6. EfArAWA 00MIS t. Lender iA hereby assigned all compensation• awards. damages and other payments or relief (hereinafter "Proceeds ") in connection with
<br />en
<br />C011001atlo11of~ takmgofthePropertyorpart thereof. orforconvayane
<br />crnlieuofcondemnat !on Lender shall be entitled atits option to commence. sppearinand
<br />proiecute in its own rams, any action or proceedings. and shall also besntrtled to make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. In tha
<br />~I any portion of the Property is so taken or damaged, lender shall have tit,► option. in its sole and absolute discretion• to apply all such Proceeds, after deducting
<br />tlwfrom all costs and pspenSes incurred by it in connection with such proceeds. upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine. or to
<br />,A apply all Slat:h Proeaeffe. after such deductions, to the (41SWation of tpe Property upon such conditions as Lender may determine Any application of Proceeds to
<br />pair indebtedness shall not extMd or postpone the due date of any payments under the Note: or cure any default thereunder or hereunder..
<br />7. r_ 1M_ 0a 'layte%&. intMlve ntofB orrowe' slartutetdperformanyolt hecovenentsherenotmakeany payments required hereby. orifanyactlstakenor
<br />ISO Proceeding C*Mnwft*d which materially effects Lender*s interestin the Property. Lender may in its own discretion. but withoutobligation to do so. and without notice
<br />�• Vim' t0 ordemand upon SorroMerard without releasing Borrower from any obligation. do any act which the Borrower has agreed but tads to do and may also doany other act it
<br />tll deemsMCMseryto prowl the W- utityhereof Borrower shall. immediately upon demand therefor by Lender. Pay to Lender art costs and expenses Inc urred and sums
<br />I�
<br />expanded byLendar in c"Mlion with the exercise by Lender of trio foregoing rights.!cogethor with interesttherecit atthe rate provided in thia Note. which Shallboadded to
<br />�+ the indMbbklf lsa Secured heiaby. Lender dual not incur any personal liability because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder
<br />S. Enab M Dellatill. The following shaft constitute an event of default under this peed of Trust "
<br />(q faituretopayanyinstellment ofprinc! palorinterestoranyothersumSecuredherebywhendue, orfailuretopaywhendueanyotherindebt ednessof
<br />Borrower to Lender:
<br />(b) A broeeh of or default under any Q.rovislon contained in the Note, this Deed of Trust. any document which secures the Note, and any other
<br />w� encumbrattbe upon the Properly:
<br />o+ (c) A writ of execution or attachment or any similar process shall be entered against'Sorrower which Shall become a lien an the Prop" crany portion
<br />thereof or interest therein;
<br />(d) There shall be tiled by or against Borrower an action under any present or future federal, state or other statute, law de girgutatipn refitting ice _
<br />bankruptcy. insoMencyor other rsgW- nrdebtor s: orthereshallbeappointedanytrustee• receivercrf: gzsdatorofBorrowercrotai loral*t{pRSfttleFraptray,or.
<br />the rents. issues or profits thlre .: `i' r. fOaMt Shall make any general assignment for I110 b"fiYrdrrsectitors. -
<br />(e) The rJew, trhnafet, asu -iiper-';.sstr yrt- taLtee or further encumbrance of all or ati rrTrr. r± br any ratflfe =t to the PropEtt r. either vU rttlErity or
<br />involuntarily. vttlfrw .�f:f'rCexprass:+MrlitRY`,G t!+•"Tf4Udtder
<br />(f)
<br />It t off.-zoil .s not an:T,ii!" + lU ; ah @g3jtf; lrar5fer, assrgnmeni, conveys t�2 :: CnsH r i ra n. L .» diore tna -i� permt o) (if a corporahOn) its
<br />issuedaMOUtafandingsiOCkCriiliBpuL,,.teightp) — percer- :CfpaKnersrt:ptntz•ests .. .-
<br />3 Nai�Na�A00aMraY011UpmVe miftjritheev Rtl'tal3lyEventoi�r�ft iillendermalt; �clareafl" sirih�8dness secured hereby tobe due and gmyfbk•andthr
<br />Sallie shall thereupon become due and payi'tct.withouT any pnWertment. demara.'protest cr7is frig! of any kind Thereafter La Q%e may: - - • .
<br />(a) Demand that Trustee exercise the PdytSKOF SALE granted 6inm•. and';r+ istee shall thereaftercauseBerrcarersinterest in the Prop" IMWEpiq:.
