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3"" of Naerada . Deed of Trust. <br />321- 1343492 -703 <br />. 7iilt essi ex; 71rwt1, (••ferocity htstrtuncttt ") a *WAk ott Atjght 15 <br />1! 99 'rira tfuatior is WMERT F SOIUTTE AID W INDA iii SC.IUTTE N LMAN+Q AND WIFE <br />(•'sown w" ). Titetnsstee is <br />Cf3R/81CIAL FEDEAft SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 1"T"'siv"r. The beiterki" is <br />COLW" FEDERAL SAYIIM EM , which is iortall"M Wild egains <br />MAW the ban of NEB . ants whose adldevu is 1371 20H WE" <br />Cad111I1i1S. NE 6W1 t "1.tader'h• <br />1YWwwolfh That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter desallied andertated, aod'the rim of One Dollar <br />(ft), to Was is hood said by the Tn atee, the recipe of whirls is hereby ackwwtedgid::drms by tbeae taresean grant, bargain and sell, <br />oxirm =a confirm. unto the Trustee. forever. all of the fowwing described, real aaiatj�, situated tyips and bolas in the County of <br />HIM.L . and %W of Nebraska, to wit: <br />•LO? ONE 11,111.111111M TlMlTY -ONE f i.2)) IN WEST LAW. IN THE CITY OF _ ISLlMD, HALL COUNTY, <br />• Ss <br />J� <br />THE RIDERS TO THE DEED OF rMST ATTACHED HEWTO AND EXECUTED OF'EVEN DATE HEREWITH IS <br />INC[MiPORATEO HEREIN 00 THE COVENANTS AND AOEEIENTS OF THE RIDER SHALL AMEND AND <br />SUPPLEMENT THE COVF"WTS AM ASREEMENTS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br />which has the address of 1616 M HUSTQq , 0VM I S LMQ <br />(ciso <br />Nebraska ( "Property Address-1i; <br />'•;.5 :... <i ��,� coon ',,,i <br />t 14411iim' 'ang lf1i.HIeM the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto beior iaN and iu&zbV au hating, <br />pluinbiet` sad IVUI041 fixtures and equipment, Y.Ow or hereafter attach o or used in cv- nnodki T with MA real estate unto the <br />Trustee, and to n: wcctstors and assigns, fonder. The Borrower repnerents to, and covet anti wfi7 oil ,.e Trustee. that the Bartni% ver <br />has good right to sell and convey said premi*05S that they are free from encumbrance; x-A that ttic4oriower. will warrant axd itefen6 <br />the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Sorrowei' lloieby relinquishes an. i3bl^s of homestead. and <br />all as hal tights, either in law of in equi(y. and all other contingent interests of the Swower in and to the a>iity d- described pretniaes. <br />the intention hring:iv convey hereby an absolate title, in fee simpk. including all rights of homestead. and other rights and interests <br />as aforesaid. 1 <br />Flow Aiwililw and these presents are executed and delivered unto the 'trustee. in trust. however for the following purposes: <br />Wrenn. the Burrower on ;ahr 15th . day of Au��gt . 14 99 . berrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of Thirty -'OA8 TOM M:nd Nine Hull F jftr End N0 "f00 ---- - - - - -- <br />wTw•.Y!�,-.--- <br />.�.- __--- «- -....- _--- __w__w -- $ ( 31,950.00 -). for which <br />sum the Borrower hacS a c' : and s er f to the Lender Be rowfi s rcomissory note of evert dolt, bearing; <br />interest at the rate n5• Ff 9m AM-1 l9n'tY- IA%lft WIlOIM 8.8M Irt) p ff magmon the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal ad interest shall be payable at the office of CO UMS FEDERAL SAVtMUS SANf. <br />in COLUMNS. ME , of at such ofkr place at the holder of the note <br />may designate in *Titing. in monthly installments of TWO Hun&ed F fty —Ftw and 33'A01) -----w------------- <br />tlollais tf �s.� ), commencing on the lfint day of , <br />19 -- , and on Me first day of each month thRi'7fi e4til the prixW and interest are fully pain, except that �etsim-yttxM of <br />;rind sold iMerest. if not sooner paid. shall be due and payable on the first day of SCpttlMtber ' <br />20 t9. <br />This form Is used in connection with mortgages Insure4 under the one• to. four-family programs of the National Mousing Act which pro- <br />vide foe nariodia MortaKia insurance Premium payments. - <br />r:Jr• <br />Form MMMI 110V Editidni — - — <br />Pags t of 5 _1I01�200.117ta) <br />FUpnn*d 2-M <br />• 3 <br />r <br />} <br />r <br />