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200108429 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land being part of Government Lot Eight (8) and accretion land <br />located in.the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) of Section Thirty (3Q), Township <br />Nine (9) North, Ranee Twelve (12) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Referring <br />to the Southeast corner of said Section 30 and assuming the South line of <br />the Southeast Quarter of said section as bearing N 89 °25'08" W and all <br />bearings contained herein are relative thereto; thence N 89 ®25'08' N and <br />on the aforesaid South line a distance of 1117.0 feet to the ACTUAL PUCE <br />OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N 89 °25'08" W a distance of 175.0 feet; <br />thence NORTH a distance of 526.76 feet to a point on the South existing <br />shoreline of the Platte River channel; thence 5.79 °51'27" E and on the <br />aforesaid'existing shoreline a distance of 24.41 feet; thence N 86 *01'52" E <br />a distance of 151.32 feet; thence SOUTH a distance of 534.71 feet to the <br />place of beginning. Containing 2.122 acres, more or less,, <br />