<br />and the proceed><to be distributed. all in the manner provided in the NeCfz�Ska TBuit ZeWS Act. - • , . -
<br />(b) Either in person or by,4pnt with or without bringing any E rl a; ;e;yroceeding. or by a receiver appointed by a court atsd without ragaitzfo the
<br />adequacy of its sl cuhty. enter upgraM. 4 take possession oftrio thereof, in its own name Orin the name of the TtV7tM and doanyat^tiMiF -ve—'r :
<br />• , . it deems necessary of desirable tC;reserve the value. markelatithly is r- +.L'r"•abl4iiy of the Property. or pan thereof or interest thstkCSrl.�1nC!eaSe thD.,t*'13;Jtn12 . . " '
<br />therefrom orprotectthe security here0fand. withorwithout taking possessionattheProperty, Sue for orotherwisecoltecttheren t!ijst anCprOat<JeY�rt ';
<br />including those past due and unpaid. and apply the same. lesscosts and expenses of operation and collection including attornoys* lees:, tuprsany frrihtroejn0,'s
<br />secured hereby. all in such oridb as Lender may determine Tne enteriVog upon and taking possession of trio Property. the collectiorIcAfa:ch rents.jiB@plrind
<br />profits and thgpptiution thereof as aforesaid, shadl not cure or waive any default or notice of detach hereunder or mvahoato any ac�rax?z:n resDOlisb tG such
<br />default of pursuant to such notice of default and. notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the Property or the Collection. if%: ,, itlt and app'lcation of
<br />rents. issues or profits, trustee Zt ; ender shall be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of the Loan! ns1ruments or bV IAIJ1L U67n occurengerol any _-
<br />event of dotatili. including flee flgt' IW exercise the power of sale. and
<br />(c) f;.pmnenCe2.'r v:.'-. ^o fOrSClOSe this Deed of Trust ass mortgage appoint a rocenier. or speCdiCelly ells �•rCt E5:'f •J'!''",Pi33Yenants hrirr�[.Y (s
<br />NO remedy hlrem conferred t: Styr •viwServed to Trustee or Lender is intended to be excluc ve of any other remedy herein or by lave r`co'!rCeo cf permitted. b u l tiCtIftili !bt
<br />cumulative. shall be in other remedy given hereunder nt now or horleafter existing at (a* Orin equity or by statute. and may beexercisedCCm;.1,11 i w.. J
<br />m0epenilentty or successively •- = -
<br />10 Tnielee. The trustee may resign at any time without cause and lender nay at anytime and wit"ut cause appoint a successor or SJtrfvt is Tfpstee Trustee
<br />shall riot be hatilefor any loss or damage unless due to actionable negligence of willful misconduct and Shan not be required 10 take any action in Connecbpn with the
<br />enforcement of this Dead of Trust unless indemnified in writing, for alticos's compensation or expenses which may be associated therewith to addition. Trustee may
<br />bKOrneapurohasetatany$ AreOfthePropertylludit, al Orunderthepowerofsalegranted "ere,n) postpone the sale of all or any portronof the property. as provided bylaw.
<br />or sell the PrOparty ale whole. of in sepatate parcels er lots
<br />11 FuliamAdvatim. Upon request of Ootfower. Lender may at its option, make additional and future advanCes and readvances to Borrower. Such advances and
<br />readvances. with rnler"t Ihareon, shall besecured by trill Deed of Trust At no time shall the principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. not in-
<br />cludingsVml osaZraneed to protect the Security of this Doled of Trust extendiheonginaiprifif -pal amotirrt staled herein (of $ .vinicheveris
<br />greater
<br />,? +)M N N sr4wA hfaeMooe
<br />Ia) @WfarWNot AeNeNO. F. xten Sion of the lime for payment of modficatfun nt amorlfzati(in of the sumssecure0 by this DOed of Trust granted by
<br />Londe► toany successor in interest of Borrower shall not apetato to release in any, manner. the lability of the original IIOlrOwer and Bor /owes s euccessornin . .
<br />interest Lender shall riot be required to commence proceedings against suc h suc ce3soi or refuse to extend time tot paymentor otherwise modify amortization
<br />Ot the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demands male by the efiginaf Borrower and Borrowers successors in interest
<br />(b) La~al awls. Without affectingthe: i- a3ffil yof anyotherpersonliableforthepaymentofanyobligationhV ternmentioned .andwithoutaffecung
<br />the lien orch rged' lt! mDealofTrustuponanyptr- 1. 1noftheproper tynot1henortheretoforereleasedassecurityLs1) CL^! ullamountofallunpaidobligations.
<br />Lender may. fr0r II06 -to time and without not te;;; )t,elease any person so stable. (it) extend the maturity or alts; any c(r':ne terms of any such ob11g10.t7n.,s, (III)
<br />grant tither indu; ?iy(rSe;tJs,(ty) release or reconvey.vi ';ause to be t ofease0 of reco;' veyed of an y time at lenders options any pa•f eh o9ortiOn or all o11t,0ii- t. ?tdetiy.
