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1 <br />71RUSr oli:>sD 0.104336 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and ended intp this - day of augta<at , IM Midi he L�ltoy A. Lataburg and Franc•ir I.a•b TRW Title Insur�tnca,Conpatty. <br />�` � an • as o nt enants u ttstt7r, and , Trtatoe, <br />F Security Pacific Financial S•rvlcaa of Iot *nWary <br />, <br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor does by these presents grant bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale unto the <br />Trmlee the following dowrited Real Lstate inchtdirtg all buiidit'tg4, imp overnents and fixtures of every kind new or hereafter erected or <br />plawd an tilt: ttal estate, situated in !tall County. in the State of Nebraska: <br />Lot 2. in Fractional Black 12 in Joehnek's Addition to CLtyy of Grand Island, <br />Nall County, Nebraska. <br />' and possession of said premises is now delivered unto said Trustee; <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. with all. M. btx, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Trustee, his executom <br />administrators. heirs and assigns forever. And the Tmt).r hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes unto the Trustee all right. <br />title. claim, imerest, benefit, and estate whatever, in ;ir ii i ca ttx ;.b.:ve- described premises and each and every part thereof: which is given <br />by or resu {ti from all laws of the State of Nebraska perming wc�O,.- exemption of homestead. And the Trustor covenants with the Trustee <br />that he will fvever warrant and defend the title to ul', !wme against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />IN TRUST HOWE- Vl:li, for the following described purposes: To secure full and prompt performance (ii' AV. the terms and condi- <br />tions of that <br />❑ Revolving !.cyan Agreement of et,en Sari• herewith fincluding particularly, but not exclusively, prompt payment of all sums <br />which are or may become payable from nn -c.ito taint thereunder) and.wny extensions, renewals, modifications or refinancings thereof. <br />which Revolving Loam Agreement obligates &- nefician:, &-.0ject rs`:he conditions stated therein, to adrunce to Trustor up to <br />$ plus finance and olherdwrg& <br />® Nude of even date herewith, in the Gnnr`�j,�r=' '.sir.,' �ti Ii S..$ payable in monthly installments of principal <br />and interest. with the balance of the if not soi►nerVAittlidue and payable on a MA96 .... <br />it is agreed by and between pave,—, hereto f!)at until filing of Notiee.of [kfauft ft. ,rr Trustor shall: (1) ray azf present and future <br />taxes and assessments. general and special. aptma° sinW .property before the sltfi1mt becorxtes dehnquerl� ,or iectionable: (2) keep a31 improve- <br />ments er&ted on the land insured a% may he time to ante k:v% Nmeficiary against Ios,,,0tii:1ire and c+.ther hazards; casualties <br />and contirtgertcies. in such amounts, and for such pewids as are reasonaN eF,tall may be required bystvcficiary ,nd to keep all policies <br />of such instirance in farce or effect upim the prt�nerty itereirs d'ascribed 6 %nstantly assigned and delivered t <. 1�imc:ficiary; (3) pay and <br />comply with all the terms and conditions of any lien, claim qs ittlebtedrio ; that may be senior to or take p rc!iscience over this Trust <br />Deed as soon as any such payment tin or of such lien. claim fir e,debratir. s shall itectime due; and upor. failure of Trustor to keep <br />any said agreements, beneficiary may pay Stich tax, pay toy such insurancjrc,f pay off such liens or claims or indebtedness as the case <br />may be, and the money so expended. with Interest at 9';.. per annum. Alai; be secured by this Trust Heed, and the Trustor agrees to repay <br />the same upon demand. and upon failure to do so the balance of the attached note %hall become immediately due and payable at the <br />option of the beneficiary. (4) specifically confer upon the Trustee the poise► of sale as provided In Nebraska law: (5) retain possession <br />of the premises and collect the rents and revenues iberefrom. <br />Upon payment of all the suns secured by this Trust i)avd; file Beneficiary shalt rupw."T the' ) flstee to ryt t)rsYCy the property and ' <br />shall surrender this Trust Deed and all notes et idencirg indebtedness secJSa l by this Trust Veed it.), the Trustor. Trustee shall reconvey <br />the property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled thim -,o); but if default be.nrMe in the payment of said note or <br />any part thereof or any of the interest thereon when due or in the faithful` otformancra any cur eiiher of said agreements as aforesaid. <br />then the whole of sand note shall become due and he paid as hereinafter prnvided, amd, tli:s deed shall remain in force. the Trustcc or <br />his attorney may pniceed to sell the farotxrty tit its cnttrety or in parcels at the opioii'�Nf'the Trustee hereinbef'ore described at public <br />aucti m. to the highest bidder, for cash. llowetier. the Iktwer of safe herein conferred upon the Trustee shall not be exercise -d until (1) <br />the Trustee shall first file for record, in the office of the register of deeds of each county wherein the trust property or some part or <br />vamel thereat is situated. a notice of default, :drntifying the T'rusice by stating the name" of tite Trustor and Ilar;tas therein .Ind giving <br />the boat and pale wheel the sans rs recoulcd. a de tripiton of the trust property, and ct ontatning it statement that,) breach of art ofillmalron <br />fix which the trust property was conveyed as security has occurred. and Setting f!irtdi the nature of such breach and pt his electitin to <br />%tit rx czue to fie r� suteh pmpimy To satiefy the t3 illation. aril! ( 2) altet rite ljp%C t 11' Ifi:,t tcs% than tine month. file TrtMCC shall Fite <br />notice of sate 1st provided fey Nehra%ka taw. After rushee of default and lapse of not Icss than one n:uitth, the trustee 41-111 Fir„ wrtttelt <br />Lnotice the time ant, rime of ale partreuUtly deurihing the property to be sold by publicatam of such entice. at tent (ice times. <br />(once a week Lit flir- ctitt'nuilve w►tets, the last putdlcaticm to hr at least 10 days but nor more than V trays pru!r to the sate. Iu Sonic <br />newgyper ti ac:ng a gerietal circul,ltion to each county tit aeh!ch the property tot Pie sol1 or setne part them of. v, situated. !'purl such <br />Salle tf".c Irt,wtee Shall citec ale And deliver a (awed c f ce3mesance 0, the property sold to the purchaser or purdm%ers tltercot and any <br />OAC11 ent !°r fccltal14 I,et utstkh deed in relititm to the elect tse!tf lute tk °wetof safefsr d-- :tlevf tte pn,,%,tt%eoscr!`vtt the -ten- inth!d!ng <br />lco!"!'y L +41LCtmhx cunt n!_r11!i!p p:r4:Klll tiol' + :zty and publicaumn €'f fi:e rutice .+t defauls_ i1tr. in f)jing arld lull' PIIM1L:aI 1i . ;ltd juvding <br />!,f r!: >t!:C !'f 4 rye, anvil ir:e t ie!!iltit r : sale. a!td Stith rcotat 111.111 Lon"tittile prima Noe o idence t,t stuJit l': !Il(!ll.ilit:l soild k!,!!t hl, II% t• et ittelice <br />iffft-'1 In f :: +r t.-T N'It., f.,d:., purt:hasrn ;iltid rtltutrshrtrt ;:C -i (ttr *,Aluc ar d KI ` <br />t !w!' t it t'� Ili Re lfll,.tCc � t =iicl ;, t,;,, fps it,!ItiCt <br />::o: -:l 1, x-1710 0RrY 1 <br />