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- - - -- -- NON -UNIFORM COVENANTS 80tT0wer and Llltderfurtbet covenant and agree aSfOlIoY1IS .8 ---f 04354 <br />19. Aecdor lMo; Romodita. L4Ww o1mN Rile neke M Do own prier to aeaiesrodem lbliewitg t3orrowff% <br />braaebsf any co awt or tI arira'Indio Socooky Iman■wt(bt satp w taatedwodom [rider y-i pill 13 wd 17 <br />aoiam appMeahia Im FVV0 otioewlw). VW ttttttliee ddl t/teB)t. W tie dtdmdt; (b) dw adiea ree"i i to etr+ne the <br />dtd10att; (086W not M them 31 fts diem Oadttedr as dm it Mm on tlerrawn iy wldd tieda1 1ttanned[[ 4W* <br />amd (d) fiat fladiaea a cera Ilia dttdaoit ma or ialittee itb dale apadiM is tie necks attny cooed[ in soedaratierlt rift a Berme <br />"cored y dos Saeor* w rmotat aad Male st a n Prowl, Vn tactics alalt ft" Idd a Rarower or elite trigs[ ft <br />relaob" ath r weidertmian weft rw to lift a Dort aetisa sa attttart the it om ash' a &*olt ar aay odta <br />detaace at>darrawara aoadcretiaa aM aaie.Ittietiataak it asttstdea arheteratMdMcapsciidhtt flrttetlee, header <br />ft is sptiea may "wire immadiaar pay■att in Ihll of all amms amm" by fide Seeaft Lcefrratertt:' 'Nimw ft*" <br />Mmtaad and tntay ia+rke tie Mwar stealasad any atlar eameifal pmmMtd y arpiieaiitlawt, LaadM abide send" to <br />eaWet so' asspaaaar iaaorrd .i• psraaim6 tie romatlioo prsttidd is this gerawapi it, Wed dW& be met limited to, <br />raaeamaikaltcen" fmaod"oWeroksrYaairs. <br />IS the power of aide is Invok , Timm aiiaY fee" a metice of scans Is aged come" dice 1 mry pert el tie <br />Flow" fs bwmd ad tdtsY m e aapiaa of w& 01010111116 tb "low I d by applieebis raw to Oarrson and a the <br />ocher poroma l ..mod h atpliraik law. AAar tie titae rcgminM y appiiraiia Yw,xitastas sthaY jwe pmilie toceit at <br />[coda M tie Persian IM is tie mtasmtar pr+saer0 e y a//lie" hw. Trw**, w10 me doom mil an dltarrown dM @A the <br />Ptraperty atpmiiira dreipatti 10 dw "oboes[[[ de ls <br />axe K rein g - eeelead is amy enderTracteeddmdaa. Tmdoemay poatpaae sale ofad! orsay povd of tie Po eperty by <br />OWMIe i macmmeasatt tit the time aced plow of may peerioady aeieimled avtkr. Lade► or fls •da¢Ipltw way Nphomi the <br />Pteyeres.taalrstiti+t:, -� <br />Upat act 0tit3 mtemt at tie pike did. Ttroslee ohmic daiiwr is tithe weeYr t. iwrt k +i ti coal <br />s)rf" the <br />Property. Tit radpiri W. die Traatme's dad andl be prima mesa Bari!. <br />Traetes aia11 apptP tltt 0- 9- i oaiei "Id* sple I cite Atiewi■gw ar. (m) aaR a##�ci4��v3�. Mttset!i��ited <br />ts, Traclae's tae M Ie�� y appiicaiie law sad taaecmaihie a�aya'•atb? t`a.a�stis aaerrtit y [lids Setcrity ' <br />IaaaZratmeaR amd(e)mr a�memla tk ptertto� orpetttecrtslepcll)rarstitdai b ill: `. <br />211L lender to leeatasrit+m Upon acceleration under pm4nph 19 of abutdontt of the Property. Lem fin <br />person. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and mane ge the <br />Propem,+ and to collect the rents of the Property inchding those past due. Any rents collected by Lem1w or the receiver <br />shall be appli6d first to payment of the costs of fiaaMement of the Property and collection of rents. Oduding. but not <br />limited to. receiver's fees, premignts on receivers-fifaprts and reasonable attorneys' fees. an¢.then to.*4wits sexa.►0 by <br />this Security rmoi'i rnent. : `f <br />21. Rom my Upon paymeiyn 6f`all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Q"r shall Bequest °i`c wire to <br />nmovey the Property acid shall sturender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencin3 debt secumd by this �.uity <br />l"Munent to Trustee. Thafucs shall re:onvey the Property without warrantgatsd without charge to the person or persons <br />legacy entitledtoit. Suchpenm orpersons shad! pay any recordation coats. <br />22. Salem& ate Trm*w. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee aid appoint a successor m stee <br />to any Trusteegh "nted hereunder by an instrument rwAwded in the county in which this Security Instrument is'reccvded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property. the successor trustee shall strcceod to all the title. power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23. Requet for Notim lorrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to S.-qr tier's <br />address which is the Property Addreae. <br />24. Rider to this Socmrity Latraatent. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br />ths Security Instrument, the coveeants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />Qnkment the covenaaM tdsd agreements of this Security Instrument as if the riders) were a part of this Security <br />Instrument. (ChectcseWM"box(es)j <br />Ad .- iitt: &ac Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2•-4 Family Rider _ 1� <br />p Graduated ftyment Ride ❑ Mmimed Unit Oevebpmteat Rider <br />Q Othe(s) (specify} Acknowledgement <br />. BY StGNING BELow, Borrow accepts and agrees to the terms and covengram contained in this Socurity <br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executedi ►)y Borrower and recorded with it. <br />........ ......................... ........................... ...,.................... :. ..... .........................(Seal) <br />t. NennethE. Eld -+wro.w <br />....... ..............................,....... .............................'. .. b:. °fir : °vl <br />..1.. .............. <br />.(Bead) <br />Mary J. El <br />SME OF NEMASKA, Hall Cou:uy J <br />On this 9th day of August .19 88before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duty commissioned and qualified for said county. personally crime Kenneth E. Elder and Mary J. <br />Eloer. Husband and Wife . to me known to be the <br />identical persons) whose names) are subscribed -to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seat. at Grand Island, !Nebraska in said county. the <br />date oforcuid. <br />My Commission expires: <br />L <br />akwa M REQUEST FOR RECONVEYAN�E <br />riep►itrii � <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note of nutes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said note or notes. together �. <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this teed of Trust, have been paid in full. You arc hereby directed to i acme[ Jfj <br />note or notes and this Eked of Ttu -mot, which are delivered hereby. and to tc,:onvcy. without %artanty_ all the CBI.,[•_ <br />now held by s'tiu ander this flied of Trust to the Persatr tar prisons Legally entitled thercrt► <br />lute.. <br />