<br />,i
<br />" and 1
<br />of the
<br />I# NWAC♦v
<br />hM tilt RTtMty�>5eas or t the ri - J
<br />prate* L`tl`!ty'if1l1"e0�reatl s � t tables Posseeatow
<br />ps , 1 +,9f! OtMtwlse.C011oCe the "Cef,ta■ ineyleR a+ni }tixi3to theraOt,.isCioditfA':;:'
<br />des aft* apply the sans labs costs and s
<br />fcprnfses•of opet'aiten efttt colhlsictloa, .
<br />is isi"+itt+ 7 .'yon any tWebtodwss secured hereby. all to such order se.lsssticlary
<br />stay datondso. no enter;;; upon and "Ufa possessive of the trust **tots, the collection of .
<br />Brach -sets, tree" coed rrotie* and application thereof as afotaaid &bell awl cuss or Volvo 4"
<br />dafaslt of sales, of default hereotdor or loveliest* may act and to tospows to each detault ar
<br />perseast to eueh -*flea of default end. NW"tb&CMSJag the tastiness" !& possession' of the
<br />ptOper 7 W the cOU41414", retaipt and aglicatios of fasts, isome or profits,
<br />e
<br />seaefielary m b* emitted to asorctse every right provided for is arty of the lam sneer cones
<br />or by IM "M occurrence of fey iveat of default, including the right to exercise the pewaf of
<br />"to;
<br />(b) cosaoSe& an active to tor00096 this Deed of Trust as s aiattgoge. nppeiSt n reesivar.
<br />or specifically enforce any of the cow ants hereof;
<br />(c) dol "t to Trwtes a writes* declaratlolk of default *std demand for tats 4Md * writtOu
<br />i` settle of dot *4t and elsetien is COMM Ttustor•o LK*mt in the property to 1o�"Ids web
<br />r
<br />NaebwtiTfa1propsrty is locals be dely filed for record so the oftielel record. o! the coaaty is
<br />vbtcb
<br />Par own h fo.oe of taL. 6heeld fesefieiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the poser of
<br />Salo bareia contained!, Mss trrtary Well "city Trostes and Shall 6"It nett Trs"aa, this Used of Trust
<br />MA eba nrta., and *ode r*cetpts end Orideact of efgestditwm nulls and secured hereby as Traotse my tegatrs,
<br />M# oft t of the somfletary. the Trustees sb.il file for record, in the ROSIStar of Do@" office is
<br />the Grrtfty:.• ors too iroperty is located, a naeite of default. settled forth the saw of the Treater. the,
<br />, ,'p os Qo ebot NO. of thin Dour of'TruSt a. record" is sets "Oster of Meads office. C" log"
<br />;. pChifiKiijNr:Of the rtes*- dOedriiM. goal *state: lrtd shut. s,irsaeh of an obligation. for v%Uh said fool
<br />saint* tirNR :gitlrsyOd
<br />of sae"ity,. hoed- occurred, and S"U .lamb sire sncere of sscb b :eneb ash the ts�sslCa}'S
<br />Oleetien't #;`mill the • not estate: satisfy the oil #astii�at..tr� Otat the lap" of am less than one
<br />tech, th! ere shill ghee w1itt'•e oc
<br />eia Of the ttat ,sad plat* of sale which nay be between 9:00
<br />m* S fns" at the proof"' or at the CourehOW& iQ the Cofwty Wboreis *web property is located, dis'rtrtb-
<br />the tr*04*0 6 be 9614. *7 .its 10261 descriptive, said aaeite to b& published is a Gawep&pef of general•_' ' `
<br />etrestattas Aw tho coi air ldwr *L such property is located, once a .wk for five (S) consecutive wrtM, ibs
<br />ime tuslis„ wo to be at loot tan (10) days, but not uvre than thirty (70) days. priof to the sale3 OW
<br />l { the Tr tt�rijji, I the Sell said property at the ties a", plasm eesipated !a the notice, is the *mots- pro-.
<br />alfeet at the tin* of filing said notice, at petite auction to tbe.)!eiy)iist 'Vidal for teat
<br />�::. o f'aball huller Co such purehagr & dead to thi property gold, ces&istatt with the lax is. effect &c the
<br />i thew.