<br />( vl talleor release s rvother or additional secufAy for any
<br />ObhgaUgn7ptefnmPfttiOneO orlwlmakeCOmpnitUOn9orOther8rf5r. it IEr�gwittltlebtoroh +ce:abon
<br />+,= iaaMiaieAafryLeatarllgtaWalwr. Anyhvbeararryi;; i:- �nderinexerus, ng any right ofren: edy hereunder. cot mhervil.seafrordedbyapplicable
<br />Uw.ehsi;i4ftrP'' all ;verOl OfpreCiudOlhee +efC,Seofanysuch the procurement of insurance at the payment oftaxesor other liener.?rbarges
<br />by Lender il:all ririt no* waiver of Lender's right Kf of the indebtedness seculed by this peed of Trust
<br />(d) {lrstaeaan and Asel/M ltoiald; Jaw and Several Lialill Ca►llona. The covenants and agreements herein contained shaft bind, and m& rights
<br />hereundersha uinureto. therespr?, vesuccessor &aridass:gnsofLenderandBorrower sublectto the provisions ofparagraphii (a)hereof Aflcovenantsand
<br />agnoementsof Borrower shad bet ;. id and several Tfle ceplions and headings of trio paragraphs (it this Deed of Tn »taro for convemenceon lyand are not to be
<br />uWa to interpret or define the t:r stAl'Ins hereof
<br />(e) IINItsNferNNIOM. The Dailies hereby r1q.lest that a Copy rot any notice or default hereunder and a copy Of.! - y notice Ofsaieheroun ter be malted to
<br />each pang tomes Deed of Trust et the address Set 401lt7aDove In the manner prescrihe;h /appt.,� able law Except foranf c!her notice required u nde r applicable
<br />law td llegWen err iR,+dtfzer manneL
<br />411y nOt Ge propkii1:1 form this Deed of Trani shat LC g,ven by ma, ong such nen;re rt•rcesti ied mail addresse7 to the other
<br />parties. at the addles rot? forth appve
<br />Ainy, is ;fice provided for ire this J'titiivf Trust shall be deemed to, have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated hereon,
<br />kf) sMpclleff. omder may make or causeto be made reasonable enfr,es upon and msvechon3 of the Property p rail ded that Lender sha;Igr +e Burro over
<br />notice prior toamy sut:l v.fpeCfion specifying reasonAb's cause thefelof fWated to Lender s mterest m the Property
<br />(g) venial{ �IirfjallEe .Upunpayrn"Glattsu"twire red bylhrl Deed of Trust. lendarshati request Trusteatorft _0nr ay tile Property and sha11s::zrentef
<br />IMSOeed0 -ii 1i�Irti, altnotesevtdercing, ndeblednessSecuredbythisDeedofTrusttoTrustee Trustee ShaDreccniey the Property without warrantyand
<br />without Chargetothepars ror pet sons legal yentmedtttere0 Such person orpe' lsomsshalt pay all COSTS ofto _olda!�On .191ty
<br />Irit POMOaNlfepefty.S"v tyAWffMmt- Asa] dd- BraiSe c::" lyfutPtepaymenl ,rtReWife, allhxtures r;lu,pment and o!herperstwai proper ly , iseu
<br />in connection iwitht"s real estate of improvements located thert:in a-,J n of altiervio,sedeclafed ur deemed to to a parlot the real CSIStOSeCLIfed teretiV Shall to
<br />subtiftiWe Security Interest intavoror the Lender uncivil lheNebtask &Uii.ldrMCommercnuCode TM is in 9trtrrtc rt6r a' rbecOr •struedasa Sec. uritrAyraement
<br />under sliti code and trio Lender strait have Sit the f. ghts and rerred •es of a sec ured part y under sa it Code in addition to trio rights and fe mel,a s created under
<br />and acccrded the lender pursuent to this Deed of Trust
<br />of Seeeraw".In the event that anyproW ;-un (if ir ,.s Doti ol'Trusicunh,cI with app! c able law oraredeclaredinvalidot other w,SourentorceaWe 5.,r',
<br />Orin +a'Ld'ty that! not attact the other pro ns,onsorfri,s Deed of Ttusto- the Note Mtt r•h c ah be given rMect MiM -jut the co',f: --Sr p,u, is on and to
<br />of-rd the prov:s,tcs Of ICE Dead of Trust and the Note are declared to be sererabie
<br />t30rrt?Aer has exw. r..r!d tf. S of-idol frust the date wfdten above
<br />tiaric,se (Mark L.
<br />L 1 � .� --ESL
<br />f tf'rrunr'( Jant2 A.
<br />Kel ler )
<br />Kellar)
<br />So
<br />IF
<br />i
<br />-.
<br />