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V . <br />0:4419 a <br />shod pi's WIN �: of TWM �araGw,rr, <br />321- 13G2518 703 (b) <br />T hk DOW of TnW ("5mnrity hfrwam C) is wade ca August 18 <br />19 Bg.Theurn"is Nancy S. Kirschbattr�,.a side person <br />("farrowe�''x, Me <br />—is Commercial Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association t"7'rleaoe "1.71he beseiaary is <br />How Federal aevigs. a-rid Lwn of Grand Island , -•►ch is orasoWd and existing <br />aaietklnrsd f0traska :;;;aadwlilo*addnasna 221 South Locust <br />' Grand Island, Nebraska <br />* That the i01r[liwYf in oaaridtdttica i1f f},e+0ebt maritime hettipl I dammed and anted. ud the sum 4. Dour (w to <br />"in MW pd 6y PeaeMS VM*, @gain "ASK ooavn y and A <br />0= 6916 onto tie Trotter is VOL wKb Waver a[s*. fomw. &W d ie foi{as daasbad mad:euaa. *1449 4* ad bs*4 is the county of <br />Lot Fifty i! 1; :;ids -` ienavista Scfidit.►isidn, arr. addition to the City of Grand Island <br />Rall . County; Nebra*A. <br />The rider to the mortgage attazed hereto, and executed of even date hetip-iiYth is <br />incorporated herein and the .covenants -and agreements of the rider shaii.`:amend and <br />supplement the covenants and egmememts of this mortgage <br />" ni15 "x . f�; PURCHASE iTARJE . s, - RT ,AGErr <br />srbichhladreildreaaf 32iI East S uth, ei t , ;; Grand Island <br />N&n lea 68801 ata t gas (;°'Prapaty Addna ): <br />To iliave ad Ti Hai/ the prawn abowe dow6 4 with m2 f11e appwtensaoes themaeao belonging ad indudieaj an hestim plumbing and <br />light % Gx<sm and egaipeeet now or knmfkr numbed to or used in eonpwtioo with acid real case unto dn'Trusiloe, ad to its suooessors <br />and /arigsa, forever. 7k Borrow" 10praeau 10. sad, 4Y,ftvesaats with, the Tn mwrc that the Borrower has good right to uO sad convey said <br />pr esw a: than dory acne fee rams eactumbmem and that the Borrower will warrant sad defend the sane sputa at the lawful claims of all persons <br />whowMoever: sad the aid ronow a hereby rdwgwdm all nglits car hornestad, mad all mariul rights, either in law or in equity. sad all other <br />eoeb feat watrats of the Borrower in and to the abovadawked pmmum and atestme btiog to amvey hereby an absoWte titk. in fee simple• <br />iwdading all ri{lats of horneaaead. sad other rights and iniaata a aforesaid. <br />Pnvk d Maus. ad tben pretests are exocutod and delivered unto the Truster in tr4:, however for the foibwiat purposes: <br />9Yhmastr the Borrower on the 18 . day of August .19 89 . borrowed from the tender <br />ikamof Twenty Five Ths:asuand Seven Hundred Fifty and ----------------- <br />---- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- Man ($ 25,750.00 t for which <br />ran00 titre borrows hr elwcstbd said dtdive ed �• sae of mv� dwe. bemntg <br />wrlr« ei Me rate of Eight 3 Eighty/ ��er, "•�y – <br />wra . A 89 �) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />71te s1W praAapsi lusrl saaerest siW be pyaDk a tk office of Home Savings and Loan Association of <br />is Grand Ts l a pd v 221 South Locust , or at such other plane as the holder of the note <br />MY i►s .'isWWRAlmmts of TtJo HZvindred Four and ;'.1 '7/100-------- • - - - -- -- - - - - -- <br />....._-- ..--- --Ddbm ii 204.97 ). oMMeacang on the rust daty of October <br />if eg era/ na file iattt dig d drti rinitls thereatw arawii file priwdpal a1d ialerew are ftalty paid. except Ott tine (anal pytnpat ai priaciptl ' . <br />mail i 4wet, Knot almar psA sh1N be due ad payliMe as the first day of September <br />20 <br />This 101rrn a oast is corir+er Ilion wMr morlp ose insured under ft ores- to four- family programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />s r-Ofif 203ft ini!(i w !Wch repuke a t)ns -Time Mortgage Insurance Premium`Wnwrit in accordance with the reputations for those <br />prog►Maa- ' <br />toms Htl0421e24)1.1(3 ly8 edirori) <br />/mNi <br />110113 24 CFA 203.11(1) <br />