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L <br />104384 <br />.MORTGAGE <br />9th August 89 ;;,� . �„ . <br />"its ntiQliidZUl .etas this ds7 of .' If . <br />Martin J. Bartling and Connie M. Bartlinge Husband and Wife <br />Hall CoaatY. hlatraatu. ea tnenaa$or S - -- reed ffeate Fed" Savings and Law Ae dodas ddsad find. a ewI ' Mlmt <br />ayaaiad sad esieft uesdtt tits tars of the Us" SWes of America with IN principal OMN aid gioe et Nteissse at <iraMd liaad. fIMraaha. as <br />oartgttSrr <br />MMESS 771: liaattttideroatgagars .fa and inconsidifulmofdestan; ten Thousand and na /100- - - - - -- <br />- »------------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 1'0 t►0MJ30 <br />tbentsipta [.ri�isberebiradtao.led�ed.doS — b7t�Dr s WteNW-01 "MUM �eet�M .,itewooeatateMdneirte. <br />farea0r. a$ the faffowiry Qeeibd teal estate. situated in the lbtmlY of �•�:�— - <br />stsd 9taeeof t�rbrarba. to•rM <br />test- 'Eight (B) in Block One (t;.e in Southern Acres Addition to the City of Grand <br />is3" nd, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />zmgtltc' W with all Mating, air coedamoo ref. ligbU". end plumbing equipment erw futturm. including scram. owninp. atom windows and <br />,. %ad window shades or blends, used on or in conrtactoon with said propeny, whether the saere am now located on mid prc;tedY or hereafter <br />pieced tbaeos• <br />TO HAVE AND TD HOLD THE SAME. together with all and sinj Vw ciao+ tanonertts, hwdiumrnts and ppurgnatia0 thatwttW IJO-, <br />begirt$, or in anywiaa appestaiatM, forever. and wurant the title to j:*- tenth. Said morgagior s -- -• -- may eftenarAr', Wi6 ` iar�lii <br />a0ortgape that t he V at the delivery hereof. the Ltt t•� sets: of the premises above conveyed end described, <br />are_... of a rooK� weit:9odstsseibie *east# of inbatatsnwt Lltstein. pre asL! ,;*w of all ow mbnaoss. and that. lug will <br />wwrast ed ddied tM title tbaNsu4Yarever agaiaat the claims and dentande of all pond w *4WW4oav0r. <br />MVIDED of& -WAYS, and tbia instrummi; uaai:uted and delivered W tMe "the psynssat of the sum of -- -_. <br />_ Dollars ls<_ i' <br />nQ% �Q�— �- _•----- .------- _.- - .cr - - - -- <br />{ iritb iaasreat thtrees, together with such cMrgw and advances: era *nay he due and payable to said rnongagee under the terms snd' n; k ;: <br />of the pmenja ary mote M even date herewith and secured nrt* -y. vsacuted by said murtgy,[ i. -- to said mortgspa, payabb u esltiasied <br />is am now. Mid to secure the performance of all the tarxe and conditioas contained tbtww- The terms of mid note are hwaby incoribWod <br />Weis by this -derees. <br />it M the Wsatim ad se esatset of an parties hsrao that this maatpaw aila t W o satutw say future ad+nosves seeds to said naortga$i r <br />by said wertppe, std any sad di. iradsbtadrtMS in MW&taon ts• The smount above stated wUd, raid mortatows, or airy of tbm. may owe to <br />said•arestgfattsa, however evidwosfi vvba w by note. boob scovw- or otherwise. This nwr4W 0MA reatsls in full false aired effect between <br />the pasitin borew and tbsir hairs. yertossl r�rtasnutives, *wma*on and assig ". until aU amounts ssNred Mroundw. including{ future <br />sdvaaese. sou W in Wll with saaand. <br />TIs matpaw `3,.._ bseby arrige • 5 to weed morWW all note nod incase$ swot$ at any avid #J1 tie" frem said property and <br />booby autlewise said mr400m of its spat. at its option. up w default. to take sharp M said property and collect XU rents and income <br />thmeirem and opOly do sons us, oaDassat of tnuswt. RritauPal. insusasce ptesivans. tease. uaeasntasts. tepiint of intprovutwtts <br />y y Marls with pts�t�i heat ftitMiaMalls sesrs, wtsatMlirt tdtarrus ar My a ltw'w br lateen a is the sow; kw*y arrewed. Tbie <br />nett arsigamast aitsi► e0etieer r bee» calif the uttpsid baiaars of stied note in laity paid. TM taking of poasss ern hannaidloisMil in ne www" <br />pnvaat or retar4 well ma 4pww is 00 Collection of said suer by fore kwure or otherwise. <br />T" faitun ed the stoaypgns Rea aeaaet any of its rots her"ader at any time shall not be construed 110 s waiver of its right to 4"W44110 <br />011100 at say later time. seed to MW upon sent egkTa st-tist cJanpitance with all the cartels and provisions of wd now and of this mortgage. <br />it said OWpSwS O W r�etw t& ba. paid to aid mwtgsgw tb antmn anent due it hereunder. and under the teens and provisions <br />of aid ease booby reared, iseltWft &M um at�,rastrats. sad any eateasioets a nwaval0 thereof in aocordanoe with tM terms and provisions <br />tbsseal. as/ Y $Mid naApgfar �.., - Sheath eaasryfy with ad tbo prnvisiorn d said seate read of tw atwrww, tbsn thetas pretests abed be void: <br />aabaswin r s�sis ila w feces asfatfiea .and said wtrtppa.baU ba eatatleal to the paeeeaion of aD M raid prgwty, and alley. at lee egtion. <br />dsdaw ells oub of nail tarts W atli ira nos na seMweMSif ttawasy w be lssdneteiy dw well payr'uk. seal M-0 U- l; --a t hiz a -ti qP <br />W tabs arty aabe bed ashen M paw Na eight. Appr boo tt waived. <br />Tbie mp%W ehal be biting wpm sod shall enure to the becelit of the hairs, executors, administrators. successors and swtsiigtts of the <br />1"" tre'pwdw itasrlo. <br />IN WI NEW WHEREOF. Zwksmfitor. b e 1UP _ herwtnto Beet tapir haed � the day and year twat above <br />tase �� rr� IV l e <br />1� <br />I <br />4k <br />i' <br />4 <br />1- <br />