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LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />104522 <br />This Licensereement is made by and between the CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, N.raV. Z A,, a Municipal Corporation, herein referred <br />to as the "City1' aryl °. STEVE SEVERSON and DEBRA see". N, husband ' <br />and wife, hereiMft�.s • referred to as the "Licensee" <br />1. STA'QF pURFOSE• The purpose of this License <br />Agreement is to .forth the terms and conditions under which <br />the Lice ee ,may: tions:ttuct, maintain, repair, and utilize the <br />following desc�lbed i�rovement which- will infringespon real <br />estate owned or.`c�ttolled by the City: <br />A fetii e•� r uding two ten foot wide es gates <br />wfiiCis 1 :��croach upon public utilz: ,easements as <br />shown: f ..drawing which. id attached is attached <br />heirot!;)�' as Exhibit A and made a part hereof by <br />reference. The locations of the. fence and gates <br />are to be situated as closely as possible to those <br />shy on Exhibit A. <br />2, ,DESCR ION OF LICENSEE'S REAL ESTATE. The Licensee <br />owns or..controls the following described real estate adjacent to <br />the CityAs real, estate to which this License Agrees-rent shall apply: <br />Lot.. C Imperial Village Seventh $ bdiv ion, an <br />ad aion to the City of Grand Zas�.i3Q df' Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />3. LxCSEE'S DUTIES AND RISKS. It is understood and <br />agreed that the Licensee may construct, maintain, repair and <br />utilize the above described improvement at the Licensee's sole <br />risk. The Licensee hereby waives any claim for d rrages against <br />the City, its officers, employees, agents and independant <br />contractors for any damage or injury that rmay result to said <br />improvement. ''if the City, in its sole.discretion, determnes <br />that at�yr part or all of the improvemP -nt, must be removed or is <br />damaged'by the City, its employees,..agents, or independent <br />contractorsprking for the City during the course of their <br />employment o pl. ties with the City, the Licensee agrees to assume and pay all costs relating to the replacemnt or repair of the <br />improvement. <br />4. E£gr$CTIVE DATE. This license agreement shall take <br />effect on tie: date it is executed by the Mayor of the City of <br />Grand Island as dated below. It shall continue for an indefinite <br />term until s=h time as it is terminated as provided hereafter. <br />5. TERMINATION. Thi:s; License Agreement shall terminate <br />upon one or more of .the following occurrences: <br />U <br />L L_ � <br />