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SM9.0f Nab lM geed of Trust <br />321 - 1341427-748 <br />1 T16 iMM M Trsar. ('Security Instrument ") is made on Ata"t 17 <br />19 8g . The trustor is KINWRLY K W001 ff'; E PERSON <br />t" B+xrower• ). The trustee i!: : <br />CDIlEIICIAL FEDERAL SANIN65 AIR? LOAN ASSOCIATION (­Trustee"), The benctdary is <br />COLUMJS FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK , which It orgainited AW retesting <br />under the hers of NE8ftASM . and whom aitdi w is 1371 26TH AVENilE <br />COL~ V NE 66601 t "l eades "). <br />Wiiawaetr: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hetxhta`w described and cleated. amd the suer of oat Dollar <br />(51). to him in hated paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which ix hereby ackttoivk- lgt,d,. does by these presents. grant, bargain and sell, <br />convey and confirm, unto the Trustee. forever. all of the following described rra: +!slate. situated lying need bein in the County of <br />HALL . and State of Nebraska, to wit. <br />LOT EIGHT (8). IN FONNER VIEO1 SUBDIVISION, MALL. CM%TT,,WJ0RASKA. <br />� S <br />'04E' RIDERS TO THE.t)•EE0 OF TRUST ATTPCHED,l+.QET0 AM EXECUTED OF EVEN DATE HEREH1,T14 IS <br />INCODRPORATFD HEREIN MOD THE COVElWWTS dY , AGREEMENTS OF THE RIDER SHALL. AMEND t <br />SOPLE4ENT THE tx1V"ANTS AND A.&F- EMENTS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />%hict,:.i ri the address of 1032•,5 CHERRY GRAD ISLAND <br />Nebraska 0! f "Property Address "). <br />Ti0(ilirre need To HOM the premises above dilienhed. Wnh all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and ia4iwcFing all heating, <br />pluni;iOWaand fighting, fixtures and equipment raw or, Ifereafter attached to or used in connection with said t a4 estate unto the <br />Trustee. and to L%. stireeswr% and assigns, flue ww. The Borrower represents to, And covenants with, the Trustee. that the Borrower <br />has !Rood• rirght -vU sa Vasld convey said pumice;; deltathev are free from encumbrance; ant? that chi ll xrowtr *,If warrant ar,4 defend <br />the iawlii Apins? iEft ::awful claims of all perwnr wlrnttuoever, and the said Borrower hereby retinquisfie's 4 rlth6it of homestead, and <br />all ,t a!%t A rights, either in blew eerier equity. acid affathei contingent interests of tht Borrower in and to the :a>f; w4m escribed premises. <br />the r wifarion being to convey lx ;i'by an absoiuta title. in fee simple. including all rights of homestead. artA (itrai..• tights and interests <br />as &i'&aaid. <br />MvMtsd Alwa3s, and these preserits are cNeL tted and delitiered unto the Trustee. in trust, howovr.for the following purposes: <br />Whitimm. the &wfoito on the 17th , day Of August .19 89 , by ^rowed from the Lender <br />the 'Of Forty-Eigt►t Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and ----------- - - <br />Dollars li r Nab /100 <br />.,—..,.,.... _---------- -------------- - - - - -- <8.450.00 ). for which ` <br />sum the Borrower has ex ctLLt •d and delivered to the Lender Barrow r'c promissory ncte of even dare, bearing <br />interest at the rated Ef qht and E ightYp&WM#1pndrt! the 8.9M ro) per anr,:m on the unpaid balance utf g paid. <br />The said prittcipW av4 interest shall be payable at the office of COLUI"1BU5 FEDERAL. 9WINGS BANK <br />in COLA MUS. NE or at such other place kv. t•ito.holder of the note <br />may desirnatt in wtiting, ir, M%Thl.� inslallnienti of ThTee Hundred Eighty -Five and .67/1[X1` --• - - - - -- - -__ -_ <br />,. .moo -_. —_ loltars t£, �a 1, commencing on the fart ±ds'of' nn��..ttn�yh,ww <br />19 — , gad on the first day of each inonth thc°tTa�e�Until the principal and interest are fully paid. ctteet,o t?Sar Tlft�fR1T' !tytment of <br />and interest. if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of <br />September 2f) 19. <br />This tome is vb4d its cones imir with moripag" rrisured under the are• to fcur Wmly prograims of the National Housing Act %fifth Oro- <br />vide for paKWK Mongape insurame Premium payments. <br />_ Fuim HUD-9214"T (1x87 Edition► <br />Page t of 5 ' 24CFR 203.11(&) <br />Repnrsted 2-88 <br />a� <br />ly <br />Y <br />S <br />I <br />