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r <br />t. <br />1 <br />NZB � nFs>oo�) vsr 89�. 104471 <br />TM DSED OF TftUB't', ltaiade•A&D day of <br />bstsrssa herald L ni(„ .9521nary E. M ler husband and wife <br />w address 4. 356fi Hillside Dr. Grand Island Ne X8803 <br />ss 7vusb um _ John - C i6lLtha7llt Attu a <br />wbow meiliuB s& a s is M N Cedar Grand Island, Ne 68801 , <br />as Trustee, sad Norwe t Financial Nob r i" Inc., whose mauling address is <br />2337 HOrth Wehh Rd _PQ BX 137: Grand Island ft 68802 an Beneficiary, <br />WrMSSM. TnW.Ors hereby irrevocably, grout, bargain, sell, and convey to Trustee in trust, with power <br />of sale, the folbwin6 described property in fall Couaty, Nebraelca: <br />, t5 (fifteen), WEstroads Estates 4th Subdivision, lialll:Cqunty, Nebraska <br />Tapeless with taasaaants, hvrsditamenta. &24 s,Tpu lenances therounto belonging or is #nywioe- appertaining and the rents, issues and <br />luaxieareyancie is in f pnryase �F the gpyment to Bers&iary of Tiustora' indebtedneis evidenred , a t <br />Lean R,usrnrnt do"; � L 1EhPW mint to which'im advance has been msde in the rum or c th <br />together with e]w:p**=idins to the terms of mw Revolving Loan Apwdtsresi.;, and also any and all indebtedness, surw, fiiturecar�vssircas, <br />and chagss nova. coq sic may hereafter be or baccow owiagr by- Th etor to llimi&iary, under said Revolving Loan AgmAment or epee �i#iYit <br />Revolving Loan Agrseaunt between Truefor and Sonefitiary t4r.tb a maxithum unpaid balance of $25.000, and also psyneent oi'tc g•3um& <br />e:rendatl or advanced M Beneficiary to protect the security fi+rrr!sc£ Default in making any payment shall. at the Wwwficiary's option and <br />without notice or dswand, render the entire utrpeid balance &w,ova hereunder at once due and payable. <br />To protect the security of this Deed of Trust. Truator eo r4wtni and agrees: <br />1. To keep the prop*M in good condition said repair, to permit no wale thereof; to complete any building, structure or impe,' Mprmnt <br />bias hunt or about to be bulk tharem; to restore promptlx say building, structure or improvement thereon which may be danured or <br />deetels ad to eaapiy with all laws. ordinances, ragulatiiew Anvlfants, conditions and mtrictions affecting the property. <br />2. T4'psy befas delinquent all lawiW tares and ausannMittile "pin the property; to,ksippthe property free and clear of all other charges, <br />liens or encumbrances impairing the security of this..%od of Thee. <br />9. To keep all bwfsl'd vW now or hereafter ereeitsel on the pmpsrty 6004W twmin continuously -iMurwd against loss by tars oir-other <br />haasnia in an &aso" not lees than the total debt secured by the Deed v8''fhm. AU 'policies shall- A* lull by tba Ssne iciaoy •QW be <br />in such ensspnieo w the BetiaBciary my= aplwve and havo . cress payable first to the% ipnefsciary as its interest- m rr appear asd then <br />to tho ' vootor. The amount eollesiM eaters aay.iaaaraaoe pv*zy nay be applied upon 'say indebtednees hereby secwiid in such order as <br />the i OPAieiary shall determine. 9*ehr *W4%oss by ;do 1461i6ciary shall not cause discontinuarne of any prnesedings to foreelir this <br />DaMI Of Tra t cr cure or waive any i 64ilt es; sestim mrdefauKesr invalidate any act done pursuant to stach notice. In the event of foreclosure, <br />all rigkq of the Tru stor in insuranae pelieisa there in ferva aiWl pars to the purchaser at the foreelowar sae. <br />4. To obtain the wntten consent of Beneficiary before riling, conveying or otherwise tranafewing the property or any part thereof and <br />MAY such ask. conveyance or transfer without the Bo w&iary's written consent shall constitute a default under the terns hereof <br />S. To defsed any action or proceeding purporting to aQect the ewunty hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee. <br />& Should Tnaet w fail to pay when due any taxes, assessments. insurance premiums. Imes, encumbrances or other charges s&Vut the <br />proprty hsesinsle w deschbod. Benefscttry may pay the "me. Ord the enteattnt so paid, with interest at the rate at forth in:'dw note <br />secured hereby, eland t hw aided to and become *part of the debt secured in that TAW of Trust as permitted by law. <br />tr IS VVIVALI.Y ACREEU THMr. <br />1. 4r elite event any portion of the property is taken or damaged in an eminent doxrratn proceeding, the entire wtnount of the award <br />or well[, piartion thereof as may be noceo ry to fully satisfy the obligation secured hereby, &hail be paid to Benefietary to be applied to <br />salt ibiwgatien. <br />2. Py aeeeptim psymeat of any sus secured beef eby after its due dots. Beneficiary does not waive its, r,,)Ot to rertuife prompt I}Myewsit <br />wkeai.n$iss of all other suns eo secured or to declare default 6w failure to so pay. <br />3. 'f.Nw. manse sled reconvey all or any part of the i9n:iprcili' covered by this Deed of Trust to the person entitlef thereto, on written <br />regewit myths Trwter and the Bene6riary. or upon estisfaction of the oMiption secured and written'requem for reakveyance made by <br />tie Noidl ciaey or the persisn entitled thereto. <br />eta FM 06) <br />i <br />