<br />01111 OF TRUST 1-04446
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. erode this , *y o1 Aj2u a t , 19.,,$„± by and ontortR_Jaj'n w r- art i,,k
<br />whose tn+eiltng'address is P O. Box 68„ Al a. NE 68810
<br />(florin "Trmlat" ), bid )SANK OF WOOD 1kI VER . alias nailing Oddness P.O. Box 487 Wood R j,urrr NC
<br />(bet'iite'Trtfite>tt °fMef "Nnefkiory "). b1311��.
<br />FOR VALUA110 CONSIMAT10N, kxkrdhsp the indebtedness irndentif4d herein and the trust herein treeloil, the rKaW of which i1 hereby
<br />aluaw%dled. Tester irrevocably grants, iransfers. conveys, and assigns to Trustee. IN TRUST. W1114 019WI R Of $MI. for the benefit and
<br />security of 1110" kitty, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of 'crust, the real property deecribwf as fellewf s
<br />Lots Ttiro (2), Three (3) 'and Four (4) in Block Twelve ( 12) Clarkron`t► Niret
<br />Addition to the Village of Aida, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TOGETHER WITH, all rants, profits, royalties. intone and other benefins dived from the teat property, all looses or subleases covering the
<br />real property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing or entered .v *a, and oil right, title and interest of Trustor thereunder, oil in-
<br />forests, estate or other claims, both in low and in equity, which Trustor now has or maf,fiereaf ter acquire in the real property, oil easements.
<br />rights -of -way, tenements, heroditoments and appurtenances thereof and Iforstor aif+ ail and pas rights oral profits, water rights and water
<br />stocks all right, title and interest of Trustor, now owned or hereafter ocqui ed, in orsrf to any lornd lying within the right -of -way of any street or
<br />highwolr adjoining the red property, any and ON buildings, fixtures, imprev"wrnts, and appurtenances now or hereafter erected thereon or
<br />bolorgh thereto, (herein referred to as "improv~1" or "lraprovemerlxs" ); and any and all owords mode for the tokkV by emilient dotrfain
<br />or by an proceeding or purchase in law thereof, of the whole or any port of the real pr@W. If.
<br />All of the foregoing estate, property and interest hereby cornveyed to Trustee herein aelWively referred to as the "Properly ",
<br />(o) The merit of Indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even dote herewith in the principal sum of Seven Thouennd
<br />�,_ .._ __
<br />ive Hundred and no /100 --- .------- - - - -_- _________ 7 500.00
<br />. �.:Dotbrs Ii e_.. - .....__.1.
<br />together with interest of the rote or rotes provided therein, (herein, together with any and ON renewals, modifications, oral extensions thereof,
<br />relerted to as the "Hots ") both principal and interest on the Note being payable in occordontce with the firms set forth therein, teferenct to
<br />which is hereby mode, the final payment of principal and. interest, if not sooner paid and if no renewals, modifications or extensions are mado,
<br />due and payable on-
<br />(b) The perforn+ornce of each l and covenont of Trustor herein contained, oral
<br />(c) The poyawnt of any sum or sums of money with interest thereon wtrkh may be hereafter paid or advanced wider rte terms of this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />(d) The payment of any future odmxes necessary to protect the security or any future advance node of the option of the parties; and
<br />(e) The performaxI of on obligation of any other person named Tin this Trust Deed too beneficiary.
<br />t. F* sal of Frbil:4 f said Interest. Truster shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Hot,;;, itnwl,all other doges and fees as provided in the Note, od the principal of and interest on any future Advances secured by this Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />2,W40e4ety of limit. Truster is lawfully seized and possessed of good and itrdefeasible title and estate to the Properly hereby conveyed find
<br />ha l t - ttyT+1 to grans and co v the Property, the Property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except liens now of record; a ld
<br />Try wr'wiT - worront and defend the title to the Property against all cloinfs and demarnds.
<br />3. Me�ll0.0M f 0W Q - prersee wilt lens. Trustor sholi keep the Property in good conditial rrfnd repair and Shull not commit waste or pet nut
<br />invoi rnMnt or deftri441ion of the properly and shell comply with the provisions of any lease if this Used of Trust is an u lausellukl, No unlnave•
<br />'amrntl tinev'or hereel`tar traded upon the Property shall be offered, removed or d malisloed without Ilse piiur written cunsent of Oenefidwy.
<br />rrnieto's6lil comply whh aN lows, ordirmmes, regulations, covenants. conditions and restrictions affecting tine Property anal not comilsft, +ulfcr,
<br />air pfd nif'!40y.oct to be donne in or agars the Properly in violation of any law, ordinance, regutution, coverwnt, co►diliun at restriction. fruslot
<br />:a�ie 9;01s1*141 or restore prOmplly onnd in good workmornliks manner any improvement on the turoperty which nmy be dunloged or destroyed untf
<br />agate dot alt'dakno. for low twfeFl!!!d o!r! ft-r -d thwetwe send Iw any alterations itf<reof.
<br />! . " :filis�rMte. Tr. .11th. of Its expense, will maintain with insurors approved by Beneficiary. insutwito with respect to the Improvements and
<br />y +lib, ll operty; constifutirq the property, oyoinst loss by lire, lightning, tornado, and otiwr perils ail huuxds covered Dry sfadmd extentled
<br />c njprtt+derserr►ertl, in ONORI rtt *gaol to of ktost on fuldred percent of the full iepkxeroent vutue 11101001 (std iusurafKO ogams► such
<br />L 401* 0ards tend killwh amounts as is tustomorily coaled by owners arid operutors of sm for properties of as 8enef it.lur y usuy ieliuire for its
<br />,Vmfooion, Trustar W, M comply with such other reryuirer erlts as beneficiary may from Into to title request for flit protection by insuralKe of the
<br />:filt0rrs 3~f i ,the ifts0ctive porties. All insururKe policies mainfuined pursuan! Ili this Oced of Rust Shull nffille It U001 cold Ileflelti filly ns al
<br />itis'j.)_a*..41)& rttspetfiv* interests m0j (3pptar, aryl prOvid# that ftnere, S11all be i,u tunceiiasran ar rncdit canon wrthtttd f,o 1(4 It tl,tut f ti tt_tyS
<br />p6or.yAr01,0e•ttotifi(ation to BenefickNy. in the event ftnypah(y heltundtr tS frol relmned mt(,f hehov 11, dties piito to its etptttag),, date
<br />� t °%'tyi9!jt lr# Suth hlsuromo in f accoMance with the plOvisi0tls Of pula,,41uptr I Lefe"J. Tti,;I,u aridl de!,ver to I)et,lrl;: !,fly '::r, , ;f %jt:,u;
<br />paticiltt,04> 1;''': JrS7r!!' tat de too walsIf fereafarniUlna((4-iiisof t- 11thpoli ltevG1idfB";Pwn13IMtcri,f fq:it Oter l;i+t,ttt +:,;Inti,,,lrltntatry i`:.tC., „
<br />re►leflrtj40 riw",FA 4 hereunder steel. at the option of Belwhtiary, crpilijute a rl©fuult
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