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A NTOF Das� oFTln»r 89- 104492 <br />. r <br />IOIMFin f1,ItAOT1*sal1011 [ sioMaEae <br />sorrotsrs {Trwloral unr7eraianlEthatthsdoeumesttt }aE ter +aBaroWMSares6outtoauacutatsts OetRtntTrust tndnalstssortgsgeandthaltlttfpowarotwMproridad <br />for inthe DOW Of,Trust proridfiesubatantiMly tllf1Mlhl rigltfaandobfigatioM totits OarfOtleR than ELnlprt9age in the ev"toTadsfault orbMiAh of Obifgati0S1 tut 1:114 <br />Owe of True. W41oxiing, but not Rn1if ed to. less tenders rant to have the Mat property sold by the TrutitEC without any judicial proceeding or fofeCtosurs. BOrtw bm. <br />rWe elK eta tesrrarM tflat this aoknO+AWgfenw -101141 sRfculed by them befdrs the Q:KutiOn of lets Detad of Trust. <br />MID- NEBRASKA 015POSAL, INC. <br />. 1tlorroflae' <br />BY: ✓ -r�t �... <br />LAsiie G. Woodwa President <br />-- -- - - "WACETOOR..lrD Of TRUST <br />CoMsumfflMpw%nOft MINltrsrPOPMdnwf tdeefwbbsfMEO1tfI U"YOMfiM?0AGNOXTUMUWV. <br />MgpM1r1U. eanMrb GMT ONE ailM}sr A. S. at CJ <br />G A. SISCY.A m CW I mm TO DES"Ali el YESTEAM.; <br />Tha orrotsar(s)acknow)sdpe that they areabout tolcec utalneivitlUtung Deed at Trust uponthe reafestate described thfram The Sorrowar(s).andalchofthert/d <br />more than One, do 1terMErdiscUlnt ttsetr rsgM to M1119nales homestead pursuant thtfillft.ttio pan of the horgastead of either of the Sorrower(s) is presently-0; wAl in this <br />fulu mbesituate eWloriypa+ satsFtata. Thasorrowr( s) understand that rlhtfisrsstaxiilN' ?Yahotllasteadonanypanof said rMfestAtedunagthotimethafthootTnAt <br />tatNaNtiWleNgfieatl ' : irett upon said real a hate. there $Nil bona fr9hi fo fnakt a dtf$•?Y. on of homesind in theevent of a loractosure oriruWet's faAlt?tdf'►s•rfrage¢t to <br />said Owe of Try* ' <br />e rAt1YSN OF 1MlgeR tQ f0ilfeMATE NOeiE1TfJ1tt. ; <br />TPA sorrower( s) aekitoMAadgeV- AtYMyareabou! Deed of Trust upon thetealestatedesc rrsed,theretn Thel3CisOwar (s).andattchdthwrrn?. ' <br />rhos than one, 40 hereby afaive their tight to des,gf'xwo iit- testetd pursuant thereto The Berrowettsi understand t!`ati .hey have the ngttt to maker a designatidn+l <br />naMSteadartdthatbyase6uttngtfiswa> Yeraheyarearwyiun�' tfgntsotherwrseavartatire for inepurposeofaltordrng !'+tomc5 cpporlunityto retain their homestaadinthti" <br />avant of a Oafault upon the Deed of Trust <br />13 C 0C9N MTMM CW N0 Vr2A&. <br />FurauarlttathaFarmFEOrnes. mif. I. Wice :tion Act f Section 76`1901elseq Revised Statutes of She Stateof%t 3taska). tneBorrower (s).doherebydestgnatethereit <br />property dascribild in the -Desrgnat:on D^Homemeao' attached hereto and incorporated herein by ;ns reference. <br />lower <br />Borrower <br />OEEDOFTRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />M r. THIS DEED OF TR-;1 ,T •s ma9r :yr.f t•lo 9tka, :,t August erg 89 ny ana among the T�rsustor _/_M1A'_'�aNN EVSBRASKA <br />�y:110 rC'",1 rS P.O. Box. 237 , .Gralid.J. hand. <br />NE 6880 r rn:.,t tinnprter , !he'r.,rr ;ut Charles W.. Hastings, Attorney <br />«hatte!rtarhng addreff rf City . National Bark Pvkl1t1 ;,ng, 800 West 3rd, Hastings.- NE_., . _-therein "Trustee t . <br />andthisommhclafy .AMy..Natkml Bartkiind• tsx�6t Company - - - - -- <br />rrhoaentalbngaddressrs _P.O. . pox ,?ate; Hastings, NE 65901 therein °Lender' "} <br />FOR VALUABLEGONSI]DEAA? • der4rt• edrrerg if, ana!+rdfnP11:11rre8tea tners_•tibpt ofwhcn,Sherebyaeknowledged .Borrower <br />horet/ylrrarvucabtygrants irans'er9 rt,nrer5andass,gratotrtsfer` iNTR(ic.T 1VITIIVOrfIEAOF SAif. for the tbr:nefI aria set tit ,tto oftender unoerdindsubjeettoth@ <br />tow" a" SnnAdlon4 ft+rMJ, a + +M tp+ f:',ttn wr• was: s �'r:onj nr -u nnnq aG <br />Lots TWO (2) and Three (3) inBusboom Sulsdivision, in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />iogether with sllbueld%nq%.imprme.•rr_nts f. ■tutrtftrtets af'ays fassa wars CM- <br />- ^ry•,ts pr,••re ;es andatrpuercnarcesfucatey thereon orrn any wise <br />prrtMnrrsgStwol0Jntry rants issues and r.rofits ,lennauttsln9 Perna n7efstn'rIM m' jd.^ g'_v inof1, M,! eJtohealingandco6 ',ngeawir!lentand Such personal <br />propertyt"isahYt •tfaT!n h.+ mDtnyamen !tinasToctmft.fule at, lt;te end m If, Menun'es,!eador rna!awifileres!s Many *n,n interests are herebyreteSSe-, <br />andtrarwO, aMOfwhr:•. trrt „drngrfpfactmentsand ?SQ:LOns - +eretu : she• ebt the <br />to/slgprft0 al” reftrred is heram as Mere pfoparty <br />They Oftd ol Tflyt shall Wive, far the CaOtent 411 f W Vii nt,pa. tiUrll Ar+7­ •dOast ar.dencA1 tit F3b u0Ae• S ntov a•+y'ut ovd,i a: ;rpen:rtnf rfated <br />Amould 9, logo rarfr3 a A:u•ito dale _t.D9W&M er 1..._ 1989- 220000.00 ar+d any anti an <br />incWteail"". eflansronsf art'd !enewa'sthereolof !716ye•tol ^d,ny a•Ih a•i'u:.,•P a4eh;ee act feed: ac S.`she +eur.8er p;;•g:ja' I tLj one- Gf m;re ptc,m s3G +y r'o'es or cred,t <br />eg+M++MPd1liM+a ncafled'Npte 1 titltf,ep0yareny otOt Muhl ^s !!nrt sct ,t,fy uf1 ^r. T /rfa + cl!r:ec {+1urt••a7c93:ICUrinlnts and agrperrent <br />a/tllortalwomfofthherern and rdr a'= mdlb!ry�eSSeRaOD�:Z It Or^9 ;,Jt3::rrn,.nr bif••:•Jr+r wt•ptnr•r ^. •r �.l ,ny rr•f atat.:,,lP•nr<rr }Par•rtar.O Nhe!her ar,s,r•g by r. ;:e <br />quararffy orMdistt of <br />Oprloae► ip prafect!fre sr, arty at tr.;s f]erra ct 701 s! . �.e� ants ar,� a3•ees Lct met a >'..';,wt <br />1 t1a /AeMNa'IfMSIpMaIMMIMMl.f3orro+ its! era:' crL*" p' �yCay+" nenCuethepr ,rt.•ca:otandrr•lerestan ac4anyrr- esaPcr•s�gesGtu.:Se�.• tr;±rtr.!n. ; ;•a,:�,s <br />bstd tbf tr uN <br />7 TfMe. sotto+ re+ rtf+ tnoaneraftnea ,rt+r`y ^arsR.e :.�rtar,da fn,rlyfacur +ryt•eptc�rtrtrs ^9w trap *stnalln: et rt•a.. nrr ^rr�,e[r9lardp +or .t• L <br />MMIftowiy011twas -no w^e,*3ebe It* °o'St - ea:ut,.` 3'1'S .C• v'= .:,7Uee7'a Twill 11�,fts^; ..!3'.3g' Pc .'r' C..•/gr ;L 33 _cr•;a^ _ <br />bOrtoear n strbte[t <br />7 TMIw. Aeaestrtwfda. TnCirvw• nr- dr_ e"!• rateftx= •atafsesftreh!san4a'ra! 01!0101. ^argtsO�t-st!•EP•,•t•.•rrT 1:_ � +�r�•. ._ .r.ya,r••.-. .t�P•. <br />LerMr/ s•KR errt0+,r'f M r^efr oe t:tt!• ; :! ^• 17 t n /C:N ^re cl�le+ t] they so.n ter [K aHefsr! fP.t3 G *vt•.t+ f /! r SteS r<. •' e y `t er _ ^ t: 7 :^ <br />! MMw'MM To Gorr 4nu Prn,e+Ty rr ft.rM faj ^.atCaTMafty t5f! h123rdf .true :'lt�t•!+119! •A tern wrrl•r:�.�d ^r .!•iin' '¢r._ 01.7, -u fit r, .,.01f <br />raVtMt '/'ft W!touf^!!!•'4Qsr.MC� ^: a:'di a'- Cf.7::eC lt,•, {^! ^„t' !'d fnTh tO'1fC3IlS'e ! ?tt:CLen3ir :ar aT?tt ;;a +s•. •,.t 1. •'r: 0101. �r :n •l•• J' .I: - -• <br />CuMIGra'+1GOn`D' am lr lq[ a. 1 ^r,l .a.d y..a :rt,er ^.act G1aGC i +aa'C'Caet G'trct` t..a .0 )'Y V+ J., l "., .ar .t i t . .a• . ..t . <br />thaw as h! /11F•'^'aY lkw/ 0101, r, f,..} f: t•: CN'-° rDrYM "•.'.):,t�lfy7 +..rr,r.'e9f.•, •0101. d' ^ra',G'�.t •tr, v, .l t.rr r., +r<'.r ' <br />•'lt:.� a!lr.t! nj oe(sr•^•.r.. VVf,.i To :!('.r.. f. .f,'_ -. qt.. ^ci. <br />- :ifYW�7 C'i'f !T. *,74"; `e °t i_i.i�r - "t. . ..'.i <br />5 eiMMbMIteR As�eife aAa %1tAlaiiarKe <br />am 6Mr R.: fug*: t ^.f ateo •• s <br />i`s-- *t-�- *•3+er -r. r_..�:,y •ire;re.i._.. f,�.1,. �n.ti __. _.f P,. .�.ty.r -,•R"e wn't•a ^'KY.r--.�.• -:. _.r.. -wc. 1 .,�_ - ... t� '- - <br />f'!L'!':a, ::i.e- °a1.:' }c::!r�p..:.i -iP!y •.•.a::t._ +� ".- tl.. '!•� .,...,_!a. +! _.. -. -r. n- <br />V'•/ -: hart. l�r :-:i•'!_ "ts., #•yr.tft•_tu -;,rf at.•,•4 1411, �E•. r' Ta - -•rl e,. j, +,1,,3•'st. mf- ,-Ja•rp •y -. ,,, ;. °. -., ,, ,, , . <br />M <br />4 <br />,.M <br />