<br />DEED OF TRUST 1045130
<br />accouwT wvrrr�w
<br />GRANTOR(S): 399906456
<br />• uaT wars "'"T twlT ""' LAST $*ANN WN.aY
<br />wa u� ress
<br />ar♦ con
<br />24th AUGUST 89. &
<br />THiS DEED O TRUST. Made this day of_ 19 between
<br />here'etafter called TRUSTOR. whose address is�211 _WEST
<br />TENTH. ISI.l1'd!� NE _ i�l and CLAY M. ROGERS
<br />hereinafter called TRUSTFF, whose address Is—. 1065 N ! 1S ST SUITE. 100 OIIAiU: N8 68154
<br />and AVCO` FINANCIAL SERVICES INTI RNATIGNAL, INC, a Nebraska corporation. hereinafter called BENEFICIARY. *law addres is
<br />142% I(XTIi _W P.B� ECM, GRA�iD_�SiaAN1), —��1E_ _ .__ 68803
<br />WITNE.SSLTH: That Trustor GRANTS, CONVEYS. SFLLS AND M;ARRAWS TO TRVSTEH•. IN TRIIST. W1711 POWER 01: SALT., the followftig described
<br />property, situated -----County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Three (3), Block Fifteen (15), Russel Wheelgr's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Ball County, Nebraska I.
<br />also known ,u ZU i TENTH, GRAND ISLAND, NE
<br />i (Vun•bec an-ri: Street)
<br />together with all buildings a,_6& huprovent:nt< now or hereafter erected thereon a51 iii. '.crcens, awnings, shades, Florin sash and blinds, and.hewiing. lighting,
<br />plumbing, gas, electric, ventilating, refnme acing and air-conditioning equipment used :.t connection therewith. all of which, for the purpose of this Deed of
<br />Trust. shall be deemed fixtures and subject to the lien hereof, and the hereditamenrs and appurtenances pertafring to the property above described. and all
<br />streets, lanes, alleys, passages. Ways-waters;. -wasst cuusaeMright -. liberties and privilcgcs. whatirooct-" thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and ilia
<br />reversions and remaindr�afr!?4v##k w#Wsddck*4Qipaifter as the "premises".
<br />T@ HAVE AND TO 0 Ixe a 6 th the appurtenances attd.' fixtures, unto the said Bctwlis8ary, its successors and ¢>n OTU forever. fat
<br />Hare purposes and u ht and brnettts under aml Try virtue of any Homcstc&L Ex.mption Laws of the iitztv of Nebraska
<br />which may be enacte aYe+wAt Trustor draw hereby ex; .-,sly release and waives.
<br />Trustor also trines to Beneficiary all renU, iswes and profits of said I n= hits, granting the tot to collect and use the same, with at, without Wan$ possession of
<br />the premise*, 6rjinS continuance of default hereunder. and during contJ11=ee of suer default authorizing Beneficiary to enter upu+r -card. premises andlor to colect
<br />and enforce. 77.e same wiRscut regard to adequacy of any security for rase indebted%Gv+l:rreby secured by any lawful means inclatiitij_�ppointmwa of a receiver in
<br />i the name of any party t, fret :•c•,. and to apply the same less costs and expenses ref oFetsf f t!.'t and collection, including rnionable attorney's fev,.taiwn any indebted-
<br />ness secured hereby, in sadly, :r der as Beneficiary may determine.
<br />FOR THF.ftRPOSE OF SECURING: (.10" Performance of each agreement of Trustor contained herein; (2) Payment of the principal sum with interest, as
<br />provided in accordance with the terms and provisions of a Promissory Note /Loan Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "promissory note ") dated
<br />Atttrunt 24, 191319 herewith executed bg Trustor and payable to the ajilar of Beneficiary, in the Ptincipal sum of
<br />V t A7el1. 9A and having the Male A its final payment due (in 1.24193 *r as extended.
<br />i deferred eg,'r•eschcduiuA `by renewal of refinance: (3) Payment of any addan ; :ri uSvanccs, with interest thereon as may hereafter be to :vi ed by Benefidwy
<br />S0 2 _, _ _ __ _- within 15 years from the date :fl 04, freed of Trust: however,
<br />to Trustca nr a ciutin)una sum of S..�ZL.a $: •• —. •.--.
<br />this parar..q; h dxs zh: constitute a cominitment by Bencitciaty G� te,ikc 1yt , advances; (4) The payment of any tunnel, tli.;,' rt:.a, be advanced by the
<br />Beneticiar; Trox :`t' may any reason or its third parties, with interes: '.err :: ;o. uflit;rc the amounte are advanced to protect the scturiiy rn :;, ;.ordance with the
<br />covenants u: 1; ;, (5acs }. J Trust: (S to Any renewal, tufinancing or cxtenuon '' tiwai, promissory note, or any other agreement to pay which, tray be substituted
<br />therefor.
<br />All paymeiriltt wade by Truslur tin the oblipalion %c.urcd by this Decd art •Trust shall be appled in the following order:
<br />FIRST: "'Lei the payment of tdxcs and assctsment% that may Ire levied and assessed against aid premises, insurance premturis. repairs, Al other charges
<br />and expenses agreed to be paid by the 'I rustily.
<br />SEMND: To ilia payment of interest due on viol loan.
<br />THIRD: To the payment of principal.
