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200108412 <br />KEEP CLEAR OF TREES, ROOTS, BRUSH AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS FROM <br />THE SURFACE OF SUCH EASEMENT AREA. <br />LOTS ONE (1), TWO (2), THREE (3), FOUR (4) AND FIVE (5), INCLUSIVE, <br />REED'S SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES <br />GRANTED UNDER ONE CERTAIN LICENSE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE FOR HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA, ON APRIL 13, 1972 IN BOOK 23, MISCELLANEOUS <br />RECORDS, AT PAGE 29. <br />WHEREAS, Borrower has requested that interest be converted to a fixed rate rather than <br />the variable rate specified by such Deed of Trust with Adjustable Rate Rider and that the stated <br />maturity date be also hereby modified; <br />WHEREAS, Lender is willing to convert such variable rate loan into a fixed rate loan to <br />be secured by such Deed of Trust with Adjustable Rate Rider and modify the existing maturity <br />date; <br />WHEREAS, Borrower and Lender hereby desire to amend the existing Deed of Trust <br />with Adjustable Rate Rider identified hereinabove to provide that it shall continue to secure the <br />presently remaining indebtedness from and after the date hereinafter specified together with a <br />fixed rate of interest rather than a variable rate as originally set forth in such Adjustable Rate <br />Rider; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: <br />1. Interest Rate and Maturity Modification. Commencing effective September 1 , <br />2001, the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust with Adjustable Rate Rider hereinabove <br />identified shall accrue interest at a fixed rate of Seven and Five Eights percent (7.625 %) <br />throughout the remaining term of such indebtedness and, notwithstanding the provisions <br />contained in the Adjustable Rate Rider, there shall be no further adjustments to such interest rate <br />except as follows: <br />Lender is further granted the right to accelerate maturity of the indebtedness <br />evidenced by this Promissory Note and to declare the then remaining principal balance, together <br />with accrued interest, to be due and payable on August 1, 2006 , upon written notice to the <br />undersigned of such election by Lender given not less than ninety (90) days prior to such date <br />and also is hereby granted the right to adjust the interest rate on such date set forth in this <br />paragraph upon written notice to the undersigned of such election by Lender given not less than <br />thirty (30) days prior to such date. The final maturity of such indebtedness as modified, secured <br />by such Deed of Trust shall be August 1 , 2016, notwithstanding any other date of maturity <br />which may have been specified in the Deed of Trust hereinabove identified. <br />