WftUtvtFbaKG"an,* >;orrowi tttttt INttAM' et5ereavent at acre agree as follows: "' 6# 54
<br />1!t �hceatsrptlaa= wit Ensue tits on tiallbe W Ba WGW gsior is atxeltswliN ronewhs Berrowei" a'
<br />>tlwr►rtapMtwiutttt a�Mwt+ttr Wit e�tyl�lesiitrtdotsat�rMrlJsgot�e lsi8osWderrrs Mud
<br />= tittitae a eaYtf iitnnt ga+srsidaa edwerrirek "` *'*if�tee 00 tom: (a) tie tielM 4; W tie at t f?s tuft !ie . a
<br />ilitill iU s tlatsi;htaethata3tl W�+e Itathatia daftirie�tiecieghaote Batirt�aK� 1y sotto( tiede<aritratttstie tarteB '
<br />ado" llilMraj'6 ewro tie iaftom er iaRsr�a�edrtitie`apaeiAai i the aatko spy nun in acaiaat( 4theawtts.. .
<br />E -- - �h�41tRS1 !!!lattlett�tstwRarltsisvl 1hojMe .'1'11ttad a "lhrtim ideassa lone' tbetidtt+t _
<br />a�tR shtWOMiao anti the rift ft- irtas� a caart iced w.161000 �_ tin not -edit tee of a deflik or tasty trey
<br />__ tl eNtt�i[ MaeealeealieeaMada. ItlMsYalfeeitMititest�aioai�lii} ialraeefiedelea /aeMNYtilearaRee;iaeier ` .; ' , ,
<br />tl+k)Ms a�tlies MW noIttit - inamhate /elrwwt r hB of as staaa aNew Iii► thk Security 1<astrsassat tritiaat Baethes
<br />�1Mihittt�tti �iVraMltlre 1�Ra�foaiietAiatsy oliar lfattsa�iM paratifle/h ht�ifeaMRhtw. tasttiertaLD Moatitisi d ; ..` ; ,
<br />-- meat elf aetMt> M WORM ii 1w� do ra Wds" fe+aRNM itr uta para�h It, � bd trot Itt■iteai to.
<br />-- . ter.■ tileatlie .e�l� , ,:=:r .
<br />. It the Mawr at tsia !ti ilesahM,'2lttutse shalt noattll a tta'+tttltalY■It i, oeei eatialj► to which soy Met of tiers
<br />i�tarary is hteMM 8 ata1� etgMiudtutehsatioa i tiefaaaargeaaerfiM br opp kahitlaw to Baeeetrer sM lathe
<br />- - - - otrtir iwe b bt+r: �IAsr do ties rdgmuMh a me haw. Th atat" des puk atitioe of -
<br />asi d tin putaaaa aai i t4ateMtarlw"! by appNeshte her. Tr■ mm, wttwrt dmmd w Bonewe r, Wieff all the
<br />• tsopary►atgeiikastttias Mtit. �r i)itlis��te�eti roans( pioerwi••uwilertretenriedBtetoi i tieaaNecofttalci
<br />oueoratot+ s�rt�YaatlYtteyae +ieririiMe.deterrti oar. Trttelaeaiiyihoethoeeaakotal loraNyyet+c+eleytM�tl�ertyh
<br />MtifMt: aw>aawaawhist of tit *owl tutor: stow poview* aeiaialai ads. I mfr or 10 daa*m rimy lereiaae lire
<br />- 19tapaets�atatgratda: .
<br />ewef/t of ggatMME at tie Riee'W.'IMNO t altar dsiivar to tie pattdta�er' TrueWIX d" em"W tth.tie . .{ ...
<br />. l�owely� Tha.aadYa i tit 11toMaaTa dita�t aW! yin prlsate'bde ahlaaoa! et tic tt� wf tit stale�.stMtie tieroi. �;zzY;. _ _ •
<br />llreeiestii a�ajif liehesotai ottietatMis tittlindeti.eder: W eedl esgeosea ottie irate; itaahtliae.Itut satliwttaed
<br />'Ds1Maa9 (fins `iratitMtt b a�iiet>1N .f i nMaoueYe WwaW feet. (i) ter` sU o�sata eeeareai by tits Secw ty
<br />_ ; -�• " ' Lakwttaehat�( c) aeyetoeat�ctsM�rf�trdrsoti *��erit�llTatlde�taott: .' - - - .
<br />A fwMe In lMiaiaiit��Jpar aoceteattioa emda paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. tender (in
<br />=,"'`' pethaoo. by .agent o f by jndiaali ' .�poiated saves) shall . be entitled to enter upon. take pomessiotn of and mADW the ,
<br />.<.,.
