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r. <br />L <br />S <br />a <br />Adak <br />x <br />JIVE %C <br />UNIFORM CovFNA%TS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Prepayment WW tAte C1targes. Borrower shall promptly pay when due <br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the note. <br />2. Faads for Tastes and insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note. until the Note is paid in full, a sum (-Funds') equal to <br />one-twelfth of. (a) yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security instrument; (b) yearly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurance premiums, if any. These items are called "escrow items." Lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />basis ofcurrent data and reasor the estimates of future escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br />Linder may not charge for holding and applying the Funds; analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge.. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />' req, i-res. interest to be paid, Lender shall rot be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Fund.,; was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br />this.Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by' Lender, together with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of the escrow items, shall ext_dthe amount: required to pay the escrnvv items when due, theexcessshall be. <br />tens Q." er's option, either promptly repaid; to BoTrtitkter or credited to Borwmer on monthly payments of Funds. IEthe <br />`Z-- Y;1rat of the Frmds held by Lender is nrt=3ufficient to pay the escra m items when due. Borrower shall pay to Lender any <br />a rzu. � necessary to make up the deficiency in one or more payments as required bti Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thiA iiecunty Instrument. Le-rder shall promptly refLud to Borrower <br />arty funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Pnrperty is sold or acquircl1by Lender. Lender sh ttl &ply, no later <br />than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by Lender at the time of <br />application as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br />3. AMifieation of Payments. Ut,nkns applicable law provides otherwise, all payrncw -s received by Lender unds:r <br />paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied: first. T.-'ate charges due under t� Note; aecsirci. to prepayment charges due undee.• Pfae: <br />Note; third, to amounts payable under paragraph 2; fourth, to interest due; and iitai;. ro'principal due. <br />t4. Chats Liens. Borrower s!i4 l pay all taxes, assessrtt �;'ilssas�� � ii-:cs and impositions attributable t,ati`te <br />Property which may attain priority over. dbas Security Instrurres;t;, sac leasehold payments or grvwa! rents, if f14,; <br />Borrower shall pay these obligations in its t.,alnner provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that tri aarwr, Borrower shall <br />pay them on time directly to the person owk�d pay meet. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender apt iniiZes of amounts <br />to. br -paid under this paragraph. if Borrower make -, V -ese payments directly. Burrower shall prompt Ly:ffaa ;ish to Lender <br />ro.' tsevidencing the payments. <br />Borrower shall promptly dischargcany hen which has priority over this Security ln, .tnlment unless Borrower: (a) <br />agrees in wni[a;,y;to the payment of the Wl.sation secured by the lien u► a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in good <br />faith the lien h!l; c defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which to the Lender's opinion operate to <br />prevent the enforcement ofthe. lien or forfeiture of any part of the Property. or (ct secures from the holder of the lien an <br />agreement satisfactory to l-ch icr subordinating the lien to this Security instruirimt. if Lender determines that any part of <br />the Property es, *ubjert to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. Lender may give Borrower a <br />notice identif)iog the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take tine or more of the act r, n,. 