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L <br />lenmw rawd Il,eabtr cove ...t alai afore ,r Etas"$: <br />1. That Borrower will pay the indebtedness, as herein Wine, <br />prmided. Ptit ilew is reserved to pay the debt in #tole .�r irr,)3 r <br />on any instaHment due date. <br />2. 7Mt. together with, and in addi(foa wL the mewliflt <br />payments of pritacipal aaW interest yaatable up4er the torts .e €. the <br />note secured hereby, thef$orrottrer• will Fay i.3 Ma tender, on the' <br />first day of each month until the said note ►a `fully raid. ilte <br />fdbwiag sums. <br />(a) <br />Amount sufficient to provide the 3 rider: hereof with: Wrttf'.5' <br />to pay the rust ruortlage insurance Premium. it' 111W insirutrictir and <br />the note secured hereby are insured, er a ntatttlttg ch1r;)r tin lieu <br />of s m orrSW insurancv prerniumt if thtr era ltKkt by tilt <br />Secretary of Housing acted Urban ikv"eltsptrsam, pit f•,,Uows: ' <br />(1) If and so long *as said taste• of evert drum and. ibli. iirimur <br />meet are insured or aftr:•rnnsured under the pira+i 64!gt pf fie M;r <br />tiotfal Housing Ala.. am ;p?rounr suificicnt ru ac.Uffttfl a fif;,i . ;:. <br />hands of the holder um"�litl?raonth.4wlc.: to its diie-daw t alfnw <br />miongalle insurance:pmrmliM. Iff :'t5rs i ota provide such holdcg <br />funds to pay such pier dUM�le firs is*iretary of Housittg ar :-f b , <br />ban Development put$ag Housing Act, as <br />amended, and appl ::r � i�4uta[ionft; thereunder: or <br />(11) If and w'l*e is said mote of cten date and this instrli_ <br />merit are hdd bt' the 5egetar; of Housing and Urban Dc%clvi5 ­ <br />anent. it •,r.,ectthlN charge (in lieu of a morngage utmrance <br />:re err an 1tx ouEgt ea)ual to otte•Iwelfth C1,12) of 0:7i:_ ' <br />per cMt!.`f 6f''hC average 41utstardinf ;.411ance due or. <br />file no'w %;Ofttpt►tcd "- 44,bwlt taking into acxonr•t t af5t1{ucnties or <br />prepagrnrnrs; , <br />(b) 11 !v. -ens equal to the ground rymas. if any, next Aue. plus t:t <br />premiumx at will nevi ticwn-te dti ttYFN ra"Mc. on potwics o <br />fire and other hazard tnsurancc lave, <br />and assessments next due t +;t the properey b► the <br />(ender) less all --unit already paid therefor do. i4ke ' h) the number <br />of months to claps: before one I t) month prior to the Late v hen <br />such ground cants, prcimums, taxc, atA a- sessmenis wilt ht -c+•ct <br />delinquent, such suns to t►e held !-+) :,ender in trust to pay tier <br />ground rents., prcntiums, tales and stv:tal aswo-ment,, and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two prc:Oing rttbscaotit of <br />tins t+atagraph and all payments r:> tx made ender the note <br />secured herby shall be added yore.' ;tiCr, and the <br />thereof ilk +'j be paid by the 1)orfcY*r, aa,h month to a stn f.,r: , ^, °•a:; <br />merit to be applied by the I cider to thr follov -utg lien„ ill site` <br />order set forth: <br />' (1) premium charges under the wutra,t ++f rttturan ;r <br />the Sevietaty of "outing and t'th,to M.W[opmrnt. Or III utlt° . <br />t:harge fin lieu of meng. ge insimince premium.►, as the cz.-e eta) <br />be; <br />111) ground rtri' <'. 'caaes, asccstmenrt, f :;0, c, »d oftr,haratd <br />insurance premiums; <br />(llf) interest on the note s::urcJ herehs., <br />tIL ") attse•rtitsttt;z• of the prinovaf of tatd ^tr,; and <br />It') late charf;w <br />89-104313 <br />more than fifteen (IS) days in arrears to cover the extra expettse <br />involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />J. That if the total of the payments made by the Borrower <br />under (b) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of <br />paytnews actually trade by the Lender for ground rents, taxies and <br />a tscs< nets or insurance premiums, as the case may be. such ex- <br />c if tilt ban is ctt:rettt. at the option of the Borrower. shall be <br />tr +zs3it{a1 =bt =, the Lender on subsequent payments to be made by the <br />8it04we .,' or refunded to the