<br />00" reoetpt•Of punt of the price-bid, Trustee &hell deliver to the pwrchmar, rcogtoaws doe con -
<br />w=ing Chg. property *M lleettels Is the Trwtae'. dead @tall be prise fact* wideSce of the truth of the
<br />statoS*Sts send* tborelo. Trustee shalt only the precwds Of the sale is the telioriq o :dare (e) to an
<br />reSawble'ce&ts and eap*sees of the gale. including but Set.lisited to, Tra*ees's.to" of diet more then
<br />2 of .the gre*s Salo price, tweeashlO attorney fees and Costa of tttl*,evtdence; (b) to all
<br />Self- *scut* by this Deod of Treat; and (c) the excess. it cosy, to the persos e- pitatsoas l*s�ll7 wtltlei
<br />" *hereto. My preen. Ltciudi&g Nsrltclary. way purcheio call property at "M mu.
<br />The person emdettiag the Sale nay, for may tows be or ah* deem expedient, poetposo th{w gal: fretfl itLr,
<br />to &Jae until it shell be corpiated and, IS every such ease, notice of po&tpaaru*ae .8-11 be give by V*Ito
<br />4selaratim tlwroor y such perm at the ttxta and place last appointed tot the sal* -
<br />; ► po0c1►reOil for 10Sgxtr th*rr see (1) day providiedo- tf the SAU
<br />:.. l
<br />be s to y he7ard ri& date dgigrat.d fit the rtoetee of e&le, notice cMraat
<br />r closer sa the original notice of dais.
<br />5 r
<br />jtil' J ? 11 : 1.M ,Trustee affd "*ftC!Ao,:esd �achk•4P1- 'G3UMt. 6o entitled to es! / t! !!ttl r s: ' .s of abltgia�t ;iNcwrW tre,Yse11L�7 ciu a 1 t Jt a.l,i iMrY4i or +>�i 4` .. -" NKM*m �f this Deed ! lie I�'�sl =ai r* ai0fgsreslFt d(4 i. -'`
<br />a Treat tint r1rt� , f1lifri7r fjY NFfb6i
<br />4e Ion or ur*
<br />4W. rule or ethos 0 u�iafi ;'9��t(e
<br />par�ss hOteis< eeStaiwil, shell pi[ • Or to ae eib6ett a (see Trustee's or'
<br />titiery a tight to radios up" or enforce nay other etc'""' now or hereafter held by Trustee or asufft#&ry.
<br />_ It baly hoft" that Truce" and Iowtictarys- 04 oacb of than. SM11 be entitled to enforce this Dead of
<br />TMt end OW etberr Scrushy Sear or •hiere&ttor Heil by OW igefietery or Trusceo to such order and Ssansr &s
<br />ttoy+ or either of that. stay 'itt their absolute diacretioo 4eC*rates. _ No rowdy neroin conferfsa upon or so- .
<br />lintel to Treotes Or seneitefery is intended to be ex�cluefve ot'any ptHtr reedy herein Or by law provided
<br />*t petetttW. yet each shall be cusnlativs and shall be to idditlos to every other rowdy given her*tw&r or
<br />6" or berodt*t existing at law Oft is *quity Or by statute. rvory 0nw,r or remedy gives by any of.tfle ioaa
<br />i0*tt5etento to Tvuotoo >or seneftetery or to vhtc!r-ettht*r of thsd nutjp $s vrherviae entitled rtsy be usertis*d.
<br />cowwrontly or lodepoodentiy. ftae t1w to else and as Often ass tray bat deeard expedient by trueeet at acne•
<br />ILI c. -
<br />riYlh theca eneaesoid _ sod`M etoitt ti.6,_ sewtieiasy. as a .Otter: of right and.rrithoat *Otte* to Tnotor
<br />_
<br />ass ske�einR s>,ise• valet* * ,air!•- +rlthout -sped to she hole of the trust estate or the interest of `
<br />titer iltgis4e tMrefe, shrsll`ban the elditt.ea apply to MO eons¢ beviSp jurfedlctios i to sproit * receiver
<br />at the Property'., v
<br />`
<br />��• r`
<br />1Q.: e ftmrt e. U all. as_atiy4srt af,iCLla property or any 'storage ofTrus;or therein -to
<br />w1d, transferred or acmes secwabered witbeet the sgrioi or written consaut of iNMrietary, somiriciety
<br />}
<br />, .et 1srt eels aption, detlats all. seas Seemed by shin Driad of Trust• to ban itrrdisetiy doe aid Pay&bIO
<br />c'-
<br />.'. probe" to the lrr f atnilriIs to it seder the derislt prorietone.costaiast here".
<br />Y
<br />a. = — so— of- ftfaele.- dry of the following -VMS atoll,bo domad an &want of dofskxlt herds'
<br />(a) - T- estw shell two #died to ■era psymot of ,asy, taatallen" of interest,
<br />_ .�.
<br />-
<br />ptfifeiW at prineipel'sod •Internet or my other crew seemed hersy When dust ;
<br />-
<br />(b) ' this -e bt it aeaarrsd a breseb of or default «War my tarn. cormat, weearsit,
<br />4*011t1444 proalitiers, t*ptsOSwhtiaa Or wrfaSty contained In this Used of Trust, the
<br />i�1
<br />=
<br />sets or ify other lace lasteesisst seeared hereby;
<br />y
<br />(a) liars Me bosh ♦ default by the T-wtot is the payeeat of any prior or sahs"mat
<br />`
<br />lien or ssembra "o to respect to all or a" pert of the property;
<br />= :
<br />(d) Truster shall file a voluntary petittpi� ia. bo°ktaptcy or shall be adjudicate
<br />3
<br />beRkcs►t: a iirsolwat, or eisli >tsloa. aE ash : toll tbR b,ststit of eraditorra !a respect
<br />;•f. ;. y
<br />r
<br />t9.lrt7fi nit ax: aali4s to lAttef'cer. iay ilia at Mocfwdirrdtir os jljdj�lette lost tine
<br />;
<br />�
<br />, r ; r ' . 'Aga
<br />•" iX i..• tertasece #A. 1 ;
<br />J..
<br />.
<br />+. •
<br />..
<br />iiw R17 FIr lid to *vast O4 :M:it::.t?!!}g7! ;.an7!'±1Mla=at all ixfdibter ;,r '•', :, /..: ;,,
<br />... -
<br />f, ' ��
<br />�...
<br />fir
<br />it
<br />area grcwnq,R ;�xsetsgr eo• ass ou}t- ;taR:. .ypble- eSd' tt+t: a� �f�tl•�t ..:�• . ".d41ft ;,iiad' lip l�: e`.:�,' ,'� ; ;' -•e; •"
<br />! f•.�. }ij 'S' r
<br />.J .. r,, , , ! `J: 3•! "r, "'7. J, .Jan 'S,.v�.
<br />•- '{�' •{Ki; s +y�`'��y, i•�• - ,r. :!, . "fc ���
<br />;- i'�j.r ��'t�1 �r.'•T�tfw•�'. �j;'�!y "� ' ;.n ;�:.i.
<br />/ •' %� ;rp.u• s`YJz' �F.
<br />J.,.. !• >.r ,;�'.!� ..'.
<br />{1 yr. � •'-
<br />.F�� ;�hi'i'�r4J.^ [y(F'•i'71
<br />-
<br />_ —•il
<br />- B`,'s 7 �f „ •f ! .. ,
<br />•'.��'*Y'' 2'- f ; {Si -
<br />noes-. r��.,J�.. _ � it. ,it.. ,. ). S'�.::7 ; ;' ijC!it.ubi.f
<br />..Jv.t.L.
<br />- .. .. i�' i ,:j� ?..h. 1tAs`;, i i � : hr; �- ...S:., �, . 1rf, . ... . .-ro, .r .•i � ��' %c��• :ite.x- .r s; {Y_L .,. • � ii��rrE ` .: [ i� �• t !�.,7 L r. f-�, , ' tir1 t sce. t- F- i ifo ;toi }�f, . •i.r( - t iii�:iiE.• 17 i?��'> iQi' tit <,�i��±: � i r. i �a`f•c,{C b4 H{fVt�- �:•�: 4 [L•:. s....4:.f r r.... r . i r.i , �? i'!: • i°if . �o w!`,,.' � eu!.'.!!, �t tJ ,! f/_,i.,: }j JDy.� l.<i.e. r. f J i ,E.�i4 - . "l.i . laar �a,7,.' :i',. ii� � :,!}r�,.',• L J �:� ."..'�. r... - � � %4 ,!,` G t�ti: ' _ ' ,;a :,:, `.`c./J.. .: . F 1•.:r f� e c.. r .:7` : ••+� . t . •..d: . • . `` . . J: , v ;1>.:,.. '� i.,• :. :.r i>',:, : i. ; ....:.V ;?,.Y g / ," ',9 r. -:i47:1,. • : n.✓ ; 1 9.tfe ef• jj l,s;.�; , -4'M � �•�� e 'fill e -r-r.•,•=: � .
<br />t
<br />,i
<br />" and 1
<br />of the
<br />I# NWAC♦v
<br />hM tilt RTtMty�>5eas or t the ri - J
<br />prate* L`tl`!ty'if1l1"e0�reatl s � t tables Posseeatow
<br />ps , 1 +,9f! OtMtwlse.C011oCe the "Cef,ta■ ineyleR a+ni }tixi3to theraOt,.isCioditfA':;:'
<br />des aft* apply the sans labs costs and s
<br />fcprnfses•of opet'aiten efttt colhlsictloa, .
<br />is isi"+itt+ 7 .'yon any tWebtodwss secured hereby. all to such order se.lsssticlary
<br />stay datondso. no enter;;; upon and "Ufa possessive of the trust **tots, the collection of .
<br />Brach -sets, tree" coed rrotie* and application thereof as afotaaid &bell awl cuss or Volvo 4"
<br />dafaslt of sales, of default hereotdor or loveliest* may act and to tospows to each detault ar
<br />perseast to eueh -*flea of default end. NW"tb&CMSJag the tastiness" !& possession' of the
<br />ptOper 7 W the cOU41414", retaipt and aglicatios of fasts, isome or profits,
<br />e
<br />seaefielary m b* emitted to asorctse every right provided for is arty of the lam sneer cones
<br />or by IM "M occurrence of fey iveat of default, including the right to exercise the pewaf of
<br />"to;
<br />(b) cosaoSe& an active to tor00096 this Deed of Trust as s aiattgoge. nppeiSt n reesivar.
<br />or specifically enforce any of the cow ants hereof;
<br />(c) dol "t to Trwtes a writes* declaratlolk of default *std demand for tats 4Md * writtOu
<br />i` settle of dot *4t and elsetien is COMM Ttustor•o LK*mt in the property to 1o�"Ids web
<br />r
<br />NaebwtiTfa1propsrty is locals be dely filed for record so the oftielel record. o! the coaaty is
<br />vbtcb
<br />Par own h fo.oe of taL. 6heeld fesefieiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the poser of
<br />Salo bareia contained!, Mss trrtary Well "city Trostes and Shall 6"It nett Trs"aa, this Used of Trust
<br />MA eba nrta., and *ode r*cetpts end Orideact of efgestditwm nulls and secured hereby as Traotse my tegatrs,
<br />M# oft t of the somfletary. the Trustees sb.il file for record, in the ROSIStar of Do@" office is
<br />the Grrtfty:.• ors too iroperty is located, a naeite of default. settled forth the saw of the Treater. the,
<br />, ,'p os Qo ebot NO. of thin Dour of'TruSt a. record" is sets "Oster of Meads office. C" log"
<br />;. pChifiKiijNr:Of the rtes*- dOedriiM. goal *state: lrtd shut. s,irsaeh of an obligation. for v%Uh said fool
<br />saint* tirNR :gitlrsyOd
<br />of sae"ity,. hoed- occurred, and S"U .lamb sire sncere of sscb b :eneb ash the ts�sslCa}'S
<br />Oleetien't #;`mill the • not estate: satisfy the oil #astii�at..tr� Otat the lap" of am less than one
<br />tech, th! ere shill ghee w1itt'•e oc
<br />eia Of the ttat ,sad plat* of sale which nay be between 9:00
<br />m* S fns" at the proof"' or at the CourehOW& iQ the Cofwty Wboreis *web property is located, dis'rtrtb-
<br />the tr*04*0 6 be 9614. *7 .its 10261 descriptive, said aaeite to b& published is a Gawep&pef of general•_' ' `
<br />etrestattas Aw tho coi air ldwr *L such property is located, once a .wk for five (S) consecutive wrtM, ibs
<br />ime tuslis„ wo to be at loot tan (10) days, but not uvre than thirty (70) days. priof to the sale3 OW
<br />l { the Tr tt�rijji, I the Sell said property at the ties a", plasm eesipated !a the notice, is the *mots- pro-.
<br />alfeet at the tin* of filing said notice, at petite auction to tbe.)!eiy)iist 'Vidal for teat
<br />�::. o f'aball huller Co such purehagr & dead to thi property gold, ces&istatt with the lax is. effect &c the
<br />i thew.
<br />00" reoetpt•Of punt of the price-bid, Trustee &hell deliver to the pwrchmar, rcogtoaws doe con -
<br />w=ing Chg. property *M lleettels Is the Trwtae'. dead @tall be prise fact* wideSce of the truth of the
<br />statoS*Sts send* tborelo. Trustee shalt only the precwds Of the sale is the telioriq o :dare (e) to an
<br />reSawble'ce&ts and eap*sees of the gale. including but Set.lisited to, Tra*ees's.to" of diet more then
<br />2 of .the gre*s Salo price, tweeashlO attorney fees and Costa of tttl*,evtdence; (b) to all
<br />Self- *scut* by this Deod of Treat; and (c) the excess. it cosy, to the persos e- pitatsoas l*s�ll7 wtltlei
<br />" *hereto. My preen. Ltciudi&g Nsrltclary. way purcheio call property at "M mu.
<br />The person emdettiag the Sale nay, for may tows be or ah* deem expedient, poetposo th{w gal: fretfl itLr,
<br />to &Jae until it shell be corpiated and, IS every such ease, notice of po&tpaaru*ae .8-11 be give by V*Ito
<br />4selaratim tlwroor y such perm at the ttxta and place last appointed tot the sal* -
<br />; ► po0c1►reOil for 10Sgxtr th*rr see (1) day providiedo- tf the SAU
<br />:.. l
<br />be s to y he7ard ri& date dgigrat.d fit the rtoetee of e&le, notice cMraat
<br />r closer sa the original notice of dais.
<br />5 r
<br />jtil' J ? 11 : 1.M ,Trustee affd "*ftC!Ao,:esd �achk•4P1- 'G3UMt. 6o entitled to es! / t! !!ttl r s: ' .s of abltgia�t ;iNcwrW tre,Yse11L�7 ciu a 1 t Jt a.l,i iMrY4i or +>�i 4` .. -" NKM*m �f this Deed ! lie I�'�sl =ai r* ai0fgsreslFt d(4 i. -'`
<br />a Treat tint r1rt� , f1lifri7r fjY NFfb6i
<br />4e Ion or ur*
<br />4W. rule or ethos 0 u�iafi ;'9��t(e
<br />par�ss hOteis< eeStaiwil, shell pi[ • Or to ae eib6ett a (see Trustee's or'
<br />titiery a tight to radios up" or enforce nay other etc'""' now or hereafter held by Trustee or asufft#&ry.
<br />_ It baly hoft" that Truce" and Iowtictarys- 04 oacb of than. SM11 be entitled to enforce this Dead of
<br />TMt end OW etberr Scrushy Sear or •hiere&ttor Heil by OW igefietery or Trusceo to such order and Ssansr &s
<br />ttoy+ or either of that. stay 'itt their absolute diacretioo 4eC*rates. _ No rowdy neroin conferfsa upon or so- .
<br />lintel to Treotes Or seneitefery is intended to be ex�cluefve ot'any ptHtr reedy herein Or by law provided
<br />*t petetttW. yet each shall be cusnlativs and shall be to idditlos to every other rowdy given her*tw&r or
<br />6" or berodt*t existing at law Oft is *quity Or by statute. rvory 0nw,r or remedy gives by any of.tfle ioaa
<br />i0*tt5etento to Tvuotoo >or seneftetery or to vhtc!r-ettht*r of thsd nutjp $s vrherviae entitled rtsy be usertis*d.
<br />cowwrontly or lodepoodentiy. ftae t1w to else and as Often ass tray bat deeard expedient by trueeet at acne•
<br />'i
<br />r�
<br />� 1
<br />ILI c. -
<br />'i
<br />r�
<br />� 1
<br />