _ _ ._ _ _ ... _ . - _ . - - - - F�►m tilttH�l2t�}QT tow 7f&! t~t Pa <br />• varier f G3 0 � g�t�ii�'►t <br />F* -1537 5188 <br />r <br />tr <br />3 <br />t <br />t <br />i <br />I � <br />r <br />tr <br />