<br />Preptrty ea�d to eolkct the Usti.. tote Property including those pat dire. Any rents calkcted by Lender or the rece0er
<br />sbttll be applied ii,*'* psyme�t 4 the oasts of muutge ment of the Property sad callaction of rents6 includia j. but rlat
<br />r baited t% t�ac&Ws toes;. 5 on receiver's bonds artd reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the s" secured
<br />UpgiiFt Of
<br />all soars s�icd by this Security Instrument. Landes shall reYpiisc'rustoe to �: `' j i
<br />" ?�, ' rwottvry the Property anti shaltd—Caiitiit.Swi►t'anrertt and all notes evidencing dci�f swured by this Security
<br />- .., , : `: Iaattsnateat toTtarstee. Trustee shall rwaty t) '0 wwithout v!atranty and without cha to the person or persons -
<br />�.',_.
<br />kpiiy eaptlad to it. Such person or pawn: a ,easy aQy grdatl0n C'OSta. 1
<br />c 2i.8dodh aaTr now i order. at itsoption, racy ttmetotime remtnreTrudeeand appoint asuccasattrustee
<br />to say Tntatoe hereunder b
<br />appointed y an instrument recorded in thecounty in wl1iC111 this Security Instrumentii tYCrnded. r< • '
<br />�i,, . rNttbN cooveyaaoe of the Property. the suazogaor ttustoe shall succard,.to all the title, power and duties conferred uptttt .
<br />•
<br />: Traatac iteraitn sad 6)r applicable lsw. ;, ,:. .:. , _ • _: • ; ;: •;; • '
<br />22, >AiGuiat >Xie Nofk ':, . i+t5gttests that copies of.tht 'viyiioes of default and sale be sent to Rorrarweaa
<br />;''-r . , addt�ras witch is the lr�,erty ``..� . �. a,'•'�
<br />2/. RfaliesM
<br />'+ one or riders are executed bylBtyrrtrrrer arhd recorded
<br />{ ibis Security fair the cove eta k0l"' f ix Krtts o1 inch such rider shall be incor poutediko and shall ail 64441.
<br />supplement the croataittbts wad aipeebie;i tF tats Securit Instrument as if the s srV* of this i
<br />b " y rider() $�= part Sectiroli<
<br />Instnmteee .ICbeckappiicablrbox(fs)�
<br />(] Adjwt" Rate Ride "`' `2 ?i ? ;�] Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider-
<br />GradWard Pfaymeru,r' Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />;.:
<br />,; . ❑ Otber(s) Ispecyl �.
<br />-ft $IGTtII G aLow. 11 "f[f W?til�t7
<br />iBttuuii7�!ti�tr; to the terms aril ants contained iiti�iliis Security.
<br />Itattd iaaoy ride :(s)e�idriaielQf,r,totr�rded with it. ,r ; t ;. ►' :: ' ' t
<br />• :,.: •1 TV
<br />- ... ..................•......:....t ..............................
<br />ia7iRf �•: ,;, ..i5' �f;:;,.;, -11, ,1,dl �f t.,..
<br />•.+.•..•. .•... a. 1•.•• e. t.. H1. 4. 11r. i. r�I• H....... ..••............•.•............ .....• :r•i {Y , j}' . .•... f J.'.i'.;i�r`Nl
<br />STATh"(4: NEWASKA• tell County sett
<br />On this 26th day of October .1990 . before me. the. undersigned. a Notary Public „..
<br />duly cgminiksiotted and qualified for said cofunty, personally came Osvld H. 7eW trtt 9AW M. &We astir In
<br />him .W d hW Ott rV* Cud n. *0m of oath otIw , to me known to be the -
<br />'`'`' identical ptYsoMs) whose narogs) arre,subscribcd to the foregoing inotument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br />wit8M >A _• in Spid couafy� the
<br />: _ - •. -. "- - ._ . _.. ..._ )r hod tHAd: notarial seal �t ...(beet Is7�esds blibt+pal�. _
<br />! date xforem".
<br />i
<br />My Cunhaonsaion
<br />:.u� .. r...� ....... _ .................
<br />ti'uYiht-
<br />} t>rSAiM+ltl# EST FOR RECOAiff'EYANCE
<br />To tat,'s
<br />Tiw under gned is the hal'dre tit the zWe tit( note4 %muted by tFtE4 M.-d of 'Muir. 5c-d note ire (toter. t��ctitdrsr � ,
<br />with all Other indebteditsi secured bythliMtdof 1'ru- st.tta ,-cbeefuV;udinfult. You arc hvge?� ydirettedI(OLdIl "r411d
<br />note M r1otes Anti Chit Deed of 'fruit. whfcb are d'etxreeej herehy. and to rcLawitc %.% ithout warrant%. all cite coare
<br />new held by You under thi, tktd of Trust ra the oeruin ur. per4uin-; i:gali. ctrtancd tlieroo,
<br />®art: .. -- - - - -- • - -- - -- _�.
<br />