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71_ <br />D. UNIFORM SECURi'i'Y INSTRUMENT; QOVF NIW. , LAW: % RAINI,i1 V _ - <br />Unifotm Covenant 15 of the Security Instn aent is amended to read as fNlours:. . <br />13. U arm seewHy lirgmrnat: Gewtrubs Low; SewerNM+ty. This 154ret of 5eWift Instrument comp(ttes uniform covenants for national use <br />i� at'td nwt•tmifnrm covenants with limited asriatio ss by jurisd!ien to conoltant a!: uniform security' instrurnew covering real property. This <br />j Security Instrument shati'be governed by Federal law and the,law of the jtxt'ati� in which the P operty is located. In the event that any <br />provision or clawe of this Security Instrument or the Note cearict: utt9. appli!GabW law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this <br />Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effectt without the conf51.-ft, i rovision, and to this end the provisions of this Security <br />Instrument and the Noteare declared to be severable. <br />` tit .'i. `r,.• :.f.;�:y:;3 yz;F',. <br />+CG : to;+'{` k�.+. 1VYt°.•: &p1;iir�':i4isi:'tfSrtN�ii'.::" <br />M, Trii'twif rO #Ae or at Ilettttficiat laterest In fforrawr0'* o of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />(ot if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Bi:rrpwer is not a natural person) without Leader's prior written coasertt, <br />Lauder may, at Lender's option, declare all the suing uauv:d h`., ,i'an► +r curies Instrument to be immediately due and payable. However, this <br />option shat! not be exercised by Lcndcrif excise in not authorised by R-dcral taw. Lender may waive the exercise of this option if. (a) Borrower <br />causes to be submitted to Lender information re4uirei! 6 tenct�,r to eratuatc the intended if a new loan were being made to the <br />tramferaet and (b) Lender reasunabty defetmovs rl•x.: t;74, -%'•. ttvuiity will not be impaired by the loan assumption and that the risk of the <br />breach of any covenaw or agrttmcitt in thN Srmrits. ht,5 t IM17 + P. ac';cptable to I.tnder. <br />To the extent lximmird ter appl,,ahle t.iw, I en:l: r nisi v ve it i cason3ble fee as a condition to f.tnder's con-init to the loan at,%umption. <br />Lender msy also rcyt: c +hc l rJ !',I;r a ur sect, t:'F IN., n, ,iw 4.1.-t•!c ane!tts made in the Nn,. an.! m chi,; 44turity livatutrnni. <br />It Lcrtdcr cw_'i <.inat t,r,i!. ,r to .i�.a1 +r.,t l t • .:: A . , ,i it, itftF%cr notice cif ,at, O i atuoi to a«uidance with paragraph 14 hereof. <br />Such noucc shall pros, idea 1,,m oil Of rant bli,; th.trt i +, tJ.i , t. ,iir •n. !Jw the notice is mailed a luaus. sihlch Borrower may pay the suns declared <br />due. If th- ttrowet (wt-. t:+ pay ,-ucl! •.ara:s rr,,sr 1,? r'n: c'c;:i:.,':::..if ,,,ti period, larder nmy, - •.itiwut lunhcr notice or demand on Borrower, + <br />invoke any retncdics ( ^,:rniitt:d Fy i'tt,, Seers it q l i:,) rouii:r;i ` <br />"Notwithstaudkrig n sale cr t iamfer, will c +)rtrn:t,;r i.; iic obligated under thr Note ,:nd this Security Instrument unless Lender has <br />F. LOAN CHANGCS <br />rt:kastd Bcxrorvcr in writing." ' <br />if the loan st:cuted bz 11^c Sccuriry Errs: tree r:: is "ubjcm I,, o lam which sets mmi,mins loan chatt•ges, and that h.t,. is €inAl) inicipreted so - <br />dial the interest or cifW it"an charges Celleet:l cr 1") 111C coil;:: ;,;,t rte connection %ith the tr+;tn ex«cvd pernnitiled lir+lit -., the.: (1) any such loan <br />charge shall be reduced by t.te ar to in, ncccnzary to reduce IIt:! Cl to the ftetmitted ►unit; and (2) any suns alrr:!as a+'i: �t;ct frurn borrower <br />which exi:Wcd aermined limits will. trersfanded tf`s fiorrtmer. l.t::�I -: trnay chwi3c to inakc W4 — .,:•fund by reducirig the p, iric:;^ ,.-wed under the <br />Note or by making o direct pavincnt tcDermnver. 1Va rcfuia) iodm o prinopal., tt!: redmtoti will he treated is a rtrtia► under the <br />IN t 9.VNV•;SS WHg:RRAF, Od.T.lutntr k1wexectited thls, A QoyUhle Hate Rider. <br />(Seal) <br />Jams H. Slog( <br />ptt ttrtkkut rt; <br />(Seal) <br />WkkuwL• k <br />--- - - - - -- - - - - ---- _-- -_ —_-- (Seal) t. <br />- Ht)RROWt:R _ <br />(SIGN Okit 4NAL t)NIM) <br />iu <br />" Ci N <br />rn <br />j 4 W Cl <br />n 1 <br />i <br />N <br />