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89-m .104429, <br />-Daniel - W EMUMd'a, Chripflin A. to'gland <br />Mow. <br />ths Pdntp Bank. GiMWIlhod, NjoBsks <br />Mwolloir is Wb4Wd".16 MWOW Is the peisEipA senrt at by �yAolo. <br />Owft "*W,) Po.MMS for P"Umb. of p6mod Milli"MA. VW the b4inoe Ofto <br />It. <br />aftlia No!*, witit Moot #A <br />IM Vor4w, and atentoim"Usail 1 11 11 I'l of <br />. P"*Uwmw <br />..Lot T"Mw Orw (2t ;,' Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number -Holt qqty, <br />q <br />Tbpikf with all bWdk*. Onprotements. fixtures. streets, alloys, pwwwais,, easements, rights. P094". sad <br />Oppufsonam loomed Uso"On at in anywise pertaining thereto, and the nftu biwes and profits. va"nions and reaVokba <br />� <br />trseedrr: faetseaag. iDeAt�.agt Ibrtited to, heating and d!o0tlllg equipment shill: arch peefoaal proprty that it attdieitsidto the • <br />ftem;allot <br />to be a,,PA.,oC the owl 001" see!� " by the lien of this RfortM and all of the fon;oia# being retested to MOW at the <br />MOI*Pr Oli*ff esn""16 am w" with Mor4fter. as 6" <br />t 'lfsratstrt. To lay Ow WObledwo *d the lnlowA thereon as provided is this Ma"Widw the Now. <br />MW4"W iG Me Owner Or The ft"Wrty'. has thf, n#It and oUth Oft .* Mr*V UN FOOPO". and <br />wanoft 0141i•e cppmed booby is a &a and prior lien an the Pfalm*o, except ak a" otberwbe W so toft bwein. <br />J 1% h4aity is mb*t to a M~ wheiviml_ <br />Ab 1116 Mil 4M , recorded 89 50611 --. rW of the Mortgage Records of <br />Nebrvslka, which WWrIpp be On prim totkljon created hereby. <br />& Two, To "Y when due all taxes. spec j4 W�wftfft and an other 40" owed OW property <br />Wo deviiand by Mortgaller, to odd to the paynrAti-im -- qW*.W"V" <br />a* spon TW!LM under the Note see ed <br />a" bb sr S I I M to emble Use Mo"PW to pay arch taxrsteats or other char fee as they be6rjr <br />A Doppone. To keep OW Idepwwwaft moot or hereafter located oi 11114 seal asiate.' lit ­-109wed <br />mplAm din aMbyloo-eadvae6etborbounbas Mod ave may vetiewe. in mom" and with cowip6nin acceptable to Ow <br />Memppw, ad wft law poiOle to the Uor&Mw. In cw of low under sucli puMcWs toot U&d#We is 0411hafflad to <br />o4ija. "0" and am"wanbr, in Us 4b d, , A claim Off"OdOr at its Dole OPMON, wtrorieredtodritMrappiy UW <br />'weft is the nime►Om of dw hap ty of spas Uw Indebledon secured homby, W& psymonla to doll cow <br />Mae* WAM do s Woused boww we Pat in rM. <br />M Imm Far Tense and ftwiteme. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraphs 3 ad 41.1tered to the <br />aea/tlfy. MWOW dMill py to Ot UwW" at UW dw of paying the amthly installments of principal and interest, <br />vt*m 7miy mme. mommiumna. bow* kwomer pie umm. and fwd mute Of myk winds mow 8"Ir a <br />pMrNty wee' 06 Ika VV. all as n%smseW ealwood how Um to time by the Mompgor. 'aw armwla so pid AM be <br />hold by do, *W$@ 'e wWbftt MU"st and applied to the payment of the Items in respect to *Web each mounts wore <br />a- <br />ftwftd. Ins mutt pM ft I '"r bmrw*r ser ~ n W&UoW wftdty for the Ombblodow secured by We <br />00 M to Mort9wo A* alt oW of my derwivacy between the actual ha". awmamts. invArsace <br />p"UMM aced Poi ad Web "d at dope" howtumbf witide 10 days after demand is Made UPON Mortgagor requesting <br />OVsk MWAInomm ad We. To pomptly repair. MMOFO or rebuild any baddinp aw Improyments now or <br />hMaft" So ft r9elle"; So k"p or rMp"jY in PO& r I, Allis& and "Pair. Witb"g Waste. M& feet fto "kCMnlC*S or <br />OMW lieft vast #%pneely tobordft" to the We borra; not to make, $Offer at ptrult any nuisance to exist. rtor to disnin• <br />M of impale *0 vdw of dw PmPmty by wy on or omialon to wt-. and to comPy with an rrqviremmts of law with <br />"V"t to UW ftVprftY• <br />q <br />