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14. Upon acoe&stion under paragraph 13 or abaedordneht of <br />the Property. Lender (in person. by Wnt or by jtsdit:iauy ap• <br />pointed receiver) sheep be entitled to enter upon, take Possession d <br />and matttqpe�_ the Property and to collect the'rents of the Property <br />including those pat due, Any rents collected by Lender or the <br />receiver " beL &POW rut to payments of the costs of manage- <br />went of tip Property and col6 -ction of rents, iudwft. but not <br />limited to. receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds attd ' . <br />reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums secured by this <br />intrimmos. <br />15. Upon payaoent of aH sums smWed by this instnupent, <br />1 1 <br />- -- <br />hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this <br />i,- strutnent is recorded. Without convo2nce of the Property, the <br />f . succesccw tr�wcc,shtlt succeed to all.the 0*,:pqwer and dutws <br />conferred ujv- tt q Trostoe bati and by. a ixi taiv. <br />•17.8cxravver requests `that 4 4tt_otttrt a'tattc?ts of default attd <br />sale be-sm: to Borrower's **A-4 d.'tftCPtpperty Address' = <br />tii. )f: untr or inore riders are eYOrrttt# bY'itrr.7tc(c*rd- <br />ed to�teritrx4ttl..thas <br />of <br />instnim[nt.:ilrc,'Crn>~rtariit �art•tf�eatis. <br />each stsch.ride shall anti in:orlwAit4,into•rurd shalt amend'$N <br />supplement:thr �c*%vntu►ts and fgriranefitr df this instrument Iii 'if <br />L.esider shad request Trustee to reconvey the Property am shall the riders) werss,t► past ofIthis ittttftit�iaertt. <br />surrender No instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by <br />this instrun mt to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property 19. the coveJsaritu i►txtitt :xatt:kititat shalt bind, and the benefits <br />without warranty and without charge-to the person or persons and adswt�s ilW iftttie to,.thi!tcs wmve heirs, executors. ad- <br />leSaAy entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any records- ministrttitom su;:cessors, and 26.sijtj; _ltif'the parties hem *. <br />tim costs. tvhettever used. the singuisr�aulin tai . .400 k.the plural. the <br />!oral t fie singular. srtti tlu use of any `''' shalt include all <br />D 1fi'+' ; ..: <br />16, Lender, at ins option, msy from time to time remove genders. <br />Tt'ttstee and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed <br />By sipingft t*w_., $msra^5ea accepts and agrees to the terms covenants contained•in cteas&4sritr Instrument anon any rider(s) ex- <br />ecuted by A4+*Nwtr :ttyxi ta.tded with it.'t �:. h. c <br />KIMERLY K REC)WR) t X11. . <br />-- - Borrower <br />Pipe 4 pl 5• , r MM 9214630T <br />• 4 <br />U <br />