<br />TO PROT•I17 THE, SKURTTY HE REM. TRUSTUR6o COVENANiS AND Ati;RIUS: 411 too keep said picnuses insured a(;aimt loss; by fart and other
<br />hazards, casualty and contingencies up to the full value of all improvement% tar the proteefion of Beneficiary in such manner, to such amounts, and in such
<br />companies as Beneficiary may from tifne its time approve, and that loss proceeds Hess c%pcn%e of tadlection) shall, at Beneficiary's options he applied on said
<br />indebtedness, whether duc or not or ti) the restoration of vid improvements. In event of lust 1 ru,cur will Five fmmcrhate notice by mail to the Beneficiary,
<br />vAhu may make proof of loss if nut made promptty by •frustur, and each insurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for
<br />wch loss directly to the Henctictary instead of to the Trustor. (2) 1 I pay all taxc%arid special assessments of any kind that hav;- been or may be levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises, and to delivery Ira Bencfictary, upon request of file Iteneficury, the official receipt %huwinp payment cif all ouch fasces and
<br />amesaments. (3) In the event of tiefault by Trustor under Paragraphs 1 or 2 above. Berieficiary, at its option, may 0) place and keep such Imurance above
<br />provided for ip force throughout the life of this Deed of Trust and pay the reasonable prcmtunts and charges therefor; tb) pay all said taxes and assessments
<br />without determining the validity thereof: and fell Pay such liens and all such dashursenient„ shall be deemed a part of the indebtedness secured by this (reed of
<br />Trust and shall be is"iedmiely due and payable by Trustor to Beneficiary. 14) To keep the buildings and other fniprovementa now existing of hereafter
<br />erected fn gar )d condition and repair, not to commit ur suffer any waste or any use of caul premises contrary to restrictions of record or tontrdt) to tfw, and
<br />to permit Beneficiary to enter at ell reasonable times for the purpose of impectlnj: the proem <e%. not to rentove tut demolish airy hudding thereon: to restore
<br />promptly and in a good and workmanlike manner any buildings which nay be damaged or destroyed thereon, and to pay. when due, all claims for tabor performed
<br />MA materials furnished therefor. (S) That, if a sinter lit thi' Promissory Note, he will pay, promptly the indettc3ocix secured hereby. and perfomy all other oblflts-
<br />tions in full compliance with the terms of said Promisso. � :4iute and this Deed of Trust. (6) That the time of pay meta of the indcbtodncas hcfeby w:: ed. or of any
<br />portion thereof, may be extended or renewed, and any portions of the premises hcr4n described may, without notice, to idea>r d front tl.c Ih_Za ttrreof, without
<br />tdeasiii{ or ?Llrctiae the personal liability of any person or the ptfnrtt} of this C)tni:nf Trust. f 7) That he dues hereby fnrecc� �.ttrant and will !orcvcr defend the
<br />title and pasoiss4on thereof against the lawful claims of any and all pu u�ns whatsue -,AX:
<br />if 15 fMlTf DALLY ALUkkkv "inXi
<br />11) Should T'fustor fait to make any payment or do any ant as herein l rutuWd. art if any at lion ur llnxcednle is commenced ahil h nlatell.ally affects
<br />Betscfitiary's interest in the Premisrs, then Beneficiary of -trustee, but tsit tout obligation t•• dc. so. and without notice to or demand upon Tfumor, and
<br />without releasing Trustor from any obltgatiun hereunder, may Mike car do the same, and r11ay p:tv, punllete, ultti•tt nr twopronlice any encullibiattcc, tharge
<br />or lien, which in the jukoncnt of either appears to affect said prutictly; and in exerclaing any snob potters. Int ut any K11,111ty and eNprod whatese► aomunts in
<br />the abtofute lintrelfnn of henclk-ury ter Ti dr sec either tray decor neec%iaty therefor. All turn tip attuned -:t extended fix 11mciftury tit Trustee shall fie
<br />without ("wild i(wriedWtely due and payable by 1'rusu,r, shall bear Intent at the highest rate permitted by 1- 11%..t1d Isbell he st•uucd here! +)
<br />421 Should the Premised of any pall thereof be liken by reason of any urnderrinatal» p1m ceding. lteneti :tan %hail Y+e entitled 10 Al c +nnprn :cation, awards
<br />and other paymentt therefor, and to apply the e.tnie on the indehlvAncis secured hereby.
<br />t3'f ley a :ccpnrjt P'synictl art any •sum hereby sr:ured enter Its duc dare. or attei ifte taut; 0 nt ti.c vt def mil met +•t etc, two to +elf. Itut,01- I.+n s1,+it .11.1
<br />%.Ilve art rr_•fit to raqulm pig -irlt pairment %%hen din• of all tither sumo so secured, m to dcchro drfautt for tailurr to so p.Iy, +,r t +r t +rt =crud zsnit tkt- . o: v14t I
<br />as•, 5rt11 yt.rtf;C Ut c(ault all uI ctr•tr.+n t!, soil, to any unpaidhatanec of utd ndeto fcditcs•s I1 (tinctntely holds arc .nldmoua +e1uu x t,.t .+11s .•i h;m •n
<br />st-.ntcdhcrcf+y. t1 nt:1y ant+ +,te the ci(e tltete f e1 It oplort$. collie r iv "Iv. t +ntcmtnlranc :wtls uoitt, .n ils.v 1hr mod, 1.+111ilc hi sound.?
<br />ITS oars tluiv s aa) ►at aaratasAIL usuwsr s.Aw 0106I -MAL ' t
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