(] Other(s) [specify]
<br />BY SIANING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the ter s and covenants conlaiV in this Security
<br />Instrument and in any riders) exccut'a9 by Borrower and records!,+ct tJi�i;s'. 9
<br />............................................ ............................... t (Seal)
<br />L . Leh . ri..... - 8orroww
<br />................ ......................................... .......................I....... C t'1. . j ../.).. G „�r� .�J .(Seal)
<br />Susan M. Lehman - awrottw
<br />5TAlE ot; NEBRASKA. Hall ( „saris s,;
<br />On this 15th day of A67USt .19 89, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said cuut.Is., personally came Lee A. Lehman and Susan M. Lehman,
<br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, . uo file klimso to he the
<br />identical persons) whose nametsl are Subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknuwlcdecd the ctc+ution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, in said oninty. ilic
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />My Commission expires: EeA: ' J. #AMin. t i n w htta b* its . ar c : ,16 .. � .. 1 �:. f �. c .. .
<br />ti.. j Iv
<br />RI':O14ST 11 R LC'0N%'LVANCI_
<br />is ►)Nt.'11t
<br />1hI_ undrr%ignud is the hnfder W the note or nnt; � =£'t.11lvd 11. fill'. 111,"A t +I t ttl•.t Said r1,'fc .Ii III *It:,. 70111011t I
<br />uitlt cttlrrth! r nxtcbt:dnc4.4c'mcd hi, II1N 11:'ftl fit 1111%1' hi-oc ht't•11 p,rrtl Ill still tints ati: lict0ty dItctfat trl I!ICCi' -fid
<br />torte or notCi and tink thett of frtolt. +:1ltt.tl .ere tltaMi' red IM 011L. an .t t,. ?;: ,Ot;%(” m+ Il,tnit n.11 III tt.c `•..tl
<br />t1:Itt 1101.1 PIv y0tl UlU Ct r11k IkCd Vf !rust fit alf.• tit rot III I It il;-r+Ittl. tc dart! tit. ill!'! 11, _ti 1..
<br />tia1C ,
<br />AN
<br />t'
<br />t
<br />89-111111111104347
<br />NON•UNiPORM CovENwN7& Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1!. Aimwaimi; Ra wars. Leader sbdl give owee to Borrower Poore to week n" " followiittg Borrower's
<br />one otany covesitiat or agrteesaat in this Security tnstruaseat (but tat prior to acceleration wader paragraph 13 and 17
<br />ralae appalleabie law provNa atierwire). Tit notice shall specify: (a) the dehalh M the action required to tare the
<br />dettaalt; (e) a dote, trot leas fiat! 30 des irea Se date the notice Is given to Borrower, !y wild tie defla t most be cared;
<br />r, wind (d) fist 6Rnre to c�tr+e the deM 11 on or btdae t4 date eyed" in tie isatlee say rmh is acceleration of be trwas
<br />secoai by ft Smu ty Ia&usoat mind sole of tie Prepiw*. T1w soda shall ttte8eer hform Borrower of tie riot to
<br />reiaMatt alien scalersiiaa anti the rWit to Wft s court iteetion to assert the na•existe nim of a,defialt or slay otter
<br />defense of ftrower to soxekratiow and tttaie. It flee tlehedt is toot cared of or before tit fate spxUW In floe ttotiee, Leader
<br />at Its optiois mW requite immediate -paymm in 69 of all aattns was by tics Stearity Iuhtstneat witiont harrier
<br />dso vivid and note ia"ke tie pewee st sale sad weir ether remedies peratitted ley ap olii: bk law. Loader tdiall be entitled to
<br />collect ail expanse loan" in parwoisg fir remedies pow" is this poop sob It. imcheiiwg but aot Unifted to,
<br />riwaabkattiaraeys 'kaagieoslse�€tidetviience. : �: . .
<br />Ii the pewee of sde b invoked, Te nstse siaU: accord` s, eoatlte of dtebtpoit 3i;n atleit caorni2► jn: rrl)it: wry ptiat of the
<br />Ptroperty is isi:ood andattinnrli mail copies of nfaeiti ai" is tie nsaner prewwww0w teia to amt -ewer Land to tie
<br />osier Peron ptreseriilito� !)^spplieaiie law. Afirti t4ire required by ttrp*Iha$Ie law. True_ alttitiSi pteblic notice of
<br />S& to tilt 0.001 iiew,* 10-0t atlmow peseribt&- k,- *plieable law. Trustee, witboat desieii d+1 aw"'Fier, shall sell the
<br />i�*aperty'ti; tistia tp tic r at tit: dlsae wad lace wad wader the set nna tedi iA the ao atfiraie is
<br />*Moir ttesM jift*tieei in asy orde+rTh* t determlate& Trosfee *ay postpone safe tr . W riot any paml of the Pro oe�r#y; by
<br />i1 ouienoaucetsteitt` it doe time sied=plpce of any previously scbeduled p Le sderi r its daigaee rosy pares the
<br />lN4mPeety at any, sale. ;..
