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io43s " <br />MORTGAGE <br />THIS INDEN!lAt. amps Nis 9th . august Is 89 , by sad hfewee. <br />Robert U. Woodward and Carol A. Waodhlarde Husband and Wife <br />of Hall Coaatx.Nalrafh.r►watwer S _.Wfie�sFiittalS� a/LearAwot+tiono1Otw1M�t1,aat ali� <br />erpnimd and fa--mg, oger die hares d t1e gaited 9esati of Aafrirsti srilh its priseipd office aM /lave of hseismf as orart Yn/. Ntbfmhs. IS <br />rNarta�sfa <br />WI'i1411316TR; Tlatstridfaotgitprs .foresdia sfthesion Thirty Thousand and no/100 <br />--- r---- ---- - - -r -- --------------- rr-- rr..- r--- --r- .... - -..• 301000.00 <br />t�taeai�totalydtitKtebyacksp +iryti. does �rtWapiherfsetoetpyewdwisenrteegwiitsiotl�lpe .inatc�otrrorssedaoids„ <br />toserer. V de fegeeististnbad rml tansf, tinrsaal is tkeCassex rP T Hal t <br />mdltafeotNe6tmi�. osswii; r .• <br />Lot Ten (10, Block Two (2) in Brentwood Subdivision in the City of Grand Island.. <br />Hall County.'Nebraska. <br />Tamed w with aU hatow. air eeaditionift, lighting. and plumbing owpmrnt and fixtures. inchwints scream, awn%sp. ols,rrrt window, and <br />deer. sad window shades or blinde. and on or in connection with said property. whabor the dams are now being an said 0apeety or hemdter <br />placed theta=. <br />TO HAVE AhU TO HOLD THE SAME. topchw with all ud sittgtffsr tM- Casements. hereftusawLt Autd appurWasaces theesuritd be. <br />lsapns. of is awpwm apportsin m. fmssvef, No Warrant tlr: Me, W Lim same. Said esaripgor5 —. booby covsaam a--; - -with said <br />at the rlelivety hsetarQ. do 4n&-C owner S. _ d the pwmime above convoyed sad described. <br />W store.. _ . shied ci • good and ifdebss"W swate of i Awksate thr"ix. ttee and door of oU soce *enae. and that the .lf .will <br />waersst and ddasd the title thsswo forever apir?ra• the elooms.awd dawsada of all persona whomsoever. <br />] PNOVIDED ALWAYS. aedtJriainatnfesesti. "Wncutaduaiit iiiiV owtoeecom the p syanstofgr rim o�.._ -:: rhjrty Th�tsand <br />i <br />wit► sat areas thaeeefr, topthor with sari sieges and advance. hs maybe des riot pay" to said raorigspoo under tbs terms and co n4itionn <br />d the peaesisewy not. of.v.. dots berewith aid Baer: ued hereby. executed by said nwrtpsor S..- _ .. to wriii: rewrtgasen. payable a etyif:t wd <br />is ssY seers. and to sears eM peftoefrsnce of st-- tbw turns and condition* coatsisad tbenin. The tent» d,, grid now we kweby ieeoraw414d <br />benia by this reiam". <br />it is the istantlra and spwmset of the Partin fwnto that this =orww W" also some tarp futrrreadvanc, made to raid nNU0604— <br />by uW =artpgse. and say std aU indebNdtans is addition to the amount abuvr stated whit'& ssW rttcrsaaogoa, or any of then. awy oral► to <br />mW martpow. however evidssaed. whether by rattan, book account or othawier.. -this rnw%gW sheU rrstaoain is NO force and dfatt: botwa+era <br />the parties -rota ad their hairs. personal repreesstatitr@a. succeeeore soot assigns. unW aU sawats wsr red Mender, ineWdiftP 0. ure <br />edeastasa are psi/ in fail with rrtarva, <br />The mmtgfwa s hmOby U04PE . . to MW nortppa. sU nets and income srtaiag at aye u4 iii ti=es bwmn MW property and <br />booby arch+ tin OW tsar too of its ymt. et its option. upon dsiaule, to take sleeps d sold perrpwty wtad edleet tit Bests and urine <br />thwdrr and ap* the asnss to the Psymew of interest. Fides. iaurrt+satas paaawm. mess, seasattmsts, twin or isprotranonto <br />reefwry rr hryr atwWprepwg i twsatahirmoiiiin, se taethfr eiwDM en'ltey(stmts prwri/ai fst Mnfiu'wr is tM falls hstatrj erwfwfl. Thin <br />tent naeiDinmt eililff;�.anlisea i• te=a oath as trapsiibobsce sf said now w {iY r paid. The t=hins d possession harourder shag in no manner <br />prerasK err retard said arorepgn <br />so. the collection of said sum by foreclosure tw otherwise. <br />The faifrf. of thf diodoWn w aiaart any of its ridrts heesuder at any time shall riot be eoastnod as a waiver of ita right to swot the <br />efm>t at soy lusr Ufa=: W to MW =pmt and eaisres KM casobasn with all the tarmo and provisions of %id sots sad of this montage. <br />If ssid atwt/twar 5 W" eases W be PW war acid martpssee the t ff mm a moult due it hefarader, arced sides tY titres snot. gevrriainna <br />41014 Oita M * fatwad. isdrd* tuba advssmw. era/ Wry exteamoas or me sM tiered in accordance With the tsars and provisiats <br />UIrIwIF,'eaad it afid mmlge�.S . slog ermpy wig ell the pssvisWsr d acid now sod of this matdap, thes these prt+tsrts shell be void: <br />' ttiiha+rira M temsis i fi=r fataaeasd dmt, rand aeaN wfristsfs slog he estitisd is the peeswien of stl oaf eadpeapsrty, soot' nix, at iu optics. <br />&3rr ebeI- A- wig —atdsE <br />sr fall enx arbor 40 WUNM to Pollan its nalk. App aismosel waiesd, <br />t this mattsf/a sia:4 bierAsg wPam sod siiY soles to tie -snarl d the heirs. a :acutnre, adeniswntorn, srnaessom std oa*ns of the <br />Lraspretana'psr[iss hareto. <br />IN WITHFAH WHENE(W. aid Maetoo r he ve � aK _their _ head _`t ter day and year first above <br />.,;<t... <br />I <br />A <br />