Borrower. If, however, the monthly <br />payments made by the Borrower under (b) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall not be sufficient to pay ground rents. taxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may be. when the <br />same shall become due and payable. then the Blorrovver shall pay <br />to the Leader any amount necessary to mate up the deficiency. on <br />or before the date when payment of such grottrrd rents, taxes, <br />assessments, or insurance premiums shall be due. If at any time <br />the Borrower shali tender to the Lender, in accordance with the <br />prmasirsas of the note secured hereby. NIS payincirt of the emcee <br />irideN, s represented thereby. the Lender shall, in computing <br />tS a u'x of such indebtedness, credit to the account of the Bor- <br />rita'c �T,i :Paymcnts trade under the provisions of (a) of paragraph <br />the Lender has not become obligated to pay to the <br />Sc' -i ref Housing and Urban Development and any balance re- <br />MCI arM in the fund; acatmulated under the provisions of tb) of <br />parnccaph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under an) of the <br />provisions of the, instrument resulting in a public sate of the <br />premises coteret) hereby, of if the Lender a:i)L + +!es the property <br />otherwise after default, the Lender shall apg : +3, :fit. ;(he time of the <br />corps moatrent of such proceedings. or at the ^:rp_- the property is <br />ci : °,rnntva at.juircd. the halan.c their remainizg,m. :1w t'�t _rr ac- <br />t: -4, under I li) of paragrap :� 2 precedmo,',as. G 'c_'*�ct n.� ainst <br />tf C' : ;^.!l :itr ,►t €nA : y +ak then remaining unp•:tir .Qpaq''t <br />and sl;,fll prol�ri!,. ?use any payments suns :tr.sttaif have been <br />mate •under iu) oV 'ruragraph 2. <br />4. Mat the No:rot-rr gill pay ground rents., tares. assessmems, <br />stater rate., and other governmental or mupicipat charges. fines, <br />or unposuions, for tthtcli prottsion has not been made <br />hcrernhefore, aria c.o ,Sefault thereof the lender eta) pay the same; <br />and that th, Ito ;row r -till prom,'I► dclittrr the offi;ial receipt, <br />there.;: u, to the I alder. <br />1f1, iiortoaer stilt pay all caves. --lush may be lentil upon <br />the ImMer's iotoe!f- in taut real estate ,trod improvcnicnts, and <br />vthtea may he 14a.tid apQn this instrument or the debt secured <br />hereby (but onto t:: : :re extent that such 1s nit: ;1 n!!tb "ed (t5 lave <br />.vud wnty to the c+ttent that sucL —%ill not make <br />hit ctauding any rncuutc tax. Sz.ite or Icdoal. ;,s, <br />I entter, and -till file the otfioat receipt shovtirq y.r; . payment <br />lath the Lender ( -pun tioiauon of this urtf.+ :u,4,mj, or it the <br />Wirouer t +prohfhitctf by any iavv tiros of cxTvntcr exWing from <br />whole or an) the aforesaid tares, it upon <br />f:x f mk9e'ririg of arty court del ma- grohibiting the payinct•.,jny the <br />fie- frt,nfer of art) such talcs.:;; .!. such latt or decree prov:•4r_•s that <br />any antr,u11t so ra:.I t-y flit: I;,` reI shall he :rednrd on the debt, <br />the I cider shall the right .r, ifnc omwfs Jays' written nofite <br />to fl:e u-tncr of the pictmsct, fc: • c'rtna fhr , +ayment of the debt <br />i t , - gat, mace be Etter. the sac•:• dvfta•.thall betonte due. ra ia!lle <br />.ice: ;:;,LiFtBtihle at the expiation of said ninety (lays, <br />ii <br />Her r,: <br />Any 4k,66erwy in the amount of suit aggregate monthly pay- 6. -that should the Ilorro%%or fail to pa) any sum or keep any <br />merit si;rili unless made good by the Inc +ti +over r:utr to the d ;w cotenant provided for in this instrument, then the I ender, at nt <br />date of ate next ouch payment. constitute art event of default <br />under this monpage. T'fe Lender may collet a ")ate charge" riot opt. ^,,n, mac pay u` perform the taste, and all rxpendtr e, sue <br />to exceed• four delfts (44) for each dollar 131) of cash payment <br />�. Page 2 of S HUO -fYit ayly'p <br />, <br />r' O <br />