<br />Upotn receipt of poidriotent ttf tSit Price 6ii. T'trtesta slttii dt it+ea f .tiii�t parr6 w Traztee s deed conrayfajL the "..;.. .
<br />Property. Tie redtah is the trwiWIF6wd sits!! be pirisw evidenci of the ft* of the stateumtst atdit:tlii'w .
<br />1'netse abalifiltjriytie Procteds:aftiioii� in the toaowi:� (a) to all t :Pensa oltiesale, iaclttditip, batsaltlitnited
<br />,.
<br />to. TrnsWA !trot ae pena[tt o b�? 40k" law anti masotrnbie attorneys' fees; tb) to all sates secured by this Security
<br />Iteatrwmeuh M d (e) veg a to the Perron or peraloaa Itolly entitled to It
<br />20. Grader to 06SWWon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in
<br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, taka possession of and manage the
<br />Property and to collect the rents of.t#k.Property including those past due. Any rents: collbcted by Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied dint to psrntent of the cats. of ml nsgentent of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees:, p0aniums-siri mteiver'4rtsmds and reasonable atwnneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security lnstrrzcgtasf
<br />21. lilaf am"yaace. Upon paymm –t of all sums "secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />.
<br />reeonvey the Vroperty and shall surrender this Security instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br />22. State Treater. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.
<br />Without conveyance of the Property. ulte successor trustee shall., wcceed to all the title. power and duties conferred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower regur.sv, that copies of the exaulam of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />24. Rciders to" Security Iastraueest. VI—we or more r4mare ieV=' 1_9.ed by Borrower and me x— J d toget hl r,with
<br />this Seeurhr Instrument. the covenants and agre=r ^.:s of each such ri&rr !,all be incorporated intQu5•M shall ifaatisst) itnd
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of tluK `security Instrument lot ;: the rider(s) were a pw?. of this Security '.
<br />Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)]
<br />[3 Adjustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider 132.4 family Rider
<br />L_1 Graduated Payment Rider G1 Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />(] Other(s) [specify]
<br />BY SIANING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the ter s and covenants conlaiV in this Security
<br />Instrument and in any riders) exccut'a9 by Borrower and records!,+ct tJi�i;s'. 9
<br />............................................ ............................... t (Seal)
<br />L . Leh . ri..... - 8orroww
<br />................ ......................................... .......................I....... C t'1. . j ../.).. G „�r� .�J .(Seal)
<br />Susan M. Lehman - awrottw
<br />5TAlE ot; NEBRASKA. Hall ( „saris s,;
<br />On this 15th day of A67USt .19 89, before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said cuut.Is., personally came Lee A. Lehman and Susan M. Lehman,
<br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, . uo file klimso to he the
<br />identical persons) whose nametsl are Subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknuwlcdecd the ctc+ution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, in said oninty. ilic
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />My Commission expires: EeA: ' J. #AMin. t i n w htta b* its . ar c : ,16 .. � .. 1 �:. f �. c .. .
<br />ti.. j Iv
<br />RI':O14ST 11 R LC'0N%'LVANCI_
<br />is ►)Nt.'11t
<br />1hI_ undrr%ignud is the hnfder W the note or nnt; � =£'t.11lvd 11. fill'. 111,"A t +I t ttl•.t Said r1,'fc .Ii III *It:,. 70111011t I
<br />uitlt cttlrrth! r nxtcbt:dnc4.4c'mcd hi, II1N 11:'ftl fit 1111%1' hi-oc ht't•11 p,rrtl Ill still tints ati: lict0ty dItctfat trl I!ICCi' -fid
<br />torte or notCi and tink thett of frtolt. +:1ltt.tl .ere tltaMi' red IM 011L. an .t t,. ?;: ,Ot;%(” m+ Il,tnit n.11 III tt.c `•..tl
<br />t1:Itt 1101.1 PIv y0tl UlU Ct r11k IkCd Vf !rust fit alf.• tit rot III I It il;-r+Ittl. tc dart! tit. ill!'! 11, _ti 1..
<br />tia1C ,
<br />AN
<br />t'
<br />t
<br />