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r <br />r <br />MoFffGAGE 89- -10430 7 <br />THIS INDZUT1/RS. am& Ob - 9th ---_ day of August 11 89 • by and batwame <br />Robert J. Broomfield and Lynette L. Broomfield, Husband and Wife <br />of wall C"WMW r , aW Now YederalSaOaOaadLoaaAINdmi "OfGtaMMaai.a'R Iot+tfoa <br />adaayt M safatimi aatdrr tftrta�s at`.the.tMW SWmo of America wit► is Oiaaipai offt sad *= of baaina It O M/ iaimi. Nabauk&- as <br />MNESS H- -flntwdta100jpir ,... .forudincommilwatimeftherm Eight Thousand and no /100- - - - - -- <br />� W <br />— iL.I ----- - --- - -- <br />Iiereeeiptorwkidniabneb ,Ubdwirftlsd.ds es bytbpeptpemttraortpteeMd Y; f., PJW atl�aa�aaa�a�m•. <br />(mover, all tw f owimdaaibtd rear satatc.litu4w w the Cawety of Kali ,. <br />of land , corr•.prising the South Four Hundred Forty -Two (442.{) Feet. >3 ttie <br />:Fast Half of the-,Southwest Quarter (EJSW4) of Section Twenty -Two ,(22),• T61nd p <br />leti (?v-) Nortrt, Range': �t�dne (B) crest of tie 6th P.m., Hall County; Neil e <br />excepting therefrom that.part thereof coo`seyed to the State of Nebraska by Dim d - <br />recorded in 8cdk­71 :, at Page 524 of the Deed-Records of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Toptbr with all heatiMS, air coa"W"iet. hbtf, cad plumbMW @Wipweent and faturea. uwiudirtp screow. awaisp. atom wieadowa and <br />dears. mad window *bWo or bkkWo. used on or in ccnnaetiva with said pr+opaM whether the acme are xw.focaw on said property Itwatter <br />pYed eiweaw. . <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. topther with aA and einpintr.900 rrtrecatVO, hwwitammnte and appwsmaaaeem thersunto be " <br />imylmd. w is &Aywin appwisising, forever, and wanast the title U, 1200 Wee. :dab tgiorssiW -baby i�vVinads ----w" said <br />msNpave teat they---.- . at the delivery hereof, thvtit<wfui owner$ -of the pwadees oboe convoyed and drocribsd, <br />rind dry . , - awed of o peel and ,adwaasible Create of isbaritenos tkouvw. Irm ad Clear of au.tiurivitnbraax a4 and then t he _.IL_ will <br />wseretnt and daunt the brim Lbmv o keow adman the claws and dMUMM of ail pWrerfeu whome"mr. <br />I►lif)1ilD�D ALVIrAYSa., mirdhsitie irnstrtnrmorrt u W3mtutad Seel 8efivend to ascvre eM payaaat of the sum d . _. _ - -. �- <br />--��t �. f3tItIS% �1. �^.;.- s7+'', �« �- i1�Z. Q�- _----- •---------------- - - - -r_ -- t�lYnli..�o�.l� 1• <br />with W"" M tisteaw.: +:Mat`, W wi�b M* dean sad advances w may be dw sad psysbb to amid msetppe under the terms and eatditioea <br />deb wwmimme� %%*4f evmt•,ci'ateiswwwrth and secured hereby. eaecutail 1.y saW mo tiasor -s,_ . to aaid morlp4m. payable as uptessed <br />in said rite; aad a saRtwa tAw prfernnoe of all the urmW and conditKm coataim d d rain. The tonne of Mid uAw ere Mwby incorporMWd <br />hums by tbis retneace. <br />It le tIr iatWatinm ace/ yelnaiant of tkm pmatia iareto that tie nwet�r ahmU also eeesnre..y tutors advaacso randt. to said wsertpsoaEa -.-- <br />byaid wntpapmw. atad any and ail iairiWrdasas in addition to tha armwius shwa A& Wd wkir:b curl rteontPOM, or any of tbna, MW owe to <br />aid moetppr, ib+rtwer tvWWg i d. wbatipe 6y aott. book account or oiia"im. This tnur4pp OW ennain is full lam nd mliistt; Iw9wean <br />tea pwOm hotMte and OAsr b0ti pot aai mpeartmtevee, fuaeems cad amips. uaW all mmmamra won& bMFWMW r. ineiwi'rsp future <br />a vown. are pmid in NO er"0 W rest. <br />The mmrtda -s raaby eomicas _ w said mortpg= all rests sad Wcww arbft at may and all tuns dram said property and <br />lweby autltsAW amid M atffew or NO WK. at its aptiom. upon default, to take Sherds d mM pbtpwty and collect all rants and income <br />tberebma awl: so* des sense to rim maw d sa aat, principal. Mauraaoe pseniuna. tames; awnmamamu. repairs or improvasaWnts <br />esanamty Mielp,lmid ptaprmty le taaMSbis aoaikiaa, at to Miter eioripae wr pmynaate pswridai fWr Wro(m er fi tiaras bweiy aetmed. This <br />seat asriMtwmt WW1 arMinao in faaea rea41 tic aasmid 6mYaoe d amid mane is rutty pod. The tabiad of pom emaien hamu"Ot shag in no rrrannw <br />resat or retard aaM asttp/n is the collection d amid now by loroeiesure or athmrwmw, <br />Tb* bit* of 0* mmsrttpsils r mmamR ary d its riRhtW isrettmdee at awry tires simll Sot bs o saMtyed r • wWrfwr d ire ro assert She <br />math at may Ww Limn. mad to insist spas and awferae street ceospliemce m-th ail the terms and prmrnwm of said note and of this nnrt sge. <br />It eW nwfdapse s WWI ewe to be paid to Said msrtrm/w tie entire aaamat due it herwnder. sad under the tWrnn mod provisions <br />of maid was frreby aaaamed, weld fns Mara adverse, and any eato mioms or renwaie thereof in accordance with tie term sad provisions <br />tareaf. and H MM MOMW r 5 doll cif► witb all eN PIWIWeam d "M NO mmd d thin recetpde. than thaw prese s abaci be void: <br />rw6 i.mi0siiii SaIi"O"4:". sip: s:: 3. -- m—'a— a«sl:i=C_' dtotLc;r-- �"" ctLC!ftiate=- '- y.elt-y.**sOMOOM, <br />ddne tba wb& a/ sail nab MW di ieWsdraas rgrwwr- aw *y to be immMiady due and payable, sod nay tonClsea tbie mnefaWp. <br />ar rim mryr adw I d =Mw M WaOM We r*U. Apprmiaasat waivW. <br />Tbie mwWw mall be Mellor on aatd eW •acme to the benefit of the Main. rmacutoKa, Wdmirustratore. auccemaors aced amiew of the <br />low ive /arum WOW. <br />IN WAISSM WHL1 WIF. mid UwsoRwe w his uE! htrauato eel,} tied hwo _ra._ thedgy artA,ypar fine above <br />A L( A. 13f'''r. <br />i?chert !irr�fi��lc! <br />Vu }S f? L/. psi`- __�_K�,f <br />S_ <br />,- <br />