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<br />I The bask value of each "and W* away aly with the waintage which rich write shall on in the wimw of and tie rights in the neon eikamb are all fdbwiv
<br />W ft VNLOW Share d EICaMIa1M IN
<br />1 0 2 Wm 1125.50 4000 a 1
<br />2 0 11111110 MR 41010 W 1
<br />A
<br />The talmieg corahnhbe, oonditioas and nstram misting b this oon"olun note! shall run with floe Mat shall be binding upon all gruft deviseet haortAeslses and
<br />any other pasha NW= this pfooft iaduding fM !crams wMo sown the Interest of the ownar tbm* tmlosa ealoraesant of say Ilan or otharw+at
<br />a, The Pinewood Oordomhniuei Owners Assosdtbon, Inc., a Nebraska 110111 - profit corporation, has been Incorpo ft b trrovide a +,Moll for the repetgenet of the mndoeinival
<br />wised+ aWW ibndodnham Property Ila9aae fltrR s created in Brentwood Third Subdivision. The owner d earn suite m each d the such mndoWnia shed wbmstiaVy be deemed
<br />a awefber of the Astoddion upoo, the fling of the Master Deed crating such mndoninle. The By -Laws d said Araoodation an also the By -laws of this oondoamirrn preen rag +eha
<br />W are OKM bent as Exhibit W. After ame thanone mndoatnio property regime feaeW in Brentwood Third Subdivision, the expaf wd the Aal Mon shall be erioabed
<br />a provided in Ard& W, Section 14 of those By-lore,
<br />b. All general ooem eWwts an for the is and enl yment of all owners, The limited co mom elem b an for the exclusive use of the owner of the alb or Was to
<br />which they anapilurbanK his fn>fly, guests, servants, and invi0les. The ownarehlp of the ooaeaorh elmts shall roWn undivided, and no peen or owner shall bring my action
<br />for the partition or division of the coaron !lemma The Associatlah sha!I from time to tim establish rules and regulations for the use of the inenon etema % and all owners and
<br />um n shall be bound Mo eby. The Aseodation shell have the sole juriiidlietion over and resociWilllity for alterations, Improvatants, repairs and Wnbmnoe of the common elmtL
<br />The An of an owner in the common elements is appurtenant to his or tar suite and inseparable from suite ownership. Assawnnts against owners for insurance, oomean elmamt
<br />expeto and raser�os, and for other explrses incurred by the Association shall be made pursuant to the By -laws, Assessments made within thirty (30) days after the date when due
<br />j shall not bear Interest, but all sums not paid within said thirty (30) day period shall bear Interest at the highest legal rate frog due date until pak, If any owner shall fall or refuse
<br />v make any paynmt of such aesssments when due, the amount ,hereof, plus Interest, shall constitute a lien upon the owner's Interest In his or her suite and In the property, and
<br />upon the recording of such lien by the Assodaton in theOffice of the Register of Deeds of Nall County, Wake, such not constitute a Ilan prior and preferred over all *, r
<br />Ilens and ens Araw except swine ntsr, lies and charges for totes past due and unpold on the suit and mot prior duly recorded mortgage and Ilea Instrualefhb.
<br />C. Each owner shalt to resporhslble:
<br />(1) To aWntetn, repair and repleoe, at his expense, dl portlont+ Of his or her suite a gangs which
<br />a set forth In Artde V, above.
<br />12) To aakhbin and repair or replace a necessary all utilities within that owner's suite or gauge
<br />Vat suite or garage.
<br />13) To refrain from painting, decorating or changing the appearance of any portion of the atersor of
<br />writing.
<br />are not included in the definition of am elahahts, except
<br />and any damage to the am utilities mused by use within
<br />the suits or garage unless approved by the Aseodetim in
<br />d. Each suit shall be used and occupied only by one femiii, its Wwts and guests as a residence and for no other purpose. No suite auy Ire subdivided into a fnaiter
<br />suit nor any portion, thereof add or tramWW without the owner first aawnding ibis theater Deed.
<br />L RD practice or toOWl be penfdtted on thecondom►niun property or in my suit or garage which shag bean annoyance toothier owners or reilicents of the area cr wnkh
<br />aha11 Interfere with their paa;Ieffrl use and enjoynnt of their property. All parties of the property and of the suites and garages shall be kept den and smiOry and no 6u hereof
<br />shall be made which oorhatitutes a violation of any laws, roningordhnanou, govarne ental regulatlorn or regulations of the k%oclation. Trash, ashes, or other refuse shall not be thrown.
<br />plod, or dumped upon any vaant building site it the area. No one shall fix or repair vehicles on the condominium property except minor routine repairs of vehicles owned by the
<br />owners. No vegetable gardens shill be allowed on IN mndannium crgDerty except for designated arras not exceeding fib soun feet acd located within 20 test of the outside perineter
<br />of the cordamldun property. Ay gardens are to be wail- Wiltarned and shall be kept free of weeds at all tines, The board of Adantrarcrs may abblbh fro tin to time rules and
<br />regulators tegerding gardn end other uses and ormM of rwrers or reddeMs of the oondoavnim
<br />f. The owner; of loW suites In this andonie nay at any time in wrnting, duly ackrowiedged nd revaec, effect an snhsndeient to this ,taster Deed and to the O -laws
<br />..A .1� MMM w A e bwrufMn w6m wMMw,. SWAM^ RIAMW " !tai f1 IIuF e„rl, MMifineinn dull Mr N hintllne ante env arenrla first renelm balder! of roesrd
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<br />woo said #edification to ON approval of that mortgage holder: and provided, hrrtiwr, Mat m tarmination say be agreed upon without sixty 160) days prior written notice to m! No
<br />will nd do Association.
<br />g Nousehaki on within the cordominia will be subject to regulation, restriction, schism, and spacial assessatent a may tee determined by the Ass 0tion from time to tiaw>I,
<br />Awrwngs, sun screens, parr We Walsion or other antermn, abelfik dishes, gray or parking of boats campers, trailers, We hm enunpni nt, machinery or siM, etas shall all
<br />be sabjad to regulations, roodon, axdusion and special assessant by the Am Mon. Uses of the eomaon elrhents for other irvpbW or poultry upon the consort even n,.3 cr
<br />other tin narrational purposes is omhibihd, All garage doors oust remain !bead at all haws except when are are entering or exiting the garage space. Individua garbage tips
<br />or trash receptacles and an to he patented outside only in area designated thenfor by the Assoaation. wood piles, cloftlines, mil clothes tw pre will lot subjat to regulation,
<br />nstrktion, exdruhon, and special aaaassnnt by the AAisodaation. Outride use or storage of barbecue grills will be subject to regulation, raft bon or exclusion by the Assaiatim,
<br />No outbulldinga or other strueteree my be erected on the condominium property without the written oonsaht of the Board of Administrators No playground soeipaterd may be erected
<br />Lon the mndaainium property without the written portent of the Beard of Adoinistratore
<br />kwoloper shall give written rda to the 1Wl Qwnty Aee m d the craten of the mrgomnin orowe reo,ew ao that each sideor garage. AWding the uaOriao interest
<br />in the oommorh elemnts appurtenant thenfa s!W, to deemed a or=s end SAW 10 separate r+uessment e^d texatac
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