4o forth above within 10 day s <br />of the giving of notice. <br />S. Hazard Insurance. Burrower shall keep the improvement% now cR•i:st i ^ ; or hereafter erected* on the Property <br />intc:red against loss by tire, hazards included within the tern "extended co,. eraz!r-and any o: her hazards hir which Lender <br />requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and .::r :he peri •sfs that Lender requires. The <br />insurance carrier providing the to %urance shall he chosen by Il r.mwer subject to Lcnde:�� approval which shall n`in,be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br />All insurance policies and renewals %hall he acceptable to Le'tiIer aSirs s all include a standard mortgage cliase, <br />l.enrler ,.hail have the right to hold the poltclr%and renewah. If I&nder net w,u'ay., Borrower %hall promptly give to lender <br />all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notice%. In the event of forrower %hall give prompt notice to the insurance <br />carrier and lender may make proof of loss if not made prowl;+iy by Borrower. <br />Unless I-!. ider and BPirower otherwise agree III Writing. Ifl -+ 'tJJ1Ce prUCCCJS %hall he applied to restoration or rt�itir <br />of the Property vamaged. if the restoration of repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is am lessened. If the <br />restoratair► or repair i% not economically feasible i+r Lender's secant) would be lessened, the instiranz; t pr,(,ceeds shall be <br />applied to the swn% secured by this Security Instrument, whether or riot then due, with any excess , xd to Borrower. If <br />Borrower audit dons the Properly, or ducts• wa answer vi ithin arid, ": )s it notice from bender that the insurance carrier has <br />offered to settl'a. a> cia►m. then lender map co,11ect the insurance Err cerr)',. Lender may use 04.11roceeds to repair or t:cnic-rre <br />the Properly or to pay citrus secured by lnls SCCt racy !n %trllliletlt. whether or not then due. The 30-day period will 1svgpn <br />when the notice is given <br />Unless Lender and borrower otherwise agree in %riling. any aipplicattml i :f procceds to prmcipat shall not exte -nd or <br />postpone the d1.�s date of the monthly pa} merits referred to uI para asa;phs 1 and Or change the amount of the p,*ral;titk. If <br />under paragr:tal?dv 19 the Property is acqnircd by Lender. Borrower's r•:ght to and alsurart.+r, policies and proceeds r,:iallling <br />from damageio the Property prior ral;ltie acqummin %hall pa,.,, to Louder do -f t'h:at yt :m4 secured by thi% Selrurity <br />%instrument immediately prior to the u4iiisition <br />6. Preservation and lfaintemsice of Property; Leaseholds. Borrower %hall riot r;-atrl +y. damage or suhstanaally <br />change the Wi*miy. allow the Pro{xwti : to deteriorate or con, :rid• waste. If this Security" is %trument i% on a leasehold, <br />Borrower 0,lil u smply with the pry -jw^ ; -it of the leave. and if H,;ri•i;'wvr acquire% fee title to. dae Property, the leasehold mid <br />fec title shall nisi merge Unless Lender agrees nu the merger n► u riling. <br />7. Protection of Imider's Rights in the Property: S1tlrtgnite Insurance. if Borroower f il% to perfivint the <br />covenants and agrecrrerrs.ut"Ctamed in tills Security Irt%trunrent, or there I% a legal proceeding that may %ignificantly a1fC4;1 <br />Lender's righda,ti o the Pr,T;rrty (such a% a procceding In hankruptv?. probate. for cOaufeuulatton or tt, enforce ter <br />regulatiemq'r.4ivit,Lender may doandpay for whate%ct i%t,eccv any tnprote :t the value of the Property and t ceder "4 iipbr% <br />m the Prolx- ly. lender's action, may tncludc paving aunt %U;tl% SCCUICd by it It--'n v►huh has pr111rlf% 016er till', tii,°4%01% <br />Instrument.appeanng to Court, paying reasonable attorney.' fee%and entering tin the Prorert% to make repair% Although <br />Vender may lake action under this paragraph 7, Lender di" tit,t have tado so <br />Ant amount%dt%hursedtby lender under tht %pmdgraph 7',h311 1>C.omeaddtt+raal debt of lforlourr secured by till'. <br />Sri: urny In,lruruettt Unle % Hof alId I endLt agree tt) other ternlvof pa'. tficse alilouIit% 4A hear nlrCrro fro 11T <br />ilie date of disibummient ill the ', VIC VOC dilit 0.111 IT pJSHhIC. alfh Y- wctc�f. tipwt 11c -I!,C tff1.11 1 , fit 1;'I r, - 11.11,110.Cr <br />reque:ttt+g twayincnt <br />..1 <br />.s <br />ttittt <br />-4 ~ <br />i <br />t <br />-4 ~ <br />