<br />U-104523
<br />Ma ALL IETI! W T?= 11�1 l, that To ELLEN HUMM , now residing at Hood River Good
<br />Samaritan Centers hood River, Nabrodw, do hereby nominstas oanatitute and appoint A PACl(ER,
<br />now rseiding at OR 2, Ow 41, ilaod River, Nebraska, and VMM RcAiME1i now residing at RR 1, hood
<br />Rivers Nebresks, my tame and lawful attorneys in fact, for as and in my name, place and sto@4
<br />and for my use and ban IL
<br />A. To ftosire UM9 aid fty to To ask, demands sus forp recover, collect and
<br />recovve all such sues of monney, debts, donee accounts, legacies, bequests, interests dividmda,
<br />annuitlime employs bsnsfits, itess;a M benefits and demands whatsoever as as now or *hall
<br />. hereafter become dae, owing* psymbles or belonging to as and have, u % and take all lawful ways
<br />' and asmna in my name or otherwise for the recovery thereof, by attodww te, arrests, diatreea or
<br />otherwise and to eoaproeise and Was for the same and give acquittwxm or other sufffoient
<br />disdra9 n end releases
<br />L To Owl Vith . For me and in m name to
<br />P,ray.aetl► y � execute awed deliver, to
<br />bergainr, contract, agree far, purchase, receive and take lands, and all or• " :*V interest in
<br />praparty and acaspt the possession of all lands and all or any interest In propartye and all
<br />deeds and other assurances in the law therefore and to lease, lets deafae, bargain, sell,
<br />s .
<br />release convey, mortgage and hypothecate lands and all or any interest in property upon such
<br />tares and conditions and under such coven>wnts as the dwell think fi t, y t, irrespactivs of the state
<br />within Which said property is locatedi
<br />C. Tee Caoduct Bumiaesa. Also to bargain and agree for, buy, salt• mortgages
<br />hypotlr,eate seed W any and every way wO server deal in and,. with goods, wares aeod. rXiMIChatuilsat
<br />chow in actiat,,: lead other property lay possession or in ec� ti oN and to *aka, do 4W transir"+t' it3 �.
<br />and Vim kind o, rb eek ess of whatsoever nature arxd kind;
<br />0. To aeemcuts inatrueanrts. Also for we and in my name, and as my act and deeds to
<br />sign, seal, excute, deliver and admowladge such daade, looses, mortgages, hypothecations,
<br />bills, bonds, emotes, receipts, evidence of debt, releases and satisfaction of mortgages
<br />judgments and other debts and such other instruments in writing of whatsoever kind and nature as
<br />may be necessity or proper in the pramisass
<br />6 To Owl Yith Qenk Accounts and Deposit Boxesr Also to make witfs*Mwals from or
<br />deposits to any'bsrk account or savings or loon account or other cash ecaount Uv rn+ nemad and-to
<br />ant w and have free socess to any safe deposit box in my novae for the purpose of iddk* propx>r ty
<br />"moo or removing property' therefrom
<br />F. To ftt$fj :At* ' Givinyg. and gtyntita unto my amid attom"s in tar t. full power and
<br />authority to do and 'perf=w wysry aC:,Mcseeary, requisito br proper to t:s done in and about the
<br />promises a My se Y mom' or could do it petaanelly present with..f'cu:l parir of sWatitution
<br />WW revrocatione ltisraby ratifying and conrfirainr; s4l that soy said attarays shall lawfully do or
<br />cause to be done +by virtue harsofi
<br />—
<br />C. IW OM Eftaetive lm■adlafaly ad E'Mkm Disability, ThI& (=war of attorney shall
<br />. not Pee affactAd by disability of the principal: • (Uniform Durable i a*tr Of Attorney Act, Mob.
<br />IN IIIIME;Ai 1liJW, I have hraaalto signed my Hams this g4 day of Marche 190L
<br />R!!. W ONda
<br />Ellen rAabnar
<br />R STATE ff NEWAM
<br />• �aaa
<br />Gn this g oay of Rarche 1066 before me, the undsrsignsd Notary public, psraonally
<br />appeared Ellin limb eat* known to me to be the psrson whose nose is subncribed to the foregoing
<br />=W-0u•.sd tt D smear fc r ¢Cie putpvses there n contairnsb
<br />IN VITIESS WEtECF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
<br />Notary RMIC
<br />i
<br />`'
<br />Mlsast